Preserve the Montgomery County War Monument
I believe in preserving my countries history and my heritage.Danny Pilot (Biscoe, NC, 2020-11-01)
I believe that the statue should be left alone.Debra Parnell (Troy, 2020-11-01)
We should be preserving our history not trying to erase it.Steven Jones (Star, 2020-11-01)
We need to leave our history as is stands.Kathleen Galston (Troy, 2020-11-01)
We should NEVER erase history for a bunch of liberal cry babies.Rachelle Rossignol (Mount Gilead, 2020-11-01)
It is our heritage at stake.Randy Greene (Troy, 2020-11-01)
Monuments are a part of our history. We should learn from history, not destroy and erase it.Doni Juarez (Biscoe, 2020-11-01)
I'm signing because I am sick & tired of so much of American history being destroyed or removed because certain groups are "offended". Yet the monuments, memorials, statues, etc of almost all other historical events, people, & happenings remain in place & New ones are being erected. Leave history alone!Mary Filippelli (Troy, 2020-11-01)
Leave itHawk Owens (Star, 2020-11-01)
I want our history and heritage preserved. Two tour Vietnam Combat Veteran.Bobby Kellam (Biscoe, 2020-11-01)
We need to keep the historyTim Mclaurin (Norwood, 2020-11-01)
I support leaving the monument where it is and how it is.Melissa McIntyre (Troy, 2020-11-01)
My husband is a veteran and the military needs all our support.Kayla Auman (Star, 2020-11-01)
My family had a bunch of men fight in the civil war. And it’s not right to disrespect them just because someone don’t like the monument they need to get over it.Cody Wincklhofer (Troy, 2020-11-01)
I believe in preserving our history.Sherri Cesaro (Star, 2020-11-02)
the monument deserves to stayjohn morris (candor, 2020-11-02)
This is part out history. It have stood there for years and hasn’t ever offended anyone. It symbolizes much more then what it is being hated for. Keep it in its home!Brandy Morse (Troy, 2020-11-02)
I’m from Montgomery County and believe strongly in our military statues. They honor our fallen and their service and should not be removed.Joyce Masuga (Jamestown, 2020-11-02)
This is a part of history and it shouldn’t be taken down. All of history is starting to disappear because someone finds it offensive. My thoughts are if we get rid of all our history how will our children know about it?Ashley Mcintyre (Star, 2020-11-02)
We need to come together and fight for our rights!Catina Morris (Troy, 2020-11-02)
I'm proud of our heritageIt's who we are
Bonnie M Brookshire (Mt Gilead, 2020-11-02)
Leave our monument alone.Pam Bowers (troy, 2020-11-02)
I'm signing because its history.Sandy Pankey (Monroe, 2020-11-02)
To save the War Monument.sherree fraley (Albemarle, 2020-11-02)
It's part of History of Montgomery County Residents. Shouldn't be removed for any reason.Jennifer Saunders (Troy, 2020-11-02)
I think its a huge waste to spend a million (i heard projected, might not be actual, but still a waste that could be better spent elsewhere). Any actions now (especially expensive/wasteful ones) can't erase history. Things can be respectfully resolved and handled other ways.Cameron Higdon (Troy, 2020-11-03)
The statue should stay! It’s not all about the flag that statue has more meaning to it! It’s our county it’s our choiceDonna Parmeter (Candor, 2020-11-03)
I am signing because i have a great respect for the statue and the meaning it signifies.Mykayla Greene (candor, 2020-11-03)
This is a reminder to ALL Americans of the ones who fought and died for this nation. Every war was fought to preserve this nation, even the civil war. Although this war was internal, it was a very tough growing pain that showed that some Americans had realized the err of its ways and we needed to correct a wrong that had shouldn't have been allowed in the first place. The civil war needs to be remembered every day in order to make sure that we NEVER make that mistake again.Men on both sides of the issue sacrificed for what they believed, right or wrong. That is history and that history needs to be preserved and remembered.
Jerry Osborne (Troy, 2020-11-04)
I think the monument should be left alone .Victor Simmons (Troy, 2020-11-06)
Our Historical Monuments are just that, they represent our History not our future, although some deem them racist they’re not. They are there to Honor our Fallen Soldiers who have served and to those who have died serving this Great Nation, there is nothing about our Monument to be ashamed of. To those who want to erase our History shame on you. Please let our Beautiful Monument stand in Honor and Respect of our Fallen and our HeroesLynda Edwards (Troy, North Carolina, 2020-11-06)
This is a tribute to the many men and women who have died fighting for freedom of AMERICA.It would be a disgrace to remove this memorial.
Why would you want to remove it? I am serious, what is the point in removing this wonderful statue.
James A Delong (Troy, 2020-11-08)
I am signing because I have had enough of far left Democrats taking our freedom inch by inch, I am making a stand, no more!!!marlene mashburn (Star, 2020-11-08)
I'm signing because each one that fought in the wars fought for a reason that they truly believed in. It's history. How are we to teach our kids the right and wrong of the past if it isn't there to teach?Brenda Batten (Troy, 2020-11-11)
DO NOT REMOVE THE MONUMENT !!!kurt varney (New London, 2020-11-22)
These Men Fought For Our Country And County And The Confederate Flag Is Not About Hate Its Heartage!!!Malcolm Blue (Troy, 2020-12-07)
We should honor our heroes. It should stay!!Thomas Galston (Troy, 2020-12-07)
I BELIEVE in keeping History so ALL can see. You can’t erase history!Haven Simpson (Mount Gilead, 2020-12-07)
My history, ny fathers name on vet stone, he fought for our freedom wwll , erase our history , we will repeat it, PATTON 1940Phillip Rushing (Biscoe, 2020-12-07)
Leave history alone !!Mike Simmons (Biscoe, 2020-12-07)
This is history. If not for the ones who fought for you we wouldn't be where we are today. They deserve to be recognized.Irene Lamonds (Biscoe, 2020-12-07)
We need to keep our history, whether we agree with it or not. Save the monument.Becky Hall (Biscoe, 2020-12-07)
it's the right thing to do. because it shows respect and Honner to all of the one's who fought for this country and the land we live on and for our Montgomery county sons especially and the women who where involved has nothing to to with hate and a true patriot would see this understand it.chris Brock (Star, 2020-12-07)
Our history has to be preservedJacqueline Cook (Candor, 2020-12-07)
I would never have thought that Montgomery County would even consider this. Why ? After all this is over the ones that tried if they won would not give it a second thought a week later. To all those who still believe in The United States of America and still have honor for those fought and our heritage and place in history it's a tremendous loss. All I'm saying is don't let our history just be towed away and forgotten just because everyone else is. Just because a few get offended by something that they never gave a second thought 6 months ago does not give them a right to get their way now. Give into this and it will never end. Stand up for our rights and heritage.Richard Loftin (Albemarle, 2020-12-07)
I had a gggrandfather who fought in the war. I had a gguncle who fought in the 14th n.c. regiment. He fell I'll at Gettysburg and was transported to Lexington va. He died there and was buried there in a unmarked grave. The statue is where I can show my respect to both of them.Billy Singleton (Seagrove, 2020-12-07)
Its my heritage and it shouldn't go anywhereRebecca Mclaurin (Albemarle, 2020-12-07)
The removal of history contributes to the destruction of our democracy.Steven Hurley (Star, 2020-12-07)
We have the right to preserve our history.Cynthia Faulkner (Star, 2020-12-07)
Because’MERICA.Heather Sasser (Albemarle, 2020-12-07)
The monument should stay where it is - as isPam Hurley (Troy, 2020-12-07)
History plays in an important role of future and should never be removed.Regardless of good or bad times.
The point is in "Rememberance"
Never to repeat the ugly side of it.
Once crossed the bridge we shall never return.
Our children and grandchildren need to remember ALL that has happened.
Connie Greene (Mount Gilead, 2020-12-07)
This is my heritage and I am proud of it. This monument has stood here this long without anything being said til now..I attended the first community meeting and spoke on behalf of my opinions. Want to really keep this around. I have took my grandbaby, neices, and nephews up there and explained to them what this "symbol" is before anything of this occured in our little town. Men fought and sacrificed their lives for Dixie Land. Thank YouLamonds Linda (Troy, 2020-12-07)
Our Montgomery County Soldiers deserve a monument to their service after being called upon by their state to serve, no matter if it was the CSA or USA who they served, all were American veterans.Kelly Hinson (Jackson Springs, 2021-03-29)