Stop Alexander Hamilton from preventing students from graduating
This rule is ridiculous and you're robbing students of key moments in their lives. This doesn't affect the school, it damages the students and their families.(Lomita, 2017-05-06)
That's wrong..they should walk on there graduation...(Los Angeles, 2017-05-06)
I'm signing this due to the fact that I AM a student at Hamilton High school and there are students in our senior class who, believe it or not, go through more than the average human being whether it be physical or mental.. if we have met all requirements to graduate, WE SHOULD GRADUATE. This new system of authority and these new rules are absurd and ridiculous. They're complete bullshit and something needs to be done about it. With having a slight understanding of our principles past, she should understand how difficult things are idc how easy they say we have it. With new easy-way-out's come even more obstacles that we have to face. All the traumas we gave to experience... The different trials and tribulations us kids have to endure and still try to make it through the next day.. yeah Ms P you not right. This is unacceptable and it needs to be fixed immediately. I'm not, not walking the stage because of YOU.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-06)
This is unfair to the students who worked hard all year and as a student-athlete, this makes me mad(Los Angeles, 2017-05-06)
This is wrong.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-06)
I find it hard to believe that students with excused absences are also being punished by not being allowed to walk the stage. I am a Hamilton High School alumni and believe this situation was handled poorly by the school, by expanding the ban to include excused absences and failing to inform students they were approaching the maximum excuses allowed, and then telling many students shortly before graduation they will not be walking. Seniors who participate in academic groups with off campus competitions, athletes playing off campus games and students with emergencies are punished by this policy. Many of these students miss school as an extension of their participation in school-related activities and positively represent the school outside of school. It is demoralizing that they and their families should be punished by not allowing those students to walk the stage. Students who have more than 7 absences from periods should not be be forced to complete labor if their absences are due to a school-related event. The school should celebrate these students who represent the school and have otherwise met the academic requirements to meet eligibility for graduation. I hope Hamilton reconsiders this policy.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-06)
I have senior friends that can't go to prom and graduation because of this stupid rule(Los Angeles, 2017-05-06)
This is an extremely unfair policy. One good bout of the flu and a student could be found ineligible to participate in the two most important events of a senior year. I can understand unexcused absences but certainly not legitimate excused absences being an issue.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-06)
I think it is ridiculous to take away a very special moment these kids and their parents worked so hard to accomplish. These seniors successfully accomplished all their academic goals and successfully completed 13 years of school! Don't take that moment of them walking the stage in their cap and gown from them and their families.(La mirada, 2017-05-06)
Not Fair(Los Angeles, 2017-05-06)
The rule is horrible. I have worked in education for 12 years at a high school and never would our district do this to students or the family of students. Excused absences should not be held against a student. This is just a horrible and disgusting thing that your school is doing. If this affects my niece from graduating, I will file a lawsuit against the school.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-06)
I have friends who attend Hamilton High School and they're really great students who deserve to graduate without having to do ridiculous manual labor to clear an absence which probably could not have been prevented.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-06)
Im signing because, there should be exceptions to the attendance policy.(Montclair, 2017-05-06)
I have multiple friends who have medical problems and therefore they are absent a lot, but they still get A's and B's. It shouldn't matter how many days you're absent rather, if you get good grades. Also, health comes before school. I'm not going to endanger myself just so I can participate in the ceremony. If this doesn't stop now, as a freshman, the same might happen to me when I become a senior.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-07)
This rule is very unfair to parents and students(Los Angeles, 2017-05-07)
It isn't unethical to let parents and students know of such a harsh policy in May just a couple of weeks away from prom and graduation. It is distateful to not allow students to participate in things the have EARNED to do because of absences.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-07)
I support !(Los Angeles, 2017-05-07)
I have a lot of senior friends who DESERVE to graduate. This is not fair.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-07)
This dont make sense ... not fair either.(La, 2017-05-07)
I'm signing because no child should be kept from walking across the stage after they've worked so hard for that moment.(Minneapolis, 2017-05-07)
i'm signing because if students are academically succeeding despise there abscenes this shouldn't be the issue , many of this students are first generation students and it means the world to them and there's families to graduate and walk the stage please reconsider if this is the best solution for EVERYONE.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-07)
without a highschool diploma you get no where in life(Los Angeles, 2017-05-07)
If the kid has the grades, they should walk and go to prom!! This is completely OUTRAGEOUS and it just appears that you are attempting to get free labor!! How DARE you do this!! I don't know any students or faculty of this school, I'm just a logical human being who knows that this is NOT ok!!(Compton, 2017-05-07)
This is a ridiculous practice! Period! There are unfortunately unexpected emergencies that occur in life that can contribute to the absence of school or work (as I'm sure some of your own staff can agree with regarding there own absences) LET THESE CHILDREN WALK THE STAGE REGARDLESS OF THE MISSED MONIES NOT RECIEVED FROM THE DISTRICT! This is a lawsuit waiting to happen and job endangerment for those whom attempt to practice this atrocity. I'm sure there's an attorney waiting!(Los Angeles, 2017-05-07)
I am an educator,and know that students often don't have control of their attendance. Especially if there is family crisis or chronic illness. If they finished their credits to graduate,they should be able to participate in the graduation ceremony and all the activities that are taking place.(Rancho Cucamonga, 2017-05-07)
I attended Hamilton and believe that the students deserve to graduate(Los Angeles, 2017-05-07)
It's unjust(Los Angeles, 2017-05-07)
I agree(Los Angeles, 2017-05-07)
This is totally unfair to the students who had legitimate excused absences.(Culver City, 2017-05-07)
I don't think it's fair to deny somebody from graduating if they had a legitimate medical reason like a doctor's appointment. I really believe this entire situation is unfair and should NOT be allowed to happen.(Culver City, 2017-05-07)
I'm signing because my son is in the list of not walking the stage for graduation. He has four days of school events that counts against him.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-07)
This rule is simply wrong. It seems unfair to inform the students of its implementation right before graduation.(Hawthorne, 2017-05-07)
It's not fair(Los Angeles, 2017-05-07)
we need to let them walk.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-07)
Kids should be treated individually not as a whole(Paducah, 2017-05-07)
Rules need to be reasonable, this is just a petty power play.(Santa Monica, 2017-05-07)
I think this contract is a bit extreme. The consequences are too harsh. I think making up an abscence with work is good but four hours is too long.(Ventura, 2017-05-07)
I'm gointvto be a senior in 2019 and im supporting my senior friends(L0s Angeles, 2017-05-08)
My sister has worked too hard to not graduate and go to her dream school. She wants to be a music teacher and give back to the community...ironic isn't it?(Chatsworth, 2017-05-08)
I'm signing because I have a senior daughter that is having problems because of that policy(Los angeles, 2017-05-08)
I find this totally unfair. As long as the student keeps their grades up they should be allowed to graduate.(Los angeles, 2017-05-08)
As a performing arts student my child has many cleared absences and is being harshly punished.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-08)
It's unfair(Los Angeles, 2017-05-08)
Child labor as punishment is wrong(Pasadena, 2017-05-08)
This is an unfair rule, the students should be allowed to graduate(Los Angeles, 2017-05-08)
Students deserve to walk across that stage and be able to experience prom! We are all human and things come up. It's ridiculous not to let students pass even when they've excused their absences!(Sherman Oaks, 2017-05-08)
It is not fair for the school to punish the students for the shortcomings of the school.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-08)
Only unlawful detentions should count. A prom is very important in a high school students life. Let them go and enjoy it. Don't create hate and depression.(Blauvelt, 2017-05-08)
If my school had the same rules I wouldnt be graduating this year, school's hard, Life's harder, give these kids a break.(Philadelphia, 2017-05-08)
Ridiculous for excused absences! What kind of dictatorship is the school system advocating?(Los Angeles, 2017-05-08)
As a Hamilton alumni I think it is unfair of a great school to treat students like their hard work os for nothing. Their absences should not hinder their ability to walk nor participate in senior activities. In separating these people from senior activities we are labeling them as deviant and generalizing these students. They are people, they have a voice. And for god sake they are Hamilton students they have the fire, power, and knowledge they have attained to know that this is wrong. Support your students and faculty.(Pomona, 2017-05-08)
This is just wrong.(Venice, 2017-05-08)
I know for sure that i have more than 7 absences each semester... im only in the 10th grade but this still affects me & my other family members at Hamilton.(Los Angles, 2017-05-08)
We need to encourage our black students for their education efforts not rob them from their diploma over stupidity. Shame on you Hamilton High.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-08)
This is what causes extreme sickness and viruses that are mutating. 4 days of after school cleaning. Shame on your school. I hope admin does not get as sick as I have been working st the high school. Disgusting rules and totally morally wrong.(Thousand Oaks, 2017-05-08)
It is wrong not to let hard working college bound seniors join their peers at the graduation ceremony. The contract signed in the beginning of the year should be void considering the school didn't keep up their end of the bargain when they said they would meet with each student every 5 weeks. Students with excused absences should not be punished for having good reasons for missing school either. I hope my signature will help the school change its mind.(Las Vegas, 2017-05-09)
I believe it's really unfair. If a student is doing good or passing getting their credits I cannot see how it make sense holding them back do to missing a few days of school. We are human we tend to get sick, there are doctor appointments we need to attend, emergencies!!!! Something that is out of our hands and chronic illness that some of us know how it can ruin our days... please re evaluate.(Los Angela's, 2017-05-09)
This is appalling. My daughter does not go to this school but was out for 10 days in September with an uncontrollable fever. You know things are bad when the doctor calls YOU twice a day. She wouldn't be able to graduate? She should have exposed the students and teachers to the awful mystery virus she had? This is an insane policy.(Altadena, 2017-05-09)
because it's wrong for the principle to do such a horrible thing(Los Angeles, 2017-05-09)
this is a BOOF ass policy that should be revoked(Los Angeles, 2017-05-09)
My cousin's daughter needs to graduate school She bust her ass all year long to not walk with her class oh hell now(El Paso tx, 2017-05-10)
It's unfair punishment for good students whose grades are good and did not blatenly abuse the absence policy. It's ridiculous needs to be made so good students aren't punished after all their hard work.(Inglewood, 2017-05-10)
Because this is unfair to good students with minor absenteeism seems the punishment does fit the crime needs to be rethought.(Inglewood, 2017-05-10)
this is unfair to students(malibu, 2017-05-10)
Excused absenses should not be used against kids and families.(Santa clarita, 2017-05-10)
graduation should based off grades, just because you're not at school doesn't mean you can't get your work done and most importantly.....ya girl need to walk the stage
(Los angeles, 2017-05-10)
HHS should be proud and eager to see the fine young man I know walk across their graduation stage. I'm sure there are plenty like him effected by this administrative overreach. This policy should, at a minimum, recognize excused absences.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-10)
I am signing this petition because that's unfair to the senior who have 7 absences but yet still remind doing school work and still got accepted into college this is rule is by fair outrageous(Inglewood, 2017-05-10)
To whom it is concernedI don't agree with the the principal plan.
In my son case , i personally been with him when was ubsence. and we submit the ubsence request, the the days due to the audition for college.
(Los Angeles, 2017-05-11)
I'm a junior at Hamilton and I have missed way over 7 days due to health issues that are outside of my control. I have worked hard to maintain my grades despite these absences and I won't have my graduation denied to me next year because I'm not healthy!!(Los Angeles, 2017-05-12)
I'm supporting my Auntie Jashanni Woods(Los Angeles, 2017-05-14)
This is so wrong(Los Angeles, 2017-05-14)
I'm signing because I believe that it is u fair to the seniors who have worked hard for 4 years and have looked foward to such a special day in their lives.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-15)
I understand the stress of being a sr. And this is a crule punishment for a minor mishap(Inglewood, 2018-07-31)