As a home owner on the Bushmans river we are concerned about the impact on the Bushmans EstuaryHeidi Stander (2024-12-18)
Please let nature take its course...Terrence Gouws (2024-12-18)
I agree with the petitionJohn Mcdonough (2024-12-18)
I am signing because i reside in Bushman River Mouth and i want to save Bushman River Mouth from this Absurd plan of these poeple ,i disagree with themZet Gxogxo (2024-12-18)
Tha arrogance of people who think they can change natural phenomenon, instead of directing efforts to the serious issues of climate change and pollution of our sea and estuarine eco systems. Please stop this selfish waste of tax payers hard earned retirement in this beautiful place that is Kenton On Sea and Boesmansriviermond.Donald Thomson (2024-12-18)
This is a matter of national importanceAnthony Bayley (2024-12-18)
I am passionate about Bushman’s and want to see it preservedNadine Taiaroa (2024-12-19)
I’m signing this because I believe in minimal human intervention and that the river should be able to run its natural course.Eugene Cloete (2024-12-19)
Dry Bones Valley needs to be restored to its original drifting sands in order to keep the Bushmans River from silting up further.Lynn Basson (2024-12-19)
I think it is a ridiculous notion to fight against the natural movement of the dunes, the costs will be exorbitant for the locals and the impact on the natural environment very damaging.Nicky King (2024-12-19)
This is ludicrous!!!Tanya Fleiser (2024-12-19)
To benefit three people who can afford to get any property elsewhere the project planned will most likely spoil a pristine and vulnerable estuary for millions of people in future generations. Life is not about the here and now. Nature is in our custody for a very short time and we have to look after it for t he next generations.Carolina Norval (2024-12-19)
I’m signing this as I live her and believe our estuary should be left to naturally find its way again. No way should we all be allowing those who built in an area that should never have been developed in the first place, dictate our future.Shona Bell (2024-12-19)
I don't agree with altering the 'course of nature' to appease a chosen few. There are countless examples of the detrimental effects of doing this, and only a handful of successes.Mark Holmden (2024-12-19)
I love KentonMarizane Joubert (2024-12-19)
They need an environmental impact study . These are selfish people looking after themselves and not the communityCarolyn McKenzie (2024-12-19)
1. The investment is huge in light of the magnitude and longevity of sand movement.2. Public fund expenditure in the long term, to secure wishes of very few is excessive in relation to ther private contribution.
3. Level of ecological risk sufficiently uncertain to be cautious.
Tally Palmer (2024-12-19)
No EIA done is crazy... it is a criminal offense to proceed.Paul Backes (2024-12-19)
I care about our already diminishing natural environment.Greg Walsh (2024-12-19)
Nature should be left to thrive as God intended it to. There are animals, insects and all types of God's creation that rely on nature and the more we take away from their natural habitat the more we are going to eradicate living beings. Man needs to put away his eternal greed and selfish desires and let God be God.Melanie Payne (2024-12-19)
This environment needs to be looked afterAndre Wille (2024-12-19)
Nature need to be preservedNikki Swartz (2024-12-19)
The SBE proposal is more feasible than the alternate proposal and restores the natural state of the environment as it used to be.Keith Vosloo (2024-12-19)
I believe nature must take its course. Messing with this will only impact other areas and dry up the estuary.Matthew Lee (2024-12-19)
Three Concerns:1. Potential of closing the Bushman’s river mouth.
2. Damage to road infrastructure.
3: Inability of Ndlambe to financially manage this long term.
Colin Chapman (2024-12-19)
I object to the desecration of the Hoan Muirhead reserve, the abuse of the fragile KOS road system by large trucks and the long term use of front end loaders etc in a pristine habitat, as well as the transfer of costs to us, the ratepayers, to satisfy the selfish needs of the rich few.Gary Gray (2024-12-19)
Nature needs to balance itself out. By interfering it could silt up our rivers even further.Niki Cunningham (2024-12-19)
I don’t believe that only some people should have the right to decide for othersRobyn Jamieson (2024-12-19)
The plan is absurd and KOSRA has a viable and less expensive alternative that is preferable, cheaper, more sustainable and more suitable for all residents.Claude Renaud (2024-12-19)
Any interference will lead to more unknown environmental factors in the future.Christine Maclean (2024-12-19)
I am a resident and appalled that 3 homes can have this much impact on the rest of us. Arrogance We will lose our beautiful Kenton. You can’t fight against nature.Merryl Flynn (2024-12-19)
Signing because I live in Bushmans. I have owned my house gor 30 years, I have been coming to Bushmans Kenton for 60 years and do not wish the area to be spoilt by what is the natural flow of the rivers and sand dunes ..I believe a full independent environmental assessment needs to be done.
Christelle Miller (2024-12-19)
I am signing because this plan is madness and will have a hugely negative effect on Kenton.Tanya Woker (2024-12-19)
We must stop messing with nature!Maureen Marsay (2024-12-19)
Of great importance to all.Ray and Carol Oliver (2024-12-19)
To save the river mouth and estuaryRichard Inskip (2024-12-19)
Protect this beautiful estuary!Lorimer Wilmot (2024-12-19)
Just remove the vegetation along dry bones valley and allow nature to remove the sand naturally as its supposed to do from the Bushmans to Middle Beach! Rate payers have better things to pay for.Alistair James (2024-12-19)
We need to protect our pristine estuaries. These individuals are binding all the residents of Kenton and Boesmans to pay for the removal of sand without any consultation.Nallie Bosman (2024-12-19)
E should not interfere with the natural course of things in favour of our own selfish gains.Andrew Wilkins (2024-12-19)
I wish to avert an environmental disaster.Andy Shier (2024-12-19)
It's important to add my nameJoe Pederson (2024-12-19)
Interfering with nature is devastating, we have seen this at Saint Francis Bay where stabisation of the dunes has cause the natural beach to erode ,we can take you there and physically show you the damage.Chad Jutronich (2024-12-19)
I want to help save the Bushmens Estuary!Jackie Maclean (2024-12-19)
I think the Municipality is making a mistake.Andre Horak (2024-12-19)