Save The Trough!!



We, the undersigned, sign this petition in full support of the Coffee Trough remaining in operation at 63 Tiller Dr. Seaford.

On 31st January 2024 The Coffee Trough was issued an order by the Onkaparinga Council to cease trading from its current location due to “resident complaints relating to ongoing impacts of noise and carparking by early hour and ongoing attending customers and produce deliveries”.

The Coffee Trough was given no opportunity for right of reply to respond to the complaints, which has greatly impacted our livelihood and the greater local community, many who have been in disbelief that a friendly, quiet little coffee business would warrant being closed down.

The Coffee Trough have been diligent over the last few months in having open conversation with our surrounding neighbours regarding our impact upon them, who have expressed they are in total support of us continuing to trade in our current location, citing no disturbance in relation to Noise or Traffic. All have signed the petition.

We believe The Coffee Trough have adhered to the home business regulations set forth by council. We have always been mindful of our neighbours which has included keeping healthy communication open, requesting any feedback on our presence operating near them, and resolving issues promptly.

Produce deliveries are at off-peak times or when we are closed, and we believe they are no different to having any other home delivery (incidentally, Woolworths delivered to a neighbour in a large truck at 6:15am Saturday 10th Feb - I have no weekend deliveries).

It is be to noted that noise levels at early hours are considerably higher when having to tow the van 50m up the street to the permit location, where generator and set up noise also impacts upon the locality.

According to an Instagram poll, 55-75% of customers come on foot. Cars parked correctly on the street will generally stay for 5-10mins while waiting for a coffee.

We appreciate the Onkaparinga Council's commitment to fostering a vibrant and diverse local economy. We and the undersigned believe that The Coffee Trough contributes to this vision by providing a unique and enjoyable experience for residents and visitors alike. By supporting this business, we believe the Onkaparinga Council is promoting entrepreneurship and community collaboration, as well as supporting a safe space for mental health and wellbeing for groups, parents and children with special needs. We also provide support for  many local family small businesses on the Fleurieu and Southern Adelaide. There is much good to be fought for and we believe that you will agree with us!

In conclusion, we, the undersigned, kindly request that the Onkaparinga Council continues to support the Coffee Trough's operation from a residential home. We trust that the council will consider the positive impact this business has on our community and the measures in place to minimize any potential disruptions. We urge council to consider the resident's comments in this petition, to investigate the matter further, and respectfully rewuest a reversal of the decision to cease trading, with moves to find a "win/win" situation for complainants and the Coffee Trough business and community.

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