Justice for rape victims



This is my daughter Semina

Rachel Halliwell (Southport, 2022-04-15)


Im signing because semina was one of my best friends :((

Phoebe Phoebe (Southport, 2022-04-15)


Semina needs justice it’s absolutely heartbreaking what happened to her and she didn’t deserve what happened to her.

Victoria Korlewala (Manchester, 2022-04-15)


Justice should be done this is why girls are scared to report because of this

Hollie Weaver (Wirral, 2022-04-15)


To get Justice to Semina I’d do anything 💯🙏🏻.

Dion Valetta (Colombo, 2022-04-15)


It really upsets me to see what happened to this girl and I’m sick of the victim blaming that women suffer including me

Annabel Dwyer or Da Silva (Oxfordshire, 2022-04-15)


i’m signing it because victims deserve justice.

Mya Carberry-Rogers (Marlow, 2022-04-15)


No one, especially a soul so young should ever have to know the suffering that follows this trauma. The world should see just how serious and disgusting this crime is by putting away these monsters for longer.

Georgia Lewis (Shrewsbury, 2022-04-15)


She deserves justice.

Carla Jameson (Berwick upon tweed, 2022-04-15)


This poor girl doesn’t and never deserved this. Take action to prevent this from
Happening again.

Jessica Cronin (Alpharetta, 2022-04-15)


I'm signing because we shouldn't be living in a world where 12 yr olds kill themselves and the people responsible get away with it and nothing is done about the continued bullying of a dead human being and the family/friends left behind. Sanctions for desecrating a grave should be harsher

Zoe Mulholland (Chester, 2022-04-15)


I want justice for this poor child....her poor mother is absolutely broken...

Dave Daly (Manchester, 2022-04-15)


I'm signing because we need to make sure people get justice 🤍

Monique Medina (Fullerton, 2022-04-15)


I want total justice for all rape victims hi q

Nick Lowe (Southport, 2022-04-15)


It’s not right to let people get away with rape

Imarnia Lawal (Ormskirk, 2022-04-15)


the justice system is*****ed. these people deserve justice, my heart goes out to everybody.

lacie newton (nottingham, 2022-04-15)


The boy who raped this young girl needs to be in jail and so does all the female girls who beat her up while recording!!!

Madison Capaz (Atwater, 2022-04-15)


Victims of rape must be treated with more understanding and get justice

Elliese Almond (Southport, 2022-04-15)


I really want to show support to semina, her family/friends and other r@pe victims, she deserved way better and it sickens me that justice was never served.

Pennina Mavunda (Ipswich, 2022-04-15)


I'm signing the petition because I am a ' victim' of sexual assault , grooming causes such long term lasting impact , to you & your family I have PTSD alongside Other MH conditions my perpetrator got 1 year in prison 2 years probation to me feels like I'm living true Consequences of his actions so unfair , cruel and totally unjust Really! As we emotionally scarred , Exhausted & trapped by what's happened!

Kirsty Crack (Northampton, 2022-04-15)


Rape is a disgusting crime and should be taken seriously! Offenders need to learn that NO IS NO!

David Bradford (Southport, 2022-04-15)


I want her story to be heard

Seb Isolani (Melbourne, 2022-04-16)


More should be done for victims of rape

Ian Hampshire (Retford, 2022-04-16)


I feel that the sentence in this country is ridiculous when it comes to child abuse or rape its about time something was done to change this

Catriona Smith (Manchester, 2022-04-16)


I’m signing this petition because an innocent 12 year old girl has lost her life!
Rapists and Paedophiles should be hung.

Sian Rigby (Southport, 2022-04-16)


Im signing because she deserves justice #JusticeforSemina

Kaia Jones (Harrisburg, 2022-04-16)


so that girls like semina don’t get neglected again

alexa moretine (tonganoxie, 2022-04-16)


I agree that the prison sentence is longer for the flyers and stalkers this should stop

Adrian Vukelaj (Shkoder, 2022-04-17)


I'm signing because I want to make this world a better place, I want rape gone forever from this world and for now this the only thing that I can do to help 🙏🙏🙏

Pandu Permana (Sleman, 2022-04-17)


This child should have been helped and protected but instead lost her life

Diana Rodríguez (Perris, 2022-04-17)


All rape victims should get justice

Jennifer Shildhauer (Liverpool, 2022-04-17)


I think it's a disgusting world we live in I pray for your family and send all the love in my heart. Justice 🙏🙏🙏

Jodie Brown (Weston-super-Mare, 2022-04-17)


rip semina im so sorry for everyone!!! Its Never your fault!!!

Emilia Claire (Hamburg, 2022-04-17)


I am signing because I want justice for her no girl should go though what she went though especially the age she was

Bethany Scott (London, 2022-04-17)


I’m signing because she deserves justice

mari 💜 (London, 2022-04-18)


Im signing because Semina Halliwell deserves to get the justice she deserves along with other victims. This is truly heartbreaking :/

Savannah Mason (Philadelphia, 2022-04-19)


IAM singing becouse I don't like what happened to this young lady

Jane Filce (Nsw, 2022-04-20)


I’m signing because I live in fear everyday that I will see the man who assaulted me (didn’t even touch me though) again because he was never caught and I can’t even imagine what it would be like to live everyday knowing the person that raped you is out there and nobody is doing anything.

Sacha Bitenyo jones (Malvern, 2022-04-23)


Rapists deserve to go to hell

Annie Lopez (Modesto, 2022-04-25)


I believe in what the petition is fighting for and what an extension to come to rapists sentencing

Zara Croft (London, 2022-04-27)


She deserves justice

Danya Aldulaimy (San Antonio, 2022-04-29)


There should be justice for rape victims!!!!!

Debbie Thomas (Merseyside, 2022-05-01)


I’m signing because I think that the sentences should be much longer than they are and I think it’s horrible how men or women think they can rape or assault someone and only have a short sentence for it

Morgan Bewick (Carnforth, 2022-05-01)


This was my niece who was failed by every part of the state. Not one of them felt she was worth an hour of their paid time if they had she’d have felt valued and be alive today. She deserves justice.

Clare Halliwell (Southport, 2022-05-21)


I want this to stop.

Sian Griffiths (Prestatyn, 2022-05-21)


Rape is a terrible crime and the police need to start acting on it. Shocking disgraceful stats.

Julie Marshall (Airdrie, 2022-05-22)


Rape is a serious, life-changing crime which is perpetrated (in most cases) by men upon women. No woman or girl should ever be told to 'consider that the case might take two years to come to court.' That's telling her 'You've been raped but forget about it now.'

Susan Wainwright (Leeds, 2022-05-25)


I’m signing this petition because I want justice for semina because no kid deserves to go through this or anyone in this world

Imogen Gipp (March, 2022-05-29)


I am signing here because i dont want any girl to go through what she did. This is the least i could do for her

Bhat suha (Srinagar, 2022-05-31)


Helen Cummins

Helen Cummins (Daliburgh, 2022-06-09)


Too many men and boys escape prosecution for this hideous crime.
Too many women and girls and their families are destroyed by it. Rape stays with the victim forever. When the perpetrator isn't brought to justice it remains an open wound, and never has a chance to heal into a "mere" scar.

Pauline Meek (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2022-06-13)


I am absolutely disgusted that the family of this poor child has not only had to endure the rape, but that the courts and Merseyside Police, have allowed the perpetrators family to continue the abuse without retribution! But having seen the amount of Peadophiles in the police and court system, I'm not at all surprised!!! Justice will come, and it won't be by human hands!!!

Mandy Robinson (St Albans, 2022-06-15)


Carolyn Ward

Carolyn Ward (Nottingham, 2022-06-24)



AMPY DHILLON (Leicester, 2022-06-29)


Police need retraining to understand they must support rape victims more effectively and always be willing to pursue criminal convictions against the perpetrators.

Jenny Walsh (Cardiff, 2023-05-15)



Alice Vercelli (Aachen, 2024-05-09)


I'm signibg the petition because Semina Hawelli deserves recognition and justice!! The bullies and her rapists need to be brought to justice!!

Rashell Alkhouri (Sydney, 2025-01-07)

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