Adequate remuneration for Physiotherapists in South Africa

Quoted post



2015-06-02 12:39

I work in government and have done so for 8 years. During this time i have completed many further trainings, including OMT, none of which have been recognised or rewarded by my employer. I am the most senior in the rehab department; expected to do managerial tasks, but not allowed to attend management workshops or trainings, and i am not recognised or remunerated for my efforts; in fact, i am still a grade 1 therapist, just like the people i am "in charge" of.



#64 Re:

2015-08-08 20:47:00

#40: -  I know exactly what you are talking about  I have OMT as well as a masters degree and still no recognition  a "production therapist" in charges of others too. Really frustrating