Help Alejandrina

Steven's mom, Alejandrina, is in a NYC hospital, in a ventilator for 30 days, diagnosed with COVID19 and a bacteria infection which happened after she was put in the ventilator. The doctors have given her a death sentence, but Steven decided to research on his own what could be done for his mom. He found an alternative treatment which him and his family have agreed they want to give his mom. Despite the right to try act passed by Donald Trump on the 30th of May 2018, the doctors have denied assisting in this treatment. They have given Alejandrina a death sentence, yet deny to try any other methods outside of the unknown. As Alejandrina is in a ventilator for life support, Steven and his family depend on the doctors cooperation, and by law, they have a right to get this treatment.

Please sign this petition to help show support to Stevens family, and to hopefully help pressure the doctors to allow them to try this alternative treatment. PLEASE SHARE THIS PETITION WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW!

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