It is almost impossible to get even a telephone appointment with a G.P Across Pembrokeshire.

G.P's are the Gatekeepers to Diagnosis, Prescriptions, Imaging and Consultant Referrals. It is not unusual to make dozens of calls over different days and fail to speak to a person.

Meanwhile Patients young and old, with a variety of conditions and abilities are unecessarily suffering. pain and stress. 

This has to change we the Patients demand action & explanations from Hywel Dda UHB and the Welsh Government.

Access Standards in Wales 

These standards are set out below: AMG are failing in 5 0f the 6 standards

  • People receive a prompt response to their contact with a GP practice via telephone. (FAIL)
  • Practices have the appropriate telephony systems in place to support the needs of people avoiding the need to call back multiple times and will check that they are handling calls in this way. (FAIL)
  • People are able to access information on how to get help and advice. (FAIL)
  • People receive the right care at the right time in a joined up way which is based on their needs.(FAIL)
  • People can use a range of options to contact their GP practice. (FAIL)

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