Middelburg/Witbank against TracN4tollfees@middelburgplaza/30tripcard-tagrulemustfallawat
They are very unfair to us the locals(Middelburg, 2018-07-30)
Expensive price must fall(Middelburg, 2018-07-30)
I am a Tax payer(Middelburg, 2018-07-30)
I'm signing because I support the group about all the complaints they lodged against TRAC Middelburg Plaza.(Middelburg, 2018-07-30)
This is a rip off(Witbank, 2018-07-30)
The tollgate must fall. To expensive. I pay exttra for fuel and road repair. High tax on everything.(Middelburg, 2018-07-30)
I am travelling through th tollgate twice a day five days of the week and the R555 is too busy and extremely dangers with all the mines and trucks around! This is daylight robbery!!!(Middelburg, 2018-07-30)
Why in all that is holy did anyone divide 2 towns so interdependent on each other. All that happened was the senseless death of any many lives on the R555.stop this madness. And where did that strip of road improve.(Witbank, 2018-07-30)
This is crazy , we pay a lot of money everyday(Middelburg, 2018-07-31)
It must fall(Middelburg, 2018-07-31)
Why should I pay to travel to witbank(Middelburg, 2018-07-31)
To expensive to travel between Mburg and Wbank(Middelburg, 2018-07-31)
I have to travel the N4 AND Middelburg Plaza everyday to get to work, even with concession I still pay R19.50 per time through the gate and if I am on leave for 5 days or work in Nelspruit my concession is switched to R50.00 per turn and I have to submit a copy of my leave form and ask for it to be installed again. For heaven sakes if my work address is in Witbank no matter how many times I travel through the gate a month or how long I am on leave or sick, I always still have to go back to the same work address.(Middelburg, 2018-07-31)
To expensive(Middelburg, 2018-07-31)
All other Toll Fees are less than R 30.00 (or just over it) - but we must pay R 56.00 (almost R 60.00). If possible we’d appriciate a lesser amount (with almost 1/2)! Thank you...(Middelburg, 2018-07-31)
Use the N4 every day(Middelburg, 2018-07-31)
This is robbery(Middelburg, 2018-07-31)
Daar word geteer op Middelburgers en Witbankers vir hoë kostes on 25 km te ry(Middelburg, 2018-07-31)
They are thieves(Middelburg, 2018-08-02)
i work in witbank.due to increasing fuel costs and the red tape to get a consession card.i travel the death road everyday.
(middelburg, 2018-08-02)
I am retailer situated in Middleburg I often travel to Johannesburg to pick up my stock from varies town I there for urge request the committee to reduce the tall gate rate.at the moment I can not afford to pay those tall fees.thank you.(Middleburg, 2018-08-02)
The toll fees are not affordable and the pricing is ridiculous... we are not seeing the money being used properly as the highways still need work done on them.(Middelburg, 2018-08-02)
It's an injustice to increase tarrifs so often and demand that only one vehicle has to make the required trip quantity(Middelburg, 2018-08-02)
Its a rip off and the rules to obtain the concession its just exploitation(Middelburg/witbank, 2018-08-02)
the Middelburg toll gate is expensive(Middelburg, 2018-08-02)
The concession is not really a concession(Middelburg, 2018-08-02)
I have family living in witbank and spend alot of money every weekend to visit them and the old road is to dangerous to use(Middelburg, 2018-08-02)
Im signing because toll fees are ridiculously high while salaries are still the same,they claim the fees is to fix the roads and what not but our roads are still in bad condition!!They are robbing us!!(Middelburg, 2018-08-02)
It’s too expensive for residents of Middelburg and witbank. As we always use this road!(Middelburg, 2018-08-03)
I’m a resident of Middelburg and this is totally unfair on us. A trip to and from Pretoria costs us over R200 in toll fees alone! I’m a housewife my children are living in Pretoria! This is ridiculous! Even a trip to see a specialist out of town is a nightmare. As loyal residents and taxpayers we get absolutely nothing back in return. This is just so sad.(Mpumalanga, 2018-08-03)
the fees are just to high we work between middelburg and witbank(middelburg, 2018-08-03)
Toll fees are too high(Middelburg, 2018-08-03)
Toll fees are unaffordable(Middelburg, 2018-08-03)
The toll fees are extreme and the old Middelburg road is dangerous.(Middelburg, 2018-08-03)
Its daylight robbery.(Middelburg, 2018-08-04)
I’m signing this because I live in Middelburg and work in Witbank(Middelburg, 2018-08-04)
Your rates are crazy(Middelburg, 2018-08-04)
We the public road users can longer get buy with constant increase in toll fees and fuel.Fuel levy should be sufficient funds. STOP milking us.
(Middleburg, 2018-08-04)
The toll gate fees are too high please they must be adjusted(Nelspruit, 2018-08-04)
I'm signing because the toll is unacceptably expensive...(Middelburg, 2018-08-04)
I travel there daily, have 2 cars now I have to choose which one to use otherwise I won't make the discount, really unfair and unrealistic(Middelburg, 2018-08-04)
Almal kan dit nie bekostig nie.(middelburg, 2018-08-04)
The staff of Middleburg Primary School use this road in their private vehicles to take learners to various sporting and cultural activities in Witbank. The old road is dangerous and we are not prepared to transport learners using it. As most parents work and we as teachers cannot afford R120 a trip learners chosen for Mpumalanga will not be able to attend practices and interschool sport and cultural activities will no longer be VS Witbank but only in Middelburg which is a great shame(Middelburg, 2018-08-04)
Toll gate fee is very high worse now middelburg residence are no longer getting the discount they used to get before. Now your are expected to have morethan 30 trips a month in order to qualify. Toll gate fees must fall(Middelburg, 2018-08-04)
Trac toll fees must fall middelburg and witbank(Middelburg, 2018-08-04)
Trac is killing the economies of Middelburg and Witbank!(Middelburg, 2018-08-04)
I stay in Middelburg and travel to work daily through the plaza. We had to start a lift club due to petrol prices. All of a sudden we lost consession due to 30 days as per phone conversation. I signed for 30 times but no one seems to know about that. Now only x1 vehicle qualifies for consession and that other only for R9.00. Apparently the plaza consession is per vehicle and not per account because both is on the same account.They are ripping us off totally. It cost me as much as R1000.00 per week at some stage. What ever you try to save on fuel they take for toll fees.
(Middelburg, 2018-08-04)
Too high(Middelburg, 2018-08-05)
This is just unaffordable if you work in Witbank and pay R 59 for 30 days(Middelburg, 2018-08-05)
If an individual not business has 2-3 cars and residing in Middelburg and workig in Witbank with an average of 22 working days a month, one cannot have a flexibility of alternating amongst the cars but forced to use only one car to travel to work in order to meet TRAC 30 trips per month, can't they use at least an account like before instead of using individual cars to qualify, new method its a disadvantageOr just minimise the number of trips to 15 per month er vehicle, please consider in looking at other ways
(Middelburg, 2018-08-05)
Fees are way to high!!(Middelburg, 2018-08-05)
We use the road very often and pay, but what about all the road users from Middelburg to Machadodorp that don't pay a cent for example people travelling from Belfast to Middelburg and back.(Middelburg, 2018-08-05)
Toll gate fees between Middelburg and Witbank are too high and old Witbank road is getting too dangerous to drive.(Middelburg, 2018-08-05)
We get ripped off by Trac ....Time for the residents of Witbank and Middelburg to end the abuse !!!!!(Middelburg, 2018-08-05)
Its to expensive(Middelburg, 2018-08-05)
I travel the road everyday! The costs are just way too high.(Middelburg, 2018-08-06)
Costing a fortune to travel(Middelburg, 2018-08-06)
Down with the tollgate!(Middelburg, 2018-08-06)
Toll fees must fall(Middelburg, 2018-08-06)
I live in Mdb and work in Wtb and I cannot travel the toll route because even though the old road is so dangerous and longer for me. I feel the toll should have not been placed between two cities so close. Please give us a better concession even if we pay in advance. Also some people travel 2 weeks of the month with someone else to save fuel so they do not qualify for the full concession. Making the poor battle even harder!(Middleburg, 2018-08-06)
It’s an unfair rule, unilaterally implemented(Middelburg, 2018-08-07)
The amount we pay with discount and all is rediculous and now the discount on our other vehicle has been taken away - really ????(Middelburg, 2018-08-07)
Were paying to much as we drive the N4 daily to work and back. Now they cancelled my second vehicle because its not going through at least 30 times a month(Middelburg, 2018-08-07)
Absurd to charge residents from Middelburg and Witbank this amount to use the tolgate!!!! We pay more on tolgate than on petrol!!! What is happening to the fortune that they make out of all the toll money???(Middelburg, 2018-08-07)
Im driving this road on a regular basis and the toll fees is not affordable at old. The alternative road (old Middelburg road) is very dangerous and there are too many trucks.(Witbank, 2018-08-07)
The fee is much to high and with daily usage I might as well use the old road named the Road of Death(Middelburg Mpumalanga, 2018-08-08)
The fees are too high.(Witbank, 2018-08-08)
Fees must fall(Middelburg, 2018-08-08)
I'm signing this because I live in Middelburg and Witbank is our nearest City and to pay just under R60 every time I want to go shopping (Just under R120 return) is ridiculous!!!(Middelburg, 2018-08-09)
The toll gate is way too expensive for those of us who travel daily. Even the concession is insanely high. Almost R40 per day. And the "30 days traveled in a month to maintain concession" is a ridiculous notion especially when we need to take annual leave or there is an illness involved(Middelburg, 2018-08-09)
They keep on changing the rules without notifying us. Bunch of thieves.(Middelburg, 2018-08-09)
Expensive(Middelburg, 2018-08-09)
The tollgate should never been build between 2 towns that are so integrated with the mine industries. If you have to travel less than 30 days the rates are ridiculous! The alternative road is also dangerous as it is narrow and flooded with mine vehicles and lorries!(Middelburg, 2018-08-09)
It is unfair for Trac to remove our concession and charge Middelburg residents full price!(Middelburg, 2018-08-09)
It’s getting out of hand. Middelburg residents commute between Witbank and Middelburg frequently and the financial implications are horrendous. We know there’s an old road, but it’s unsafe at night.(Middelburg, 2018-08-10)
I’m signing because of the high cost of the toll, R59 if u using the toll road for 20km to witbank(Middelburg, 2018-08-10)
We are pensioners. The petrol price is ridiculously high and we still have to pay ridiculously high toll funds to go to see our spesialists in Pta and Jhb!!! And to visit our family and grandchildren. Please have mercy!!!!(Middelburg, 2018-08-13)
My husband has cancer and the chemo and our doctor is in Witbank, we are Middelburg residents. He was in hospital for 2weeks, the tollfees alone was over R1500. It is really ridicilous!!(MIDDELBURG MP, 2018-08-14)
This is Outrageous!!! I still remember it like yesterday when they stoped us on the way to Pta to ask what we think about the toll gate We said NO But if they have to do it Please put it up on the way to Belfast NOT Between the two towns they said not to worry we will get a good discount. As most other things in this country it was ALL JUST A BIG FAT LIE!!!! I wrote a letter to trac explaining my dr is in Witbank I am battling with my health and have to drive to Pta to see specialists on a regular basis I was hospitalized in Pta Many times and it is SO COSTLY for us as pensioners, My children are staying in Pta but they just refused to give me discount they have no Heart just thinking about there pockets and to hell with all the rest. PLEASE TAKE THEM TO COURT THEY BLATENTLY LIED TO US WHEN THEY PROMISED US DISCOUNT WE ARE OVERBURDENED WITH ALL THE TAXES AS IT IS. PLEASE PLEASE HELP ALL OF US IN THIS REGARD!!!! We are relying on you!!(Middelburg, 2018-08-24)
Everyone is struggling with the price hikes and tollgates dont exactly help.Very few people go through the tollgate 29 times a month as not everyone works ovet weekends.
(Pretoria, 2018-08-27)
The tollgate is a rip off(Witbank, 2019-10-13)