Opposition to High Density Zoning in Oakdale

Petition in Opposition to the Rezoning of 200 Oakdale Road, Canton, GA 30114  

We, the undersigned owners of the property affected by the rezoning request for 200 Oakdale Road, Canton, GA 30114, do hereby oppose any change to the existing zoning of the above-mentioned property. 

Furthermore, we hereby nominate Mark Walker to speak on our behalf concerning any issues regarding the above-mentioned property. 

As property owners in the Oakdale Community, we would like to briefly express our concerns as follows:

1.       Traffic.  This concern has been expressed repeatedly in our individual letters and emails to the Canton City Council and will be reiterated by Mark Walker when he addresses the council.

2.     Safety.  We are concerned not only for the safety of existing residents of the Oakdale Community, but also for the potential residents as the access for emergency vehicles is limited and will only become worse with more traffic.

3.     Spot-zoning. The proposed rezoning in inconsistent with the current residential use and density. 

4.    Lack of adequate sewage system.

5.     Loss of privacy.

6.    Negative impact on wildlife.  This property is in close proximity to the Etowah River and adjacent to a conservation zoned tract.

7.     Increase in noise.

As local property owners, we would like to express that we are not “anti-development.”  We would not oppose residential development (single family detached dwelling) which adheres to the current zoning and is consistent with the existing adjacent area.

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