Walking zone North Trail
Zoning makes no sense. All of Coventry should be zoned for this school. As suppose to Panaroma, which is a further distance! Are you catering to the well off community?I can see the high school from the mainstreet and yet not in the zone.
Do better!!!!
J Ruff (Calgary, 2025-02-06)
The fact that a walk-zone is being determined by driving distance is insane. How anyone thinks that makes sense is beyond me. All the kids in Coventry SHOULD be considered in walking distance. It takes some kids less than 10 minutes to walk to school, yet they are considered not in the walk zone…I have no words for the absolute insanity of this. We want to reduce pollution and encourage healthy living but we are willing to possibly send mods that CAN walk to school, to another school, by bus. I’m literally beyond speechlessAmber Van Dooren (Calgary, 2025-02-06)
Whoever drew this map needs to have their GIS certificate revoked. Why would you do this based on driving/walking on main roads? My kids can walk from Covebrook Pl along the main road and then take the path along the high school field.Also, it's included sections of Stony Tr where there are no houses. How does any of this make sense?
Tyler Martens (Calgary, 2025-02-06)
The school is located in Coventy Hills and should accommodate the residents of Coventy Hills Community before any other communities are even considered. It is an absolute hardship living in this community and not being able to drive towards Harvest Hills BV N due to traffic from other communities driving to the school to drop/pickup kids from school.. I live on Coventy Hills DR and was stuck in traffic for 35 mins on Feb 04, 2025 just to get from my house to Stoney Trail. I will be asking for a tax reduction due to this hardship. It makes way more sense to have kids from this community walk or ride their bikes as then there would be less traffic. I’m appalled that kids from the same community that a school has been built and located would not be accepted! It is an extreme hardship sending the kids across the city on buses when they could just walk or ride a bike the school that is already located within Coventy Hills! Allowing other communities to attend only brings more cars into our community causing more traffic delays and accidents.Angie Durand (Calgary, 2025-02-06)
Would like my son to be able to go to the school we are closest to and not be forced to take a long bus ride dailyDana McCrate (Calgary, 2025-02-06)
This drawing is completely bunk. If you look at the homes in the red zone north east side of the school. They back onto Stoney trail and have no access to it. So in theory they are actually farther away then other homes, but they are listed as close. Some crayon monkey clearly failed grade two drawing classes. Clearly they did no physically travel out to the area to see how the roads, pathways, and houses are actually built out. What a bunch of garbage our tax payers wasted money on. They should be ashamed of them selves for even putting forward such a un-thought out POS like this. Wow.........Tavis Settles (Calgary, 2025-02-06)
I believe children should walk to school if they can, so their zoning should take into account walkable distances, which include walking paths.Kira Pena Smith (Calgary, 2025-02-06)
The new legislation along with CBE interpretation is ludicrous.Tanya Resch (Calgary, 2025-02-06)
I think it is unfair the way it is now, which will exclude kids who really do live within walking distanceCheryl Gillis (Calgary, 2025-02-06)
I have relatives in that zoneNicole Loader (Olds, 2025-02-06)
Using the current standard even though my child would be a 10 minute at most walk away is not included because of how roads were built.Jennifer Nahu (Calgary, 2025-02-06)
I'm signing because measuring walk distance by "drive" distance in a community that has may walking paths is ridiculous and unfair for people living in Coventry hills.Jamie Buechler (Calgary, 2025-02-06)
My son will be attending North Trail next year and is definitely in walking distance. He currently walks to Nose Creek School & North Trail is just across the field.The current walk zone excludes our home.
Courtney Legg (Calgary, 2025-02-06)
I'm signing because my son is in Grade 11 at NTHS and has been walking every day for the last 2 years. It didn't matter the weather, and we are now considered not in the walk zone.Carla Earl (Calgary, 2025-02-07)
This is absolutely insane. My nieces have an 8 minute walk to this school. You can see it from their back deck but yet the city wants to bus them 40minutes away. Politicians and city officials have absolutely no common sense. It’s like they search for ways to waste tax payers money and make life harder for their citizens.Meghan Peters (Airdrie, 2025-02-07)
Kiss within actual walking distance should take priority of attending their local school and not have to take transit making their days much longer and harder for staying rested foe learning.Melissa Burke (Calgary, 2025-02-07)
I'm signing because the current walking zone is unfair and it should be reevaluated. I am also disappointed that the high school (which is only a few years old), is already over capacity, but I understand that is a larger, and separate issue.Nichole Browne (Calgary, 2025-02-07)
We live in coventry hills and our kids deserve to attend North Trail high school. They should not rely on Lottery to attend school in the community.Manmeet Toor (Calgary, 2025-02-07)
I don't think the walking zone properly reflects the distance to the school for many Coventry Hills students. My child walks daily and crosses the field from the east.Darrell Sarafinchan (Calgary, 2025-02-07)
I strongly disagree with kids living in this area not being able to go to NTHS - we’ve waiting for decades for a high school and now families are told their kids can’t attend because of a foolish map.Sue Deyell (Calgary, 2025-02-07)
I'm signing because I have a child graduating from NTHS in 2025 and another child in grade 6 who will not be able to attend for high school based on the current criteria. We have been residents of Coventry for over 15 years and have patiently been waiting for this school to open just to find out our children can't attend in our own community. My oldest son had to take city bus in grade 10, prior to NTHS opening, and it took over an hour to get to school. I do not want this for my youngest child. We live 2.6 kms from the school and my grade 12 child walks both ways every day. This is absurd that we are being told this will not be an option for or other child and he will have to bus to a school that takes an hour to get to!Colleen Kennedy (Calgary, 2025-02-07)
The calculation of the walk zone makes no senseArno Roll (Calgary, 2025-02-07)
RafidRafid Saeed (Calgary, 2025-02-07)
I feel what was presented wasn’t fairly implemented and more community input is needed!Pamela Tram (Calgary, 2025-02-07)
I have two children who will go to NTHS in future. We fought for this High School in our community and living here for past 11 years.Farhan Haq (Calgary, 2025-02-07)
It has a direct impact on my community and children.Leigh McGough (Calgary, 2025-02-07)
I live in the community, have a child going into high school next year and can not believe that Coventry Hills children would not be a priority for a school that is in Coventry Hills. It just doesn't make sense.Catharine Smith (Calgary, 2025-02-07)
The current walking distance do not reflect walking path distance as they are road basesPamela Lammiman (Calgary, 2025-02-08)
I'm signing this as I live in the part of coventry that is not considered in the walking zone. My daughter walks to nose creek middle school every day and the high-school is literally across the street. This school is in coventry. All of the students in coventry should have access first before other communities.Angela Berry (Calgary, 2025-02-08)
I would like to see the neighborhood Harvest Hills added to the walk zone. My kids currently go to Northern Lights Elementary and then Nose creek middle school after that. It makes no sense that they wouldn’t get to go to the High school that was built for our community and all the neighbouring “Hills”.Shannon Fletcher (Calgary, 2025-02-08)
For Coventry Kids & FamiliesTasha Stainbrook (Calgary, 2025-02-08)
I live in the community and while I don't have children myself, i agree prioritization of the space in a school should be with the kids who can be reasonably expected to walk to school. I think it is unfortunate that we are currently short on school space, but I don't think it's an efficient use of resources to bus kids who could reasonably not require transit to school. I'll say as a secondary factor, the parking in the school, being off a main road, is not suitable for high traffic of amount of traffic coming and leaving that parking lot, that occurs when a the priority changes to kids who require transit as well.Kendra Smith (Calgary, 2025-02-08)
This calculated walking zone is absolutely assured!!! All kids attending Nose Creek School should automatically be going to North Trail High!! All kids living in Coventry Hills should have priority over other communities!!Sheri Wright (Calgary, 2025-02-08)
I’m signing because as a long time resident of Coventry Hills I saw how much the community rallied to get the high school built in the first place only to find out our children can’t go there because of the zoning.Maria Cristofaro (Calgary, 2025-02-08)
This should include all of CoventryTammy Hughes (Calgary, 2025-02-08)
I am signing because coventry hills fought long and hard for the high school...over 20 years...why are they cut out of the walk zone and why does Panorama Hills have such a huge walk zone when they didn't even care that there was no high school.Kristina Frost (Calgary, 2025-02-08)
I have twins that should be going to North Trail, a 4 min walk from our house and because of the “lottery” one or both may not get in. This is why I bought in Coventry, because a high school was going to be built.Sage Monto (Calgary, 2025-02-08)
MOVE THE WALK ZONE !!! We fought hard to build this high school !!!! Shame on the CBE , you knew these communities were going to explode . Move the walk zone for Coventry .Robyn Robert (Calgary, 2025-02-08)
My kids should be allowed to go to the high-school that is in their community. Not be bused 30min away.Ellen McRae (Calgary, 2025-02-08)
I will have kids here, and I'm just out of the zone. This is ridiculousSpencer Janke (Calgary, 2025-02-08)
Because my child lives down the road but is outside the walking area. This current may means my kid will have to join a lottery instead of it being the closest school. Please fix it.Matt Gillard (Calgary, 2025-02-08)
I am signing because we live in the community within the walk zone for North Trail High and with this new re-zoning we no longer will be. It is a 10 minute walk for my oldest. If our youngest is unable to attend after junior high because of this, it will be over one hour travel time, each way! North Trail High being our designated high school was one of the main drivers of us choosing Coventry Hills as our home. Thank you.Amanda Negard (Calgary, 2025-02-09)
It’s important that my child attend this school. My oldest attends NTH now and is in the walk zone, if it gets changed that would mean when my youngest is able to go to NTH we would be just outside the approved walking zone and will be required to travel on a bus over an hour each way. The new high school is one of the biggest reasons we moved to this community.Nelson Skeard (Calgary, 2025-02-09)
After waiting decades for this High School to be built in our community, and now with this ridiculous walk zone map preventing the youth from attending the school minutes from their own homes is not acceptableDavid Claughton (Calgary, 2025-02-09)
I want everyone in Coventry Hills to have the right to attend a high school in the community.Velera Krossa-Nemeth (Calgary, 2025-02-09)
I will have kids that go there one day.Mykalah Paradis (Calgary, 2025-02-09)
I think it is detrimental to our kids as well as the environment for students to be bussed to a school several communities away where they will be separated from the community kids they have spent 10 years with. It is absolutely unreasonable that walk zones do not include walking paths and only roads. It is a 12 minute walk from my front door to the school (my son walks every day) and yet this walk zone deems that we aren’t in the zone because we can’t drive the same route.Joleen Lidberg (Calgary, 2025-02-10)
I fought and petitioned for this high school as a Coventry hills resident. The school is in Coventry hills and now my family isn’t in the zone? In Coventry hills? My kids are in the walking zone for nose creek but not the high school right across the street?Tanya Wills (Calgary, 2025-02-10)
The walk zones for CBE are ridiculous and need to be reworked by an actual person with critical thinking skills, and not drawn up by AI algorithms.Lilian Reed (Calgary, 2025-02-10)
I can almost see the school from my house. My kids can walk there faster than I can drive. My son can get to Nose Creek School in two minutes on foot, and the high school is across the road!! I moved to this community and to this location so that my children can walk to all three schools (elementary, junior and high school). SOMEHOW, we are not even in the designated walking distance, when there are so many others who are SO MUCH farther away!!!! This is INSANE!!!!Domitila Riera (Calgary, 2025-02-10)
I' m signing because I want to see Coventry Hills kids included in the walk zone because Coventry hills parents fought for the school to be built.Anne Marie Houghton (Calgary, 2025-02-10)
I feel Coventry caught hard for this school for 29 years and should have priorityTamara Pincombe (Calgary, 2025-02-10)
Our neighbourhood fought for a promised high school for years, why should we have to be in a lottery when other students are closer to bus options!Kara Watson (Calgary, 2025-02-11)
My child is considered outside the walk zone even though her walk would only take <10 minutes. The bike path along the south side of the school the alleys and the green spaces (school fields)should all be considered in the calculation of the walk zone.Lori McIlwain (Calgary, 2025-02-15)
My daughter is currently in Nose Creek and can easily walk to school and she will easily be able to walk to HER Highschool North Trail!!!!! She will not be going to Crescent Heights when we clearly have a high-school in our area! She will walk to to North Trail so change the boundaries. This is not acceptable! Figure something else out!!! Make the school bigger!!! Build a other Highschool so my daughter can go to the highschool in our area,!!!!!!!!!!!!Michele Roberts (Calgary, 2025-02-19)
My children live a 1.3km walk from this school and are not considered part of the 2km walk zone because of the ridiculous new map boundary rules that exclude pathways as access to the school.Nicole Pike (Calgary, 2025-02-23)
I live in Coventry and feel that the walking zone is ineffective. It needs to be corrected and includes the rest of coventry. The way the walk zone is calculated is ridiculous.Cindy Cheng (Calgary, 2025-02-23)
My friends are right across the field from the school and are considered out of the walk zone.Karen Gallant (Calgary, 2025-02-24)