Nullify November 3rd Presidential Election and Hold a New Election

We the people, primarily Independents who were supporters of President Donald Trump, will not accept the election results of the Presidential Election held on November 3, 2020 due to inconsistencies and unprecedented changes in voting standards and procedures which were changed within 90 days of the election. Add to this the violation of election laws by many Democratic predominant voting sites, where Biden election material was posted, handed out in pamphlets and election officials were wearing Biden face mask. Include the limiting of election monitors to get close enough to the ballot counters to witness the accuracy and it cast serious doubts on the honesty and fairness of the election results. We, Trump supporters, have zero confidence that this was a fair, honesty election and cast doubt on who actually won the election (which we believe to be President Trump, not Joe Biden). Therefore we are demanding that the election be voided and a new election scheduled as soon as possible but not later than December 1, 2020. For us to accept the second election, monitors of both parties much be allowed to witness the vote counting and mail-in ballots must not be allowed. Persons desiring to vote must do so in person.

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