Please Save the August 23 Movie Theater

I start this petition because it's my duty to take a stand, first of all as an inhabitant of Bistritia, because I don't want cinema 23 August within the city to disappear. Secondly, because my father, the late Professor of Geography, Petraş Ioan, was the director of the film company in the last years of communism, from 1983 to 90.
Only me and my family do know how hard has he struggled to maintain the passion for film among the people from Bistrita.
He made the film series, so he could circumvent censorship and broadcast Oscar films. That's how Bistrita ended up in the 88s or 89s to be number one within the country as far as in ticket sales are concerned. Moviegoers were delighted and cinemas could not cope with the existing request. Premieres such as "Liceenii" and the film "Ion" were projected in Bistrița. The actors came to the screenings and loved the audience from Bistrita. Thirdly, it is a boundless ineptitude to demolish a vintage building and put a parking lot in place. Let's be united! Sign the petition and let's protest in front of the local council! Do not abandon Cinema 23 August as the local and the national authorities have done. How about having a cultural hub that includes a project theater. I mean not a theatre like that inert, provincial one, but an effervescent, experimental one which would work with names like Radu Afrim or Bogdan Georgescu etc., just like the Youth Theatre from Piatra Neamț (even if that's a state owned theatre) that had wonderful moments with Gianina Carbunariu and the same Afrim in the staging. An appropriate hall could provide theatre performances, contemporary dance, for the community including cinema because a community cinema, as the types of cinema that run new or old art films are called in Germany, so including the revival house, doesn’t exist, because cinema Dacia has runned purely commercial movies, 99 percent of the program, since it was renovated. Therefore, in order to watch a festival film you have to go to Cluj (where you can barely watch even Romanian movies). The name of Electric theatre would not be a bad name at all, as it would comprise both the functions of cinema and of theatre.

Petraș Ion Lucian    Contact the author of the petition

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