BC Government - Mines Permit Fees

Quoted post

Donna Chaytor
The author of this petition


2014-02-25 19:54

The Provincial Government should be encouraging small scale Placer Mining across the province of British Columbia to enhance opportunity to find gold and minerals in order to encourage hiring of individuals, bringing revenue into the different locations, and creating sustainability for one of the first employments historically within this province.  It is irresponsible government that would apply such a fee to a NOW  for exploration, and could possibly lead to a business.  This is government rape and also emotional and mental abuse at the beginning of mining season for miners to be faced with this subject of mine permit fees.  I am truly wondering why at Round Up when all the big boys were around, just a couple of weeks back, why did they not bring it up at "Round Up".   I find this proposal to go against everything exploration is about and what exploration leads to.  This will close down good operations and leave the government dealing with *wild cat* operations, that would not do the honorable thing of putting up bonds.  I am just wondering if the round table just decided this would be a good way to get a bonus at the end of the day.  We must have a united front and fight this, object to this, and ensure we do not pay a pre-assigned tax before the product is produced.  Thanks for reading my rant.  Mad Miner



#35 Re:

2014-02-26 17:21:21

#1: Donna Chaytor -

Maybe that is what is needed a Wildcat strike of miner's where we all go wildcat?

Dr. Bruce Perry, Ph.D., Geologist

#78 Re: what's the source of your info re this plan

2014-03-21 20:42:04

#1: Donna Chaytor -

what's the source of your info re this plan by the bc gov to initiate these fees; i haven't seen any notifications anywhere of this intention....??