Help Keep Clark Lake Healthy


 Protect Clark Lake – Prohibit Artificially Enhanced Wake Boating    

Door County’s Clark Lake has long been a haven for diverse aquatic life and a cherished recreational site for residents and visitors alike.  However, the recent introduction of artificially enhanced wake boating has been shown to cause significant harm to a lake's precious ecosystem.   

Such boats produce 3-4 ft waves, contributing to shoreline erosion and increasing boating hazards. The substantial turbulence from these large heavy boats with their downward propeller wash increases turbidity, destroys aquatic habitats, and resuspends hazardous materials long-contained within the bottom. This can make the lake unsafe for swimming, fishing, and other traditional water activities enjoyed by thousands in our Door County community.  

There is currently no regulation on the use of artificially enhanced wake boating on Clark Lake.  It is imperative to act now, as their recent rise in popularity poses a growing threat to Clark Lake and everyone’s ability to enjoy this treasured resource.   

The Towns of Baileys Harbor and Jacksonport recently passed ordinances to prohibit artificially enhanced wake boating on Kangaroo Lake.  This ordinance prohibits the operation of any boat in an enhanced wake fashion.  It will NOT affect activities enjoyed with a “planed” motorboat, such as waterskiing, traditional wakeboarding, tubing, or cruising.  

We are calling upon the Towns of Sevastopol and Jacksonport to enact the same ordinance for Clark Lake.  By signing this petition, you are urging our elected officials to ensure the lake remains a healthy ecosystem and fun place for all to enjoy now and for generations to come.    

Please click here for an in-depth video on the issue.

Thank you.

Clark Lake Advancement Association

Michael Brunet - President

Gwenn Graboyes - Lead, Lake Safety and Maintenance 


Clark Lake Advancement Association    Contact the author of the petition

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