I like so many other people really love Kenton and believe it is one of the few places left that remains unspoilt for the most part. Sure there has been some progress but somehow this project seems extreme and unnecessary when there are so many other projects that money like this should go to. I also believe in the voice of a community and that municipalities should alway work together with their community. One of the great things about South Africa is that it is not a directorship and people do have a say in how things get done. Please don’t stop now.Paul McConnon (2024-12-23)
The plan will not work, will alter the course of the river, and is proposed out of selfish, self-interestDoug Swanson (2024-12-23)
I totally disagree with people playing with environmental issues that we all patently do not understand to the detriment of the whole area and communitiesKeith Moir (2024-12-23)
We have property down here, and anything that could negatively affect the area will detract from and damage the natural ecology and will emphatically impact the residents and visitors that come to kenton-on-sea to experience and enjoy the beautiful natural splendour we currently have the privilege to peruse.Johannes Kemp (2024-12-23)
Kenton will regret it if this goes ahead.Gavin Uren (2024-12-23)
I am signing as a resident of Bushmans and because I care about our natural estuary.Hanri Edwards (2024-12-23)
Let nature take it's courseEmma Goetsch (2024-12-23)
I think the proposed action will spoil the area. I think it would be far more beneficial for many more people if the natural beauty of the environment could be maintained.Brian Wood (2024-12-23)
It is not the correct thing to doMurray Wrench (2024-12-23)
The bushmans Estuary is the heart and soul of Kenton and Boesmansrivier and far more important for the economic growth of the town than a few rich individuals poorly places residencies.Aiden Beangstrom (2024-12-23)
This plan will destroy our estuary for the benefit of one wealthy man’s sea viewAndrew Clarkson (2024-12-23)
I want to!Erica McNulty (2024-12-23)
The detrimental effect this will have on our beautiful environment.Linda Will (2024-12-23)
I want to preserve natural flow of Bushmans EstuaryFrancis McDonald (2024-12-23)
This is a cherry picked, environmentally flawed proposal by a very small group of arrogant and dismissive homeowners who feel that their wealth entitles them to a view of the Bushmans River mouth. The never-ending maintenance will, within three short years, become the responsibility of the Ndlambe Municipality who are already incapable of performing their service mandate to their constituents and will certainly result in further destruction of our roads and an additional financial burden on already shortchanged ratepayers.Stuart Clarkson (2024-12-23)
I am a property owner in Kenton and I do not wish the natural ecology to be destroyed by a man-made intervention to serve the needs of only a few selfish ownersVanessa Long (2024-12-23)
It will be a disaster for us Kenton residentsJanene Brown (2024-12-23)
I’m signing to support the petition for the natural movement of sand through DBV in support of the SBE’s proposalSandy De Wet (2024-12-23)
These people need to do reseach before they actHansie Strydom (2024-12-23)
I want to save the estuaryMeg Anderson (2024-12-23)
I lived in Bushman’s for most of my life. It has been a great place for a small town but over the years it’s grown in popularity to the point where city life and its people are pushing for too much to change in Kenton. I’m signing this because I don’t want to see my home town be destroyed over time.Joshua Toth (2024-12-23)
It would be a travesty for the selfish interests of a very wealthy few to ruin the magic of Kenton for everybody else.Hugh Lobban (2024-12-23)
I’m signing because we should not be fighting nature and moving sand makes no sense and will disturb the peacefulness as well as destroy the roads.Nick Wilkinson (2024-12-23)
We need an open and transparent process that favours the environment and not the elite.Eleanor Galpin (2024-12-23)
I’m a resident and long time vacationer to Kenton On Sea, with a young family and a heritage via my wife’s family for close to 70 years of residency here. I believe we need to maintain the natural environment preserve what we can of this beautiful area and beach without further detrimental effects to the landscape, nature and the areas inhabitants. I’m strongly against negative environmental impacts, especially human created ones that have no study based recommendations behind them.Brad Eide (2024-12-23)
I care about the estuaryMichelle Puzilewicz (2024-12-23)
We need to save Bushmans River MouthMary Connock (2024-12-23)
I have a Constitutional Right to just and rational administrative actionCarlien Koster (2024-12-23)
It will degrade the roads. You cannot win against nature.Ron Raven (2024-12-23)
I care for the estuaryByron Ravenscroft (2024-12-23)
The money could be used to maintain the roads instead of wasting it trying to move a sand dune.Bryon Dean (2024-12-23)
Unacceptable waste of rate payers money, which could be better spent on fixing roads. Nature should be allowed to take its course, interfering could cause further environmental risks, risking the closing of Bushmans River making it a blind mirrorRyan Wegner (2024-12-23)
The environment must be protected to form naturally.Don James (2024-12-23)
I care about the estuaryMichelle Ravenscroft (2024-12-23)
The logistics and financial capacity of the municipality to complete the project is not currently feasible, the financial burden will fall to rate payers and the environmental risk has not been fully investigatedTracy Herbst (2024-12-23)
Ndlambe should fix the roads and forget about the sand dunes.David Ryland (2024-12-23)
It appears to be in the long term interest of property owners, residents and holiday makers and tourism in Bushmans River and Kenton-on-Sea, that this ridiculous plan be stopped in its tracks.André Koch (2024-12-23)
I do not believe the proposed solution is practical nor sustainable as fighting nature is futile and expensive.Additionally, the recent winds and tides have shifted the dunes and I support a return to no vegetation in Dry Bones Valley and allow nature to do its thing
Gail Williams (2024-12-23)
To prevent an environmental disaster.Rui Neto (2024-12-23)
Who are we to interfere with nature? God?Marco Neto (2024-12-23)
I do not believe that man should interfere with nature and disturb the existing status-quo. Mother Nature has been maintaining access for Bushman's River, and should be left to endure!Andy Chase (2024-12-23)
we want to save this spotNatasha Melander (2024-12-23)
To stop a environmental disaster from happening.Riana Neto (2024-12-23)
I don’t think the estuary and the river and the dunes belong to one man with a boat load of money to buy people off and bend an entire community to his will.Benjamin Buser (2024-12-23)
I am fully supportive of the Estuary Care plan as outlined by Chester Wilmot at the meeting today - 23rd December 2024.I am totally opposed to Robert Rose who is nothing short of a self centred bully.
Bill Stephens (2024-12-23)
I think this is in the best interests of all who live in Kenton on Sea and Bushmans as it would be sad to see the Bushman’s River become a blind river.Dawn Buser (2024-12-23)
I’m signing because I am tired of seeing nature be destroyed by greedy and selfish individuals.Simon le Roux (2024-12-23)
Property owner rate payer and naturalist.Angus Paterson (2024-12-23)
Lands end owners don't appear to have studied the history of dry bones valley and will cause huge possible future costs instead of nature doing it fo is.Are the Lands end owners prepared to pay for future costs caused by their proposal instead of all ratepayers having to bear the future costs???
Norman Wedderburn (2024-12-23)
Rivers play a crucial role in the environment and ecosystems worldwide, nature knows best and no man should impress his will upon changing it to suit his own fancies.I have seen this landscape change over 40 years of enjoying its beauty and to see it destroyed would be tantamount to losing a limb. Furthermore, if a man was responsible for the loss of our beloved Carriage Rock we would certainly hold him accountable for his destruction, this is no different, we let nature take it’s course as people of earth have done for millennia.
Bianca Jansen (2024-12-23)
I object to the totally flawed concept as proposedIan Fraser (2024-12-23)
Tax paying resident and do not want funds to be absorbed into a project that will not work and will only create unforeseen environmental issues.Nicholas van de Water (2024-12-23)
I hate this!!! It’s ridiculous that my money goes towards this nonsenseAlex Pienaar (2024-12-23)
I don’t believe that this project has been properly researched for its ongoing environmental impact and Ndlambe municipality need to take into account the concerns and input from ALL ratepayersPenny Tarr (2024-12-23)
I believe that the proposed intervention in sand migration is flawedDerek Whitfield (2024-12-24)
One has to stop this madnessStephanie Gunther (2024-12-24)
I consider nature should be allowed to take it's course.Paul Dewhurst (2024-12-24)
I grew up in Bushmans and my family has been linked to bushmans for many years. My dad built infrastructure for the towns that are still used today. It is important to me to keep the best interest of the town at heart. The bulldozing of the dune is most defininately not in interest of bushmans, the river or the property ownersStefan Marais (2024-12-24)
Seems senseless to move sand against the prevailing wind towards the river mouth.Andre Taute (2024-12-24)
Don’t interfere with natureTanith Wantenaar (2024-12-24)
I want to support the Save The Bushmans Estuary👍9TP9Dave Hidden (2024-12-24)
Planting the plants in the 1st place ( many years ago) has already made so many changes. It was not the right thing to do. Over the years the Bushmans river has changes so (too) much. People should not have changed the dunes by planting...Thelma Van Vuuren (2024-12-24)
Remove the plants and let nature take its course. The problem was caused by human interference.Thelma Le Roux (2024-12-24)
We object to the planPaula Jackson (2024-12-24)
I believe that the natural environmental process should not be destroyed by selfish people. A proper environmental impact assessment should be carried out, no such barrier should exist.Nicholaas Human (2024-12-24)
I do not believe the proposed solution is in the best interests of the Bushmans Estuary, nor the residents of Kenton on Sea, nor Ndlambe Municipality.Fighting nature is futile and expensive in the long term and in my opinion there are other better solutions that can be implemented.
I also believe that the fundamental change in the Bushmans River channel that has occurred since the assesments done has rendered that work obsolete and a new survey needs to be conducted.
Peter Alan Williams (2024-12-24)