Petition: Making Media truly “Everybody’s Hometown”



The Mission of Media Affordable Housing Group is:

To ensure that Media, Pennsylvania, “Everybody’s Hometown,” is a place where people of all ethnicities, socioeconomic backgrounds, sexual orientations, and religious practices have a welcoming and affordable place to live and thrive.  

The Objectives are

1. To include affordable housing—for both purchase and rental—in all new housing development projects.

2. To encourage the repurposing of existing structures for affordable housing.

3. For the Borough to change the Community Development Committee to the           Community  and Housing Development Committee.  

Affordable Housing encourages and builds the economic and racial diversity of Media. 

We believe Affordable Housing is an inherent right for all people.

Your signature shows your support to provide all citizens with decent and safe homes.  

Thank you,

Affordable Housing Group

Judy Fowler, Addie Ciannella, Jeanne Wordley, Carol Glover

Affordable Housing Group    Contact the author of the petition

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