Keeping Kourtlynn

#keepingkourtlynn #fightingforkourtlynn

 February 10th 2017, sweet  Kourtlynn Klise was brought into my this world. Her parents both drug users & homeless quickly had cps involved. Trisha McCray (babys cousin) was given Kourtlynn for 2.5weeks. At that point a family friend of Trisha McCrays was given the baby until this last court hearing. The childs mother & father have choosen to give this child to complete strangers rather than handing over this girl to her very loving big sister Nicole Becker (Klise) & or any family. And have asked the family gets NO CONTACT. I know many of you may be busy next Tuesday at 9am for court but please take a minute to sign this petition. Im hoping a few hundrew signatures shows the court where this baby girl belongs. 

#familyisfamily #keepingkourtlynn
