

drily running is better than wetter

(London, 2017-01-04)


Brexit must be stopped

(London, 2017-01-04)


Because I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. Brexit is a cluster funk.

(London, 2017-01-05)


This will improve the prospects of pro-EU candidates and put pressure on MPs to be more principled.

(Norwich, 2017-01-21)


The views of 48% of voters in the referendum are being completely ignored, the validity of the referendum is dubious and the certainty that many leave voters did not vote for a so called hard brexit. Therefore the government assertion that the UK government intends to petsue a hard brexit needs to be challenged. Until then Art50 should not be invoked.

(stratford upon avon, 2017-01-21)


I'm signing because leaving the EU is an act of national self-harm.

(Newmaket, 2017-01-21)


In 1975 I voted to join the European Union as I believed the greatest security and prosperity for my country, I still hold that belief and see Brexit as throwing away the progress and integration achieved over the past 42 years.

(Brentford, 2017-01-21)


No 'brexit'. No "article 50". No coup d'état.

(Retford, 2017-01-21)


No brexit in my name. Scotland voted 62% Remain. REMAIN means REMAIN. Respect democracy.

(Hawick, Scotland, 2017-01-21)


I am a European, born in Britain. I voted to Remain and have been marginalised, demonised, ignored and unrepresented by anyone. Its clear we are now under a right wing dictatorship who have highjacked this "advisory referendum " to do as they like. They are incompetent and divisive and have ignored half the Country and the devolutions. If they go ahead and do this they will destroy the Kingdom. I will fight tooth and nail to retain my EU Citizenship if i have to appeal to the EU court of law i will!

(Kent, 2017-01-21)


I believe in Europe

(Helsinki, 2017-01-21)


May's Brexit Vision is dishonest, delusional and dangerous . . . and undemocratic

(Swindon, 2017-01-21)


Bristol voted overwhelmingly to remain and any MP who does not respect this will never have my vote again.

(Bristol, 2017-01-21)


The advisory referendum was won on lies I do not want be British I want to be EUropean

(Parcay les pins, 2017-01-21)


I don't want the Uk brought to its knees. I believe we are stronger in Europe.

(Nottingham, 2017-01-21)


Economic suicide

Less trade = fewer jobs = less tax paid + more unemployment benefits = lot less spent on NHS.

Those too stupid to understand this don't deserve a vote

(Warrington, Cheshire, 2017-01-21)


I believe the referendum and the way it was run were undemocratic. The public was continually lied to and deserves the opportunity to revisit the issue.

(London, 2017-01-21)


Bwrecksit over my dead body. I look outwards and forwards, not inwards and backwards

(Rothley, 2017-01-22)


Democracy is being completely ignored.

(Bracknell, 2017-01-22)


Keep us in the E. U.

(Preston, 2017-01-22)


I'm signing because a united Europe is the only logical way forward.

(Tourinnes-St-Lambert, 2017-01-22)


I'm a remainer

(London, 2017-01-23)


I feel like I'm being hijacked along with at least half the country due to a very badly presented advisory referendum

(London, 2017-01-23)


Vote it down. Do NOT trigger Article 50.

(Bristol, 2017-01-23)


Vote it down.

(Charlwood, 2017-01-23)


Brexit kills my kid's jobs

(Plymouth, 2017-01-23)


Vote it down

(Nottingham, 2017-01-23)


Vote it down!

(Manchester, 2017-01-23)


I'm signing because I am European,

(Prague, 2017-01-24)


Vote it down!

(Horsham, 2017-01-24)


vote it down

(Carrickfergus, 2017-01-24)


EU membership and our freedoms must be protected

(Bristol, 2017-01-24)


I'm asking MPs to amend Article 50 bill to ensure a real vote at the end of negotiations, one where not to leave the EU is an option

(Norwich, 2017-01-24)


Not having a place at the table where Europe's decisions are made is madness.

(Saxmundham, 2017-01-24)


Vote it down

(Chippenham, 2017-01-24)


Leaving the EU would be an enormous mistake, all 'ordinary' people - like me - would suffer.

(Leamington Spa, 2017-01-24)


I'm signing because I want my MP to vote down Brexit or at the very least urge the government to stay in the single market

(London, 2017-01-24)


I love my country and will fight for it

(Redhill, 2017-01-24)


vote it down

(Peterborough, 2017-01-24)


I feel this is a permanent decision which will have very negative consequences for our country and way of life

(Bath, 2017-01-24)


I'm signing because I think Brexit is the worst thing that can happen to this country.

(Reading, 2017-01-24)


Ultimately not being part of Europe is going lead to a large cost to the UK as whole, both financially and morally.

(Wokingham, 2017-01-24)


Vote down Article 50!

(Ely, Cambridgeshire, 2017-01-25)


Vote it down.

(London, 2017-01-25)


Vote it Down

(Tonbridge, 2017-01-25)


Brexit is suicide for the UK

(London, 2017-01-25)


Vote it down!

(London, 2017-01-25)


The referendum process was undemocratic, in that lies about the outcome of leaving Europe were promoted. I demand a second referendum, this time with the facts about leaving (economic, social, legal) being revealed so that voters can make an informed decision.

(London, 2017-01-25)


Vote it down

(Bath, 2017-01-25)


I think Brexit would be hugely damaging to Britain, Europe and the World. And I think it doesn't need to happen.

(London, 2017-01-25)


Vote it Down

(Folkestone, 2017-01-25)


Vote it down.

(Broadstairs, 2017-01-25)


We should stay in!!

(London, 2017-01-25)


Vote it down

(London, 2017-01-25)


vote it down

(La Linea de la Concepcion, 2017-01-25)


I would prefer it to be voted down. If impossible, then I would like a fair and squarely debated, checked and balanced Brexit where there is the full possibility of rejecting Brexit if the deal is unacceptable

(London, 2017-01-25)


Vote it down

(York, 2017-01-25)


Vote it down

(London, 2017-01-25)


Vote down Article 50.

(Stourbridge, 2017-01-25)


The freedom to work, study, retire in another country without necessarily being highly or shortage skilled or having the right connections or family is a golden opportunity, and so many Brits don't care and want to throw it all away

(Taunton, 2017-01-25)


Vote it down

(Jours les Baigneux, 2017-01-25)


The EU has touched every day of my life for the better, since 2003. My husband and children are EU citizens and our home is Scotland.

(Insch, 2017-01-25)


Senior Ministers and MPs looked directly down the camera at the electorate and knowingly, wilfully and deliberately lied to them.

(Brussels, 2017-01-26)


Vote it Down

(Derby, 2017-01-26)


vote it down

(Nailsworth, 2017-01-26)



(London, 2017-01-26)


'Vote it down'

(London, 2017-01-26)


having been born and raised in Germany, I have lived and worked in the UK for all my adult life (35 years). I will only vote for MPs or MLAs who vote remain and against Article 50.

(Belfast, 2017-01-26)


Vote it down!

(London, 2017-01-26)


I am a European above all, I cannot see the UK turning in on itself or allow my children's rights to be taken away from them for a whim.

(London, 2017-01-26)


I live in Italy and our lives will become impossible if we leave the EU

(Todi, 2017-01-26)


I strongly favour my country remaining an EU member state and believe this can be achieved entirely democratically.

(London, 2017-01-26)


Article 50 is a pig in a poke. You're an opposition MP, Diane, please do some opposing.

(London, 2017-01-26)


Vote it down!

(ALBUÑOL, 2017-01-26)


most important thing in my lifetime

(London, 2017-01-26)


Brexit is economic suicide for this country and for MPs to vote in favour of it in any way is a gross dereliction of their duties.

(London, 2017-01-26)


I believe we should have the right to veto any bad deal proposed by the government - this includes remaining, if necessary, until a suitable deal can be made.

(Deal, 2017-01-26)


I am a European

(Newbridge, 2017-01-26)


vote it down

(London, 2017-01-26)


Vote it down, for our childrens future.

(Brierley Hill, 2017-01-26)


My MP is John Bercow so I cannot influence him. However, I beg other MPS to take heed.

(Aston Abbotts, 2017-01-26)


Vote it down!

(Le Bugue, 2017-01-26)


We must remain at all cost!

(London, 2017-01-26)


vote it down

(Bristol, 2017-01-26)


Brexit must be stopped

(London, 2017-01-26)


VOTE IT DOWN! NO To Article 50!

(Bristol, 2017-01-26)


MPs who vote for Article 50 are deliberately voting to bring great hardship to the people of this country. Their action is threatening the futures of my children and grandchildren and I will not forgive them for this.

(WOODBRIDGE, 2017-01-26)


We need European courts and legislation to keep us safe from overbearing capitalism

(Aylesbury, 2017-01-26)


Vote it down!

(Rochdale, 2017-01-27)


We should remain?

(London, 2017-01-27)


I was denied the right to vote despite working for UK gov in Brussels for 26 years.

(Tervuren, 2017-01-27)


I think we are better of staying in Europe.

(Twickenham, 2017-01-28)


Vote it down

(Bath, 2017-01-28)


I am sick of being told we don't exist 48.7% of the people who voted actually voted to remain. The people have not spoken, some of them have. This country has been divided.

(Manchester, 2017-01-29)


Leaving the EU will be an unmitigated disaster and I am European

(Cardiff, 2017-01-29)


Vote it Down!

(Matlock, 2017-01-29)


Leaving the EU is not in the best interest of the UK. The benefits far out way the membership costs. The many inequalities could be reduced with better investment in targeting tax evasion and avoidance.

(Bristol, 2017-01-29)


Vote it down

(Crowthorne, 2017-01-29)


I want all MPs across the house to VOTE DOWN ARTICLE 50.

(Petersfield, 2017-01-29)


I cannot see any good reasons for abandoning EU in favour of becoming best buddies with the US in an unequal "special relationship" Vote down Article 50 please!

(Ely, 2017-01-29)


Vote it down

(Beeston, 2017-01-29)


vote it down

(Liverpool, 2017-01-29)