Facilities Concerns at Leonard R. Flynn Elementary School



Flynn deserves facilities support!

Zachary Kruth (San Francisco, 2024-04-08)


I’m signing because I believe the students at our school deserve a facility that is clean and well taken care of where they can learn and thrive. I want our teachers to work in a school that allows them to do their best work.

I do not want our school’s facilities to be an afterthought for the district and as parents we are coming together to advocate for our children and their teachers.

Autumn Brown Garibay (San Francisco, 2024-04-11)


Our kids at Flynn aren't getting the bare minimum of what's needed, including things like clean, working bathrooms. Please, SFUSD, support our kids and staff in what they need to learn, grow, and be successful.

Katherine Copic (SAN FRANCISCO, 2024-04-12)


I’ve witnessed these issues firsthand and as an advocate for public schools, I want us to raise the bar for all our students to thrive. Thank you for working with us to improve the facilities at Flynn Elementary School as soon as possible.

Anne Kenny (San Francisco, 2024-04-12)


I'm signing this petition because my child is a student at Flynn and I want him to have a safe, healthy place to obtain his education.

Krissa Nichols (San Francisco, 2024-04-19)


I am a parent of a student in TK at Flynn and hope to remain part of the Flynn community until my child completes 5th grade

Melinda Sullivan (San Francisco, 2024-04-19)


Flynn is a great school with a caring staff. The students deserve operable facilities!

Carl Grace (San Francisco, 2024-04-20)


Our 3rd graders have had unacceptable conditions for their entire time in school, and they are aware of the message this sends about how our city values their education.

Laura Hawkins (San Francisco, 2024-04-20)


Need clean and safe bathrooms please

Chava Bear (94110, 2024-04-20)


I am a longtime Bernal Heights resident and parent. My kids have been at Flynn for nine years, first my son and now my daughter. As my daughter wraps up fifth grade moves on to middle school (at Willie Brown, a much newer SFUSD facility) and my son from WBMS to Lowell, I want to know that my neighborhood elementary school, which has been a second home to my kids for almost a decade, will continue to provide education and community to kids in Bernal, the Mission, and the rest of the City for decades to come.

Shane O'Connor (San Francisco, 2024-04-20)


I'm a parent, and agree with the PTA that Flynn requires maintenance and modernization.

David Murphy (San Francisco, 2024-04-20)


I'm signing to advocate for basic sanitary and improved safety conditions at our Leonard Flynn, at which I am both a parent and educator. The environment should mirror respect and encourage curiosity and joyful learning.

Jennifer Baron (SF, 2024-04-22)


I'm signing because our students and teachers deserve lights in our hallways, clean restrooms/walls/playgrounds, working phones, a building that isn't literally crumbling to the ground, and more. We just want to teach and have an environment that reflects a place to learn. Help us make it a reality!

Julia Gelormino (San Francisco, 2024-04-23)


My nephews attend Flynn and I want to know that they are getting the best out of our school system.

Jaime Peters (San Francisco, 2024-04-23)


I’m signing because I’m a parent of a second grader at Flynn and these conditions would never be tolerated at Alvarado Elementary.

Tony Rozzi (San Francisco, 2024-04-23)


I'm the grandmother of a former student and a neighbor and friend of Leonard Flynn Elementary School

Kathleen Campbell (San Francisco, 2024-04-23)


Children of San Francisco deserve to learn in a clean and safe environment.

Monica Scott (San Francisco, 2024-04-23)


We need to fix drainage and other infrastructure at Flynn!

Nicholas Bear (San Francisco, 2024-04-23)


I’m signing because It’s a terrible message to the children who arrive to a swamp in their front courtyard after a big rain. They’re not able to use the play yard, it’s a health hazard, it’s distracts and detracts from an environment, focused on learning and development. Thanks!

Katharine Berg (San francisco, 2024-04-24)


I work at Flynn and my kids went to school there. We have grown accustomed to an unsanitary, unsafe and unappealing environment, and that is not right.

Gretchen Schuessler (San Francisco, 2024-04-24)


I want the kids who attend our school
to have a comfortable and functional environment.

Jared Rapp (San Francisco, 2024-04-27)


These are real safety and health concerns that affect my daughter and her classmates and teachers every day. It is not fair that they go unaddressed.

Heather Davis (San Francisco, 2024-04-28)


The students of Flynn deserve to have a safe, supported, and thriving physical space to learn and grow in. Please take the concerns raised here seriously - these kids are the future of San Francisco.

Samantha Erickson (SAN FRANCISCO, 2024-04-29)


Flynn Elementary deserves the best!

Timothy Schofield (San Francisco, 2024-04-29)


I have 2 kids at Leonard Flynn and they constantly complain that they are afraid to use the facilities at their school because it is not clean and usually there is only 1
Bathroom that is usable.

Renato Rivera (San Francisco, 2024-05-03)


All of these issues affect our son directly.
We're even considering a new school for the following year..

Bryan Lopez (San Francisco, 2024-05-10)


Come fall 2024 I will have a child in both TK and 5th grade at Flynn Elementary, the latter of which has been attending since kinder. These urgent issues concerning failing facilities have been problems all these years and we have not seen proper safety changes in a timely manner. Please hear our community voices and concerns and take action immediately to make my daughter's experience much safer, cleaner, and improved compared to my son's, who has regularly had his play, restroom, and education times at Flynn negatively affected by the failures of facilities maintenance . Thank you.

Evelyn Sayer Lopez (San Francisco, 2024-05-11)


My child attends this school and I’m a local nurse concerned about the well being of our students and staff.

Amanda Stavely (San francisco, 2024-05-19)