Stop Alexander Hamilton from preventing students from graduating
That's completely absurd. Students have personal lives at home and so many things happen that just can't be avoided. If a student was able to keep up their grades while going through things and missing school then that student deserves to graduate. If you want 100% attendance from class grade levels then come up with better solutions, try and help the kid out instead of immediately punishing him. Be a better principal than that.(Chicago, 2017-05-05)
This is unacceptable. Class of 2017 have worked incredibly hard. To know that all four years of their hard work to be took away from 7 abscences is ridiculous. Especially since graduation is in the next month, how can someone possibly enforce this rule right now. In May.(Inglewood, 2017-05-05)
I am signing this petition because my daughter has worked very hard over the past four keeping above a 3.0 gpa and I don't think it's fair for her to be told she might not be able to walk the stage because of absences.(Los Angles, 2017-05-05)
This is unfair and was not done in a timely manner in order for students to complete absence recovery before prom and graduation approached.(Moreno Valley, 2017-05-05)
I've been in and out of the hospital for a week, missing school becaus I don't feel well and going to many doctor appointments this year as a junior and might be continue going next year. This is not fair to those that have medical emergencies and other reasonable excuses.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I just graduated from this school a year ago, and attendence wasa big obstacle for me as well.(Irvine, 2017-05-05)
This is harsh and unacceptable.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
After reading whats going on i see that this is ridiculous.. let these kids enjoy their senior year(Bellflower, 2017-05-05)
I believe students should be able to walk the stage even without perfect attendance,that rule is highly dumb for a school who wants so called all their students to succeed in life.(Culver City, 2017-05-05)
If they can meet A-G requirements why can't they graduate ???? Makes no sense!(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
It is unfair a child has completed there time in high school and the greatest days of their high school lives will be taken from them. Not only is it taken from the child but the family also. A child and their family has issues that will arise throughout the year. These issues should not got against them. If the absences are excised they should not count against them. The community service hours should only count towards TARDY's and I excised absences. This also should not take effect in may right before prom.(Inglewood, 2017-05-05)
They're trying to hold back black students from graduating by adding nonsense to the graduation requiremnents. Fight the power. Stay woke my brothers and sisters.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
my friend goes there and she's a hard worker and deserves to graduate no matter how many absences she has(La, 2017-05-05)
This is absurd!(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I'm singing because I don't think it's fair for students to not graduate & participate in events for just the choice of having no more than 7 absences the entire school year.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
Your principal is being absolutely absurd(Santa barbara, 2017-05-05)
This rule jeopardizes the chance of seniors being able to succeed later on. A high school diploma can make or break it when applying for a job. It's unfair and unjust to have such a strict requirement set in place.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I find it absurd that children have to do janitorial duties to clear an absence!(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I'm signing because I know how hard it is to work super hard in school and have to miss school because of mental illness. I have depression and everyday was a struggle to go to school. Lucky for me my high school ( Mountain pointe ) let me graduate regardless of my absences because they wanted me to succeed in life. Holding seniors back for absences is ridiculous because things happen and sometimes things are out of our control and that is why I'm signing this petition.(Maricopa, 2017-05-05)
I am signing this because as long as The child has kept up a great grade point average and has been responsible to keep up with assignments and work there is no reason why a child should not graduate on stage for absences as a child was responsible enough to keep that grade point average up why not let the child graduate on stage this is a ridiculous thing to especially because we don't have sick children that actually get sick at school but do their best to complete their assignments and stay on track(Lancaster, 2017-05-05)
I'm signing because this is not beneficial in any way, shape or form. This is a reflection of the principle and makes the principle and any staff who support it look bad, helping students to fail instead of uplifting them. SMH.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
absences unexcused or excused don't define a students right to participate in graduation that is a benefit of four years of hard work. Therefore no students who are ilegiable to graduate should be held back due to their absences. Thank you.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
This is so unfair to the senior of Hamilton High . There are many reason our children are absent . Flu season, appointment, active for Hamilton high off campus I could go on and on .(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
i'm signing again because this horrible and fully doesn't recognize that students are humans too. religious, illness, extracurricular, familial obligations are not taken into consideration....(los angeles, 2017-05-05)
This is outrageous and disorganized. Our school should NOT be allowed to punish Seniors who have worked hard and are probably very soon going to college to start a new life. Not cool, Hamilton(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I'm singing because what they are doing to you kids is horrible and it needs to be errticated or you should take him to court.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
Ima date of one of the students attending Hamilton's prom. Hamilton's Prom is my only prom. I didn't go to my schools prom by when I enrolled there, it was too late to buy a ticket. Most of my friends are Hamilton students, my girlfriend goes to Hamilton, and I've made my history over there. If my date doesn't do these hours, neither her or I can go to prom. That's not fair towards me. I have my 94% attendance requirements up to par, but I can't go to prom because the principal is punishing my date.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I'm signing because I use to go here. Our principle when I was there wasn't this harsh. He had humanity. He understood people get sick people work and people have family obligations. You don't know anyone's home life and to make them clean up the mess of the kids who were actually at school to make it while they weren't is horrendous. This is their last year and prom and graduation should only be based off of your GPA if you are maintaining a 2.8 and up then you should be eligible. It has nothing to do with attendance if you are still maintaining your grades.(Alhambra, 2017-05-05)
This is stupid and unfair(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I don't agree.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I dont that many absenses but that is so messed(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I'm signing because this is absolutely absurd. BULLSHIT!(Mission Viejo, 2017-05-05)
It's unfair for students because some students may have things going on at the time and it does not seem rational they must pay the price for having to miss a day of school.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
Everyone who earned the right to graduate should walk the stage(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
These Seniors deserve to have a graduation ceremony!(Santa ana, 2017-05-05)
This is bullshit.(Carson, 2017-05-05)
s/o mr garcia(los angeles, 2017-05-05)
I am a senior and I believe that this is completely unnecessary and unfair to the students of Alexander High School(Dublin, 2017-05-05)
I believe it's unfair what the new principle is doing and she needs to re think what's she's doing unless she wants her office lit up with angry parents. Maybe it would of been fair if we were told THREE-FOUR months ahead of the final mark but we're being told on the last month. Outrageous(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
Parents wait years to see their kids walk the stage and to be denied that joy for such a stupid reason is plainly wrong(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I am a senior and a musician. As a musician I must go to performances, tours, and auditions that are required for scholarships, summer intensive music festivals, and applying to colleges. Not everyone is perfect and we also do get sick. I tend to get some kind of strong illness at least 2-3 times a semester and it's due to weather and allergies.(Los Ángeles, 2017-05-05)
This rule is obnoxious. When a student is absent, especially due to an illness, they should be able to clear their absence without having to do 4 hours of "sercive." A student already has enough to worry about when they are sick like the work they'll have to make up work for classes they've missed to also be worrying about doing labor for 4 hours. The principal seems to have fogotten that getting an education is important, but above all is one's health. Students don't go to school to clean they are there to grow and gain knowledge. If she also really cared about the education the students missed on the day they were absent instead of making them do service maybe she should get them help to get caught up for the day(s) they missed. For example by encouraging students to go to tutoring to get help on completing homework or cclasswork on concepts they were absent for, but doing manual labor won't help a student get caught up with their studies.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
This is not right for seniors because it's the students last year and important things might be going on in their lives or what ever the case is it's still not right(Lynwood, 2017-05-05)
I'm a singing because I just want kids to graduate and get there diploma so they can have a better future for themselfs and attendance should not be the reason they don't because they have been working hard for 4 years just to graduate and have a better future(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
How dare you do this to these kids a month before graduation.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I'm signing because I understand the unexpected events that happened throughout the school year and especially as I senior I could not imagine not participating in events that you have looking forward to your entire high school career.(Inglewood, 2017-05-05)
I use to attend this school (class of 2015), and I'm simply baffled by the rules that are trying to be enforced. Also considering that I have some friends that are seniors this year, I don't wanna see their senior year ruined by this new principal. I really hope that this gets fixed. This is ridiculous.(Hawthorne, 2017-05-05)
Every student deserves to walk the stage & into their future regardless of absences.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
it's not right that you guys are doing this.... if students are passing (which is the standard rule for most highschools) then they should be able to walk . ITS NOT FAIR(Inglewood, 2017-05-05)
I'm signing because I think it is not fair for other students not to attend prom or even graduated for missing couple of days of school , other can miss 2 or 3 but can be okay? I mean it wasn't like this 4 years ago when I was attending to Hamilton. Students actually went to prom and graduated without a problem.. I just don't think it is fair. Do you know how many students actually want to attend prom and graduate? I love Hamilton and I just think you should let them go because I bet they actually work hard for it. They deserve to go..(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I think this is ridiculous! !!(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
My daughter is a senior at Hamilton High and this just make me furious !!! These young adults have worked so hard to get this far and for them to be told they won't be allowed to participate in their graduation festivities due to absences that are legit if they don't pick up trash is outrageous. My daughter missed some days to mourn the passing of her great grandfather and attend his funeral services. Now It's mandatory for her to participate in "BEAUTIFICATION DAY" ( picking up trash) because if it...COME ON HAMILTON... they already have enough on their plate to deal with just finishing their school year strong!!!(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
Y'all got them fucced up people do have family emergencies and 5 to the second power is not more important that somebody grandma being in the hospital or something !! Y'all really pushing it(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
It's not fair to the Students who are Collage bound . If you as a High School take funds from these Students and in the 11th hour tell them they can't partisapate in senior funktions including Prom and or Graduation is Criminal. This person should be Prosicuted and removed from the LACSD!!!(Victorville, 2017-05-05)
Hamilton yired let them walk(Inglewood, 2017-05-05)
That is totally unfiar consider a lot of people take buses to school and can't make the time to stay after school(North Hollywood, 2017-05-05)
I went to Hamilton and really understand this 100 percent(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I'm signing because i know how hard my friends at Hamilton work to graduate. I thing it's selfish that the new principal is keeping Hamiltons students low key hostage.(Los Angles, 2017-05-05)
Stop punishing students with your assigning rules just to show your control... if the student is academically eligible and absences are approved leave them be..... I personally have had enough of these school districts placing rules on students because they are generalizing and stereotyping the student population because of a few bad eggs.... As an educator we should be celebrating our scholars and not using prom and graduation as means to control them ..... If they are academically eligible and do not have excessive absences leave them alone...... Do better by our scholars(Philadelphia, 2017-05-05)
This is outrageous. You can't inform someone about service hours, 4 days for one absence I might add, a month before graduation.(Toledo, 2017-05-05)
THEY DONT WANN C U WINNIN(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
As a senior, this well clearly affect me, and i worry of not only my chance to walk the stage and graduate, but for all my friends who too share this great fear(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
As a former Hamilton high school student I know the difficulties of trying to graduate and make up credits in time for graduation. Seniors have many things to worry about and explained absences shouldn't be one of them.(Gräsmark, 2017-05-05)
I'm siging here because its none of your business why anyone was absent and couldn't provide you with a letter to excuse it. They came to school other wise so mind your business. You wanna restrict people from going to school over something petty. Bet you won't remburse said students with money they spent on college deposits etc!!!(Bronx, 2017-05-05)
It's not fair(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
This is a purposeful set back enforced by the principal and should be considered unfair and and poorly designed. To require such, and not explain the impact to your Hamilton students explicitly portrays a sense character that no principal should be considered. Let our hard working students graduate!(Los Angles, 2017-05-05)
This is not fair to the senior class if they wanted to set this rule they should've said it since the beginning of the school year not a month before graduation(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
7 absences shouldn't decide whether I am worthy of a high school diploma(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I don't believe there should be any limit on cleared absences. If someone is absent more than the district policy then that's between then that is most likely an extenuating circumstance and should br adressed on a case by case basis.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I ardently disagree with this policy and I find it disgusting that this is allowed!(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
They being petty(Jonesboro, 2017-05-05)
I'm signing this because what she is doing is completely unfair and should not be allowed. It shows no concern towards religious acknowledgements, illnesses or personal struggles and unforseen events.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I am this because my cousin attends this school I want to be able to see her graduate(Long Beach, 2017-05-05)
I live in Texas, and it's ridiculous that having more than 7 absences prevents someone from attending prom &/ graduation.(Amarillo, 2017-05-05)
I'm signing this because this is outrageous. Why wouldn't you clear absenses if the students has a doctors note or a note from home. No student should be punished because they missed school. It's not Truency!!!(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
This is unfair and the last minute notice is unacceptable!!!(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
Marino told me to.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
This is a magnet school and my daughter who is in the music magnet program has had to be absent from school to so college recordings and preparation for college. These absenses are not being excused(Los Angekes, 2017-05-05)
I'm from Indiana but this is some grade A bullshit.(Greenwood, 2017-05-05)
My friends forced me to do so.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)