Architects to DOE and EPA Senate Hearing Committees



Climate change will challenge us globally and will threaten our security in ways that are unimaginable. We need political leadership that understands the importance of these challenges and will support scientific research that addresses them.

(Boston, 2017-01-15)


Switching the source to renewable energy is non-negotiable. End fossil fuel subsidies and allow all energy to compete on an even playing field.

(Concord, 2017-01-16)


I am heavily involved in taking action on climate change as it affects public health.

(Cambridge, 2017-01-16)


I care about the future of the environment, natural and built. We need to think about what we are leaving behind for future generations.

(Bozeman, 2017-01-16)


I believe we can be progressive leaders and make a difference in reducing greenhouse gases, protecting the environment and designing smarter buildings! We need federal leadership that will build on our progress and protect the Paris Climate Agreement.

(Boston, 2017-01-16)


I'm signing because I care about the earth

(Concord, 2017-01-16)


I want to leave a livable, sustainable country and planet to my daughters and granddaughter.

(Tucson, 2017-01-16)


This position and agency are critically important v

(Boston, 2017-01-16)


Only with smart government regulations and policies will America become greater tomorrow than it is today. Public and private efforts to grow the economy in ways that will give us improve the environment for all life, support policies that are tied to equity in clean air, water goals and slow the massive growth in methane and carbon levels are the goal. Playing politics as the GOP is doing along with the President elect is regressive and short sighted. Changing policy is good only if the scientists, architects and engineers of America are leading this effort and advising our elected officials. We should not be relying on special interests, political lobbyists and elected representatives who are willing to put the head in the sand instead of doing the right thing and having the political courage to understand our future is not partisan but evidence based. Do your jobs as public servants and fight for zero carbon goals like NY and California are doing - but nationwide.

(New York, 2017-01-16)


I am an architect and dedicated to meeting the 2030 challenge.

(Ann Arbor, 2017-01-16)


Living our lives and managing resources in a responsible way is a necessity to preserve the world for future generations.

(Dallas, 2017-01-16)


The selection of these individuals as nominees is egregiously irresponsible: it represents a disregard for science and reality on a matter that will be unremittingly unpartisan: the fact of and results of climate change will threaten the economic livelihood -- and the lives -- of ALL people. These appointments will likely reverse progress we have made and be a barrier to U.S. leadership on the topic that is the determinant of our very survival.

(New York, 2017-01-16)


I am signing because our build environment has such a tremendous impact on our lives today and future. These tools and programs are critical to developing a sustainable country.

(Ann Arbor, 2017-01-16)


We cannot ignore the most pressing issue of our times.

(New York, 2017-01-16)


I am an architect who deeply cares about the environment

(New York, 2017-01-16)


American innovation and leadership matter.

(Washington, 2017-01-16)


I am signing this because I am an architect designing healthier more energy efficient buildings and a citizen seeking energy independence and clean energy to ensure a better economy and a healthier future for my children.

(Fairport, NY, 2017-01-16)


CBECS, Energy Star, and the 2030 Commitment are fundamental to my ability to understand and manage building performance, which is my job.

(Houston, 2017-01-16)


Tools like CBECS make it possible to design better buildings. Without them, American firms will fall behind their peers in designing innovative energy solutions and economical building projects.

(Cambridge, 2017-01-16)


I'm signing because I am passionate about this issue and feel that it is of the utmost importance to the profession of architecture.

(Libertyville, 2017-01-16)


I am an architect who focuses on energy efficiency and energy independence as an integral part of our sustainable design practice.

(Philadelphia, 2017-01-16)


Sustainable design is responsible design, and we must build to reflect and respect the changing climate.

(Boston, 2017-01-16)


I believe that we need to safeguard federal policy programs that promote--equitably throughout our country--the design, preservation, and construction of sustainable communities and high-performance buildings. The effects of climate change are real, not rhetorical pawns in a political game. These efforts to reduce these effects protect American livelihoods, health, and homes while creating good jobs. I am deeply concerned that incoming nominees DOE and EPA are not up to this task. I fear the elimination or defunding of, and withdrawal of support for: CBECS, AIA 2030, the Clean Power Plan, EPA’s Smart Growth program, and others programs, initiatives and support that architects rely on to do our work. I urge the recipients of this letter to questions the nominees on these matters.

(New York, 2017-01-16)


Understanding the built environment's role in global climate change is of utmost importance, and collecting data at the national level is critical in that understanding. It is imperative that the federal government continue to position itself in a leadership role on this issue.

(Midlothian, VA, 2017-01-16)


I believe the overwhelming evidence of the detrimental effects of global warming and the importance of the architect's role in reducing them. Not only is this important for the future of the next generation, but also for the competitiveness of our nation globally in maintaining and increasing jobs in the USA.

(Venice, 2017-01-16)


I'm signing because maintenance and expansion of these critical programs will help the building and construction industry expand, provide more and better jobs, and contribute to the environmental stewardship required to keep our nation and society strong long into the future.

(San Francisco, 2017-01-16)


This is critically important to my work, my profession, and my 2 and 4 year old daughters.

(Portland, 2017-01-16)


I am dedicated to making this country energy independent!

(Madison, 2017-01-16)


I care about the environment.

(Somerville, 2017-01-16)


i believe strongly that renewable energy is the best way forward for this country.

(Santa Monica, 2017-01-16)


I'm signing because of my deep concern about the DOE and EPA senior appointments. These candidates seem to have chosen for their interest in demolishing the agencies they have been selected to lead, in a contrarian and subversive way.

(San Francisco, 2017-01-16)


I am concerned about whether the Federal government will continue to support efforts to address the environmental challenges we face as a nation and as part of a global community.

(Eugene, OR, 2017-01-16)


Climate change is affecting how and where all of us live, young/old, urban/rural, rich/and poor

(Boise, 2017-01-16)


As a concerned architect and citizen.

(Oakland, CA, 2017-01-16)


As a built environment professional, I am keenly aware of the impact of today's decisions on our planet and future generations of Americans

(Dallas, 2017-01-16)


I support the goals described in this letter

(Boise, 2017-01-16)


Our country cannot afford to stall out for the next four years on the environmental initiatives and progress which we are already so woefully behind.

(Albuquerque, 2017-01-16)


this is crucial for future generations

(San Antonio, 2017-01-16)


I am an architect who is concerned about the impact the built environment has on our local, national, and global environments.

(San Francisco, 2017-01-16)


Climate Change is one of the most critical issues facing our world. We need to ensure that our natural and energy resource policies are developed with the environment in mind.

(San Francisco, 2017-01-16)


One cannot separate the state of the environment from the state of the nation.

(san antonio, texas, 2017-01-16)


Signing as an architect (educational facilities) and architectural historian; these appointments threaten progress in a number of ways (enumerated in the petition), but more problematically, these positions need to be the vanguard of new policies that are reasoned and comprehensive. Neither of these nominees (nor Dr. Carson at HUD) meet the requirements to sit in positions of power in these agencies. Please be thorough and thoughtful and vote against their confirmations.

(San Francisco, 2017-01-16)


Remaining silent in the face of what is an existential threat to a climate livable planet earth would be a sin against humanity. The utter stupidity of climate change denial is suicidal.

(San Francisco, 2017-01-16)


It's vital to keep supporting CBECS, AIA2030 and Energy Star

(San Francisco, 2017-01-16)


As a Past-Dean and now as a Professor of Architecture the welfare of the planet is crucially important to future generations of professional architects and they should be focused on securing that in partnership with government leadership.

(tempe, 2017-01-16)


It matters!

(Berkeley, 2017-01-16)


I'm signing out of concern for our energy independence and what saving energy means towards that end.

(San Francisco, 2017-01-16)


As an architect I believe we should look to develop and design buildings that respond to our natural environment. I believe if we don't start the transition to being a more sustainable environment then nature will force us on a route that may not be as pleasant if we decided to take action first.

(Kendallville, 2017-01-16)



(Seattle, 2017-01-17)