The delaying of nsfas service delivery and rejecting academically deservering students from receiving funding

Thousands of students all over South Africa are being excluded from higher education due to the fact that Nsfas system is unfairly rejecting them or is just not working efficiently. Students who have exceeded the minimum requirements are getting rejected by Nsfas and are thus unable to complete their degrees that they have worked so hard to attain. Nsfas has been awfully quiet on this present matter and we as students would like a solution to this issue. The Nsfas scheme was devised to help poor students who can not afford to pay for tertiary education, it is Nsfas duty to ensure that all financially and academically deservering students receive money in order to continue or complete their studies. There are students who have lost spaces in varsity due to nsfas inefficiency, students who have had to return home and explain to their families and friends why they are not studying anymore. It's not because they didn't pass it's because Nsfas decided to implement a new system that is wrongfully rejecting students who qualify. We as students would like nsfas to address these  very pressing issues. All students affected please sign. 

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