

I want to save Bushman’s Estuary

Tracy Cox (2024-12-24)


I want to save our beach.

Gary Hartman (2024-12-24)


Rose’s proposal is an exercise in self interest with no informed environmental considerations whatsoever taken into account

Chris Baker (2024-12-24)


I do not want the Bushmansriver Estuary to be destroyed!

Mardia Niehaus (2024-12-24)


I’m signing this because the nature process should be taken preference over one individual ideology

Jonathan Hamp-Adams (2024-12-24)


The plan is ABSURD and will ruin the Bushmans River mouth and estuary, only to satisfy the greedy wants of a handful of people.



Because of the threat to Bushmans Estuary which is already silting up.
I am a permanent resident of Kenton and I am also concerned that certain individuals appear to somehow have influenced Ndlambe municipal officials for their own selfish interests without any regard for the good of Kenton.

Geoffrey Bennett (2024-12-24)


Puta the estuary in danger

Theo Landman (2024-12-24)


I disagree with the Rose proposal

Jonathan Bouwer (2024-12-24)


I love the ocean

michelle mulol (2024-12-24)


I am opposed to the plan

Deidre Thompson (2024-12-24)


Moving the sand will destroy the river. It is a progression of nature you cannot stop what will happen. The sand will eventually choke the river mouth.

Penny Philip (2024-12-24)


It is of critical importance that the estuary is protected and nature is preserved.

Maria Botha (2024-12-24)


No consideration for the environmental disaster which will result

Liz Baker (2024-12-24)


I am a resident of Bushmans with a view of the part of the river that is being spoilt with the excess sand from the Kenton side.
This a poor situation where one man can create a potential enormous environmental problem!!EWVZ

Gary Loader (2024-12-24)


Please don’t interfere with the natural wind flow in The Bushmans / Kenton conservancy

Martin Du Plessis (2024-12-24)


Im signing this because if this is allowed it will close up the river mouth of Boesmansriver which will have a detrimental effect on the natural ecology and tourism of the little town

Michelle Du Plessis (2024-12-24)


Great plan

Nicole Jordan (2024-12-24)


You can't beat nature. The solution must be in line with the natural movement of sand through dry bones valley

Norbert Wegner (2024-12-26)


I do not believe that the sand should be moved.

Ryan Hackney (2024-12-26)


I am a family member of a resident on Bushman's River Villiage, a holiday maker, and I'm against the arrangement between KSDNA and Ndlambe.

Edwin Basson (2024-12-26)


Save the Seahorses in the Estuaries

Theresa Ravenscroft (2024-12-26)


I am signing because the KSDNA plan is ill conceived and does not consider the overall well-being of the whole village.

Francois Wolf (2024-12-27)


I do not want the unnecessary moving of sand dunes that was not studied scientifically. Nature should be allowed to takes its course. I moved here to enjoy a restfull retirement. These plans will wreak my living pleasure.

Lorinda Frylinck (2024-12-27)


Because I care about the future ecological wellbeing of Kenton on sea

Mark Weissenborn (2024-12-27)


It is unacceptable to undertake such an operation without a valid Environmental Impact Study.

Denise Alcock (2024-12-27)


Due to the negative environmental impact I believe this will have.

Zita Lobban (2024-12-27)


Leave the beaches alone!

Carissa Webster (2024-12-27)


The removal of the sand needs to be done naturally by removing all the vegetation in DBV that has been planted to prevent the sand from moving naturally not by carting trucks loads of sand through the town damaging the newly paved roads

Liz Thomas (2024-12-27)


One wealthy person does not have the right to force unknown costs on future generations, simply to protect his ocean view

Andrew Riddin (2024-12-27)



Edwina Hough (2024-12-28)


I think it’s wrong what they are trying to do

Johannes Strydom (2024-12-28)


Let nature takes its course

Andre Engelbrecht (2024-12-28)


Fighting sand movement is futile and wateful

Marie Koster (2024-12-28)


Nature 'P'reservist

T Swart (2024-12-29)


I would like to protect the natural coastline.

Kerryn Botha (2024-12-30)


I am signing in favour of the Bushman's estuary petition as one cannot interfere with the way nature works. Nature will win at the long run.

Marina Matthews (2024-12-30)


Devastation of coastline

Carol Hayward (2024-12-30)


1. A complete/comprehensive environmental impact study has not been duly completed.
2. Residents/rate payers have not given sufficient opportunity to give an input.
3. The existing ecology will be negatively impacted.
4. The intervention is not self sustaining and thus not to the benefit of the Estuary.
5. The pollution(noise, carbon footprint, destruction of the established nature reserve and other ecological habitats) will negatively impact environment and the long term biodiversity of the Estuary and surrounding environments.
6. All of the above will have a negative economic impact (reduced tourism, need to restore natural habitats, cost to sustain).

Lana Anne Meyer (2024-12-31)


The Bushman’s area is one of the few where nature rolls at its own pace, ebbing and flowing. This plan by a few selfish, ignorant people without proper ecological studies or consideration for the road structure and quality of lifer for the rest of the community should not continue without all appropriate studies and impact reports.

Bron Schultz (2025-01-02)


Object to the moving of the sand down which will cause Bushmans River mouth to close down

Elizabeth Nel (2025-01-02)


I am anti loaders and trucks in the streets of Kenton

William Hatfield (2025-01-02)


Stupid idea and will destroy the beautiful riverside

Leon Erasmus (2025-01-02)


I am a resident of the area.

Natasha Moolman (2025-01-03)


I am against the proposed plan due its impact on the environment within Kenton. Further engagement with the broader Kenton community is required.

Adrian Appel (2025-01-03)


Dunes can't be contained and controlled
It hoes against natures cycle

Deborah-Ann Alexander (2025-01-04)


I’m signing because a well thought out plan to remain sustainable is needed

Kevin Austin (2025-01-06)


I don’t believe we should interfere with nature. Don’t move the dune for rich people

Liana Turner (2025-01-06)


It is ludicrous that we want to interfere with nature and that because some fool wants to see the mouth

Marian MCFARLANE (2025-01-08)


I object to the eco system tampering within the area.

Derek Whitton (2025-01-09)


To save this natural habitat and its wildlife

Simone Damaske (2025-01-09)


It will be the end of the river

Guy More (2025-01-15)


I believe the planting of shrubs and the cloth netting will cause more of a hindrance than if it were naturally filtering through DBV.

Paul Wansbury (2025-01-15)


I am signing because this should not be done to this place close to Kenton-On-Sea it is wrong.
Elizabeth Swart

Elizabeth Swart (2025-02-05)

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