Dear FERC: STOP Stealing My Property!

Quoted post



2014-08-04 11:51

Took a dock plan to remodel dock and add on. Have 800 ft of water. Dock is 30+ years old. Because the walk way is 8 ft wide I must tear it down to put the Small 7x10 building. To put one on land to help store and secure personal property, it would be a pretty good walk since I have a flat lot. I believe that the property tax should be paid by the people that say we do not own the land any longer. Of course I spoke direct to AEP, they inform you if it is not kept up, they can make you tear it down also. Been on the lake for 40 years. This must stop. They have already voted and raised our property taxes again in Bedford. It is time for a suit against those stealing our land, and those over taxing what they say we don't own. Stop and ask yourself, what has been done in your area that simply has water in front of you. We got some gravel and tar our cars smoothed down for a road I was told they were going to repave. Willing to help in anyway possible.


Bill Brush
The author of this petition

#10 Re:

2014-08-05 13:12:28

#9: -  

 AEP has no right or authority to make you bring a 30 year old dock into conformance with their SMP.  If you are doing routine maintenace to your dock that doesn't require a County building permit, I would not have contacted AEP.  I agree with you they are totally out of control and using every clever means they have get you to sign their permit and limit/take your property rights.