Opposition to High Density Zoning in Oakdale



I am in opposition to the high density zoning that is detrimental to our community.

Brian Groves (Canton, 2020-10-18)


I oppose the high density rezoning in Oakdale.

Misty Groves (Canton, 2020-10-18)


This is a single residential neighborhood. Traffic at the intersection of Oakdale Road and State route 20 is very bad now and adding 60 more cars would make it very difficult to enter SR 20. Please do not let this happen.

Marlene Thacker (Canton, Ga, 2020-10-18)


We moved to this area for the quiet and beautiful landscape. Changing the zoning for this area will cause so much damage: increased traffic, threats to wildlife, increase in accidents, too many people, and more.

Heather Morningstar (Canton, 2020-10-18)


Traffic concerns is our first concern. We need traffic lights on Oakdale/Highway 20 and Haynes/ Marietta Highway right now. Adding this townhome community will add more traffic

Robyn Farrell (Canton, 2020-10-18)


I do not want apartments built on Oakdale Road.

Angie Siegrist (Canton, 2020-10-18)


I agree with the above statements that this type of zoning is not consistent with the established housing that has been on Oakdale Road for many years. This would bring more traffic, put more utility strain on the current systems, more noise and disturbance to wildlife in this area. There is no positive impact on a development like this on this road, it would ruin the nice country area that the residents of Oakdale Road have been able to enjoy for many years. I hope the city takes all of this into account when they review this proposal.

Andy Watson (Canton, 2020-10-18)


I grew up on Wonewok Drive and my father and his wife (Bert and Teva Frye) still life there. The ability to exit the Oakdale community via Oakdale Road or Haynes Road is very likely difficult at best at any given time of day. With the repainting of the lines at Haynes Road, even entrance into Haynes Road is sometimes extremely difficult and with a certain amount of traffic, not even an emergency vehicle could enter due to traffic on Highway 5, delaying what could be life-saving measures.

Lee Folsom (Woodstock, 2020-10-19)


For all of the reasons above. Mainly the traffic.

Mary Selden (Canton, 2020-10-19)


I live just outside the city limits on West Haynes.

Justin Bishop (Canton, 2020-10-19)


This project would overwhelm the available infrastructure. It's on a dangerous intersection and will make a bad situation worse.

David Donley (Canton, 2020-10-20)


All of the reasons listed above

Jeffrey Howe (Canton, GA, 2020-10-20)


This is a very quiet and peaceful neighborhood and it should remain that way

Jackie Estrada (Canton, 2020-10-21)


I am in opposition to the high density zoning that is detrimental to our community. Also the the traffic issue is very hazardous at best.

Rich Dean (Canton, 2020-10-21)


I live on Oakdale, we do not need that on our road. People already speed through the neighborhood. I could only imagine if that high density neighborhood is built. Not to mention worsening traffic situation.

Beth Fetter (Canton, 2020-10-21)


This area And infrastructure cannot handle any more homes, people and traffic. This is a nice area as it is so I oppose anything that brings any additional housing to this community.

Randy Farris (Canton, 2020-10-21)


We don't need high density zoning in a family neighborhood.

Brian O'Hara (Canton, 2020-10-21)


I live in the Oakdale neighborhood.

Mark Fetter (Canton, 2020-10-21)


I live off of Oakdale and this will decrease my property value. I also do not want all that traffc, that is why we bought the house we live in now!

Patricia Farris (canton, 2020-10-21)


My family has lived here over 20 yrs and we don't need anymore traffic and people on our small country road.

Rose Hill (Canton, 2020-10-21)


I live in the neighborhood and strongly oppose this space being zoned for multiple townhomes.

Elana Rios (Canton, 2020-10-22)


I have lived here for 20 years and every day I struggle trying to get in and out of this development there is no way we need any more cars especially 60 I hope the city takes a little time and thinks about that

Garry Fegely (Canton, 2020-10-22)


I’m signing because the proposed development backs up to our property.

Lynne Albertson (Canton, 2020-10-22)


This new development will back up to our property that is currently wooded and private.

Robert Albertson (Canton, 2020-10-22)


I don’t want multi family dwellings in my immediate neighborhood.

Kerry Schoder (Canton, 2020-10-22)


Do not destroy our neighborhood!

Philip Pearce (Canton, 2020-10-22)


For ALL the reasons mentioned in the petition, safety for all and wildlife especially.

Emilee Albertson (Canton, 2020-10-22)


I do not want high density zoning on Oakdale. There are enough traffic issues as it is that have not been addressed as of yet, even though they have been brought up to the powers that be.

Paula Elias (Canton, 2020-10-22)


I'm a resident who opposes high density rezoning.

Whitney Cunningham (Canton, 2020-10-22)


Two ways into Oakdale Road. Neither have traffic lights. Both Oakdale and Haines roads are narrow and have no shoulders.

John Zagata (Canton, 2020-10-22)


I am against rezoning

Annette Herrera (Canton, 2020-10-22)


I'm signing because of concerns over safety, traffic, and inconsistent zoning.

Ashleigh Walsh (Canton, 2020-10-23)


Oakdale and Haynes roads are in no way equipped to handle the amount of traffic these townhouses would create. This is a single family housing area and it needs to stay that way.

Carolyn Porter (Canton, 2020-10-23)


I'm signing because of concerns over safety, traffic, and inconsistent zoning.

Raymond Rybicki (Canton, 2020-10-23)


I think the area is nice just the way it is. I prefer to keep things quiet. If anything we need help with getting out on to Marietta Hwy or 20 already. Additional traffic will only add to that issue.

Stephanie Marchant (Canton, 2020-10-23)


The Haynes Road neighborhood will simple collapse if there is any increase to the traffic and noise that it is already suffering. Speeding, loud engine racing, running stop signs. It seems everyone should be allowed to live in a quite, safe neighborhood. Please do t make it worse, which is exactly what this type of zoning change is meant to bring. The property investor is just an entrepreneur who knows nothing about our neighborhood or cares for the people who already live here.

Valerie Clemons (Canton, 2020-10-24)


I believe the points are valid and I believe it will lower our property values

Lucy Curtis (Canton, 2020-10-24)


The type of building does not fit in with the community. In addition residents of Oakdale already have problems with traffic entering and exiting Oakdale Road and Haynes Road. It is very dangerous.

Patsy Haynes (Canton, 2020-10-24)


I live on Oakdale road which is currently a wonderful long standing single family community. We already have enough issues with traffic getting in and out of Oakdale rd we certainly don’t need to add high density housing to this area. Also the land use plan does not call for this type of zoning. Please do not set a precedent by spot zone our long standing Oakdale community.

Susan Mayo (Canton, 2020-10-24)


We do not need more traffic in the area.

Laura Dews (Canton, 2020-10-25)


I’m signing because as a retired Firefighter I’m very familiar with the number of motor vehicle accidents that have occurred at the intersection of Oakdale Rd and Hwy. 20. High density housing in that immediate area will significantly increase the potential for more numerous and potentially more serious MVAs in this area. Considering the volume of vehicles regularly traveling Oakdale plus those involved with Oakdale Church adding to the traffic incident potential is a terrible idea.

Brian Wildeman (Canton, 2020-10-25)


The traffic and number of accidents is very bad as it is. Adding more home/apartments on 5 acres will only contribute to more accidents and more traffic.

Janie Bishop (Canton, 2020-10-25)


I live less than a mile from where the property is asking for rezoning. Traffic is very heavy now, we don’t need or want apartments/homes on 5 acres, this will only conjest the area more and cause more accidents.

Dwight Bishop (Canton, 2020-10-25)


I do not feel that this re-zoning is in the best interest of the residents of Oakdale Road

Michael Evenson (Canton, 2020-10-26)


I live right around the corner. 1/2 of a mile from there!!! How do I get out of My house with maybe 58 cars or more trying to get out!! Highway 20 and Hwy5 !!! Impossible to have anything like this!! Downright evil!!! Who is giving who money to support this? Because we will find out and YOU WILL go to prison!!!

Karen Neal (Canton, 2020-10-26)


I am opposed to high density multi-family housing in Oakdale Road area. We are congested enough with only single family housing and feel it would be a bad decision for our neighborhood

Dawn Kosnick Scullion (Canton, 2020-10-26)


I'm signing because I am concerned with more traffic. It is already dangerous pulling out onto Hwy. 20 from Oakdale and Hwy. 5 from Haynes Road. I myself have been in an accident at the intersection of 5 and Haynes. Having 3 teenage daughters, it frightens me to think of more cars coming/leaving our neighborhood as they are learning to drive!? Another point of concern is when leaving Oakdale Road to turn on Hwy. 20...they now have added a second turning lane to turn left from Hwy. 20 to Hwy. 5. That second turn lane is VERY close to the intersection of Oakdale/Hwy. 20. (not to mention crossing all lanes to get to the cut through road beside Auto Zone)...it's all jumbled together...can you imagine adding that many more cars!? I just see lots of accidents! PLEASE reconsider!

Kristy Nelson (Canton, 2020-10-26)


My parents, brother, sister and aunt’s families live in Oakdale. If you’re trying to add this to that area, clearly you have never tried pulling out of Haynes Road or Oakdale Road. It’s dangerous and near impossible as is without added traffic. This is a 4th generation community. Take the housing elsewhere. This is not the place for it!

Kelly Underwood (Canton, 2020-10-27)


As a homeowner in this community i am concerned about all of the points raised in this petition. The two exit points from our community are already incredibly problematic with increase in traffic in recent years and the safety issue is a valid concern. I ask for your consideration in this matter...

Joey Johnson (Canton, 2020-10-27)


This is the neighborhood I live in. My concern is this will greatly decrease property values.

Sandra Fowler (CANTON, 2020-10-27)


I grew up in Oakdale on 191 Wonewok Drive.

My parents still live in Oakdale, as well as my sister and her family, and my brother and his family.

I’m in Oakdale every week visiting my parents and family,,,,,, and also work in Oakdale on a bi-weekly basis as a lawn maintenance/landscaper.

My son, his fiancé, my daughter, and son-in-law also visit Oakdale on a regular basis.

Kip Boston (Canton, 2020-10-27)


I am against rezoning and high density in my living area !!!

Gerardo Pena (Canton, 2020-10-28)


I am signing because I fear for the already atrocious traffic to become even worse. Both intersections, Oakdale and Knox Bridge, Haines Road and Marietta Hwy, are already terrible areas. There are many accidents in those areas. Without proper modification to those areas to midigate traffic, I will not support any high density zoning in the Oakdale Community.

Jennifer Messer (Canton, 2020-10-28)


I am opposing this high density zoning because it is not consistent with the zoning that is around this property. I don't believe the roads will safely support this increased traffic to the existing traffic it currently has now. I used to live at 641 Oakdale Road and my mother still lives there now.

Chris Wilbanks (Canton, 2020-10-28)


I live in the oakdake community and we do not want the extract gestuon if cars and people.
This community already has a lot of traffic and accidents at Haynes and oakdale.

Marcy Stogner (Canton, 2020-10-31)


I am opposed to the proposed construction if town homes on Oakdale Road.

Leslie Childs (Canton, 2020-10-31)


The roads can not hold the traffic we have now.

Julie Rogers (Canton, 2020-11-01)


I’m signing this petition cause we don’t need this town houses here and too much traffic and wildlife in danger

Maricela Zaragoza (Canton, 2020-11-04)


I am a resident and I agree with the above opposition for our neighborhood and safety for our family

Joshlyne Smith (Canton, 2020-11-05)


Signing In agreement for all reasons listed above.

Brad Boston (Canton, 2020-11-05)


For all above listed reasons!!!

Desiree Boston (Canton, 2020-11-05)


I’m signing because I oppose the rezoning of 200 Oakdale Rd.

Kaye Rogers (Canton, 2020-11-07)

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