Lefase la Ga Mokgotho le boele ka matsogong a Bakone Ba ga Ngoasheng

Bakone ba ga Ngoasheng baile ba dira kopano le Kgoshi Mothiba kadi 26 tsa January 2020. Tabakgolo ele gore baga Mothiba bafe baga Ngoasheng semmusho mabu a bona a mola Ga Mokgotho go akaretsa le area ya 1005LS Majebeskraal yeo elego bohwa bja ba Ga Ngoasheng.

Kgoshi Mothiba orile Ba Ga Ngoasheng aba kwane babolela dipolelo tsa go fapana.

Ka Petition ye:

Rena rele le baga Ngoasheng rere go Kgoshi Mothiba, tseba gore rea kwana mokone re bolela ka lentsu le tee rere re nyaka lefase la borakgolo khukhu wa rena laga Mokgotho leo le akaretsang area ye: 1005LS Majebeskraal.

1. We are in process of reclaiming the said land with the relevant Gorvenment Department.

2. Kgoshi Mothiba must stop with any further developments and the rezoning on the said land.

Reholofela gore kgwekgwe ya taba eya kwagala.

Ke Bakone ba Ga Ngoasheng wa Mmathaba...

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