BC Government - Mines Permit Fees

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition BC Government - Mines Permit Fees.



2014-03-21 09:24

My 25 cents is that the proposed fees in the event that they impact the small prospector miner is that it will drive more people to mine illegally.
Why does the govt not crack down on the existing bad eggs and not punish all of us.
2K to "process" application is riduclous, for small miners that hand work without mechanized means.
shame on the BC Govt for not being forthwith about the "proposed" changes, why are the current income taxes not covering the applications for NoW. This nothing more than a service charge being being snuck in.



2014-03-21 09:36

Leave the small propsector alone.
Govt should target the individuals that break the rules!
The system was supposed to be streamlined so that all depts communicate, however that is still broke!
I recently dealings with some bad individuals that decided to tear up some crown land and I had requested info from mines inspector and othe govt agencies to get that whoaed up as it was all quite underhanded and dirty - Guess what - got the royal run around, so why would i support those proposed fees as it would appear that the few bad eggs can still make the rest seemingly pay for their actions and cause destruction of CROWN LAND!
help anyone?
More staff is needed first.
Dr. Bruce Perry, Ph.D., Geologist

#78 Re: what's the source of your info re this plan

2014-03-21 20:42

#1: Donna Chaytor -

what's the source of your info re this plan by the bc gov to initiate these fees; i haven't seen any notifications anywhere of this intention....??



2014-03-21 20:47

This needs to be looked into quickly by those who may be affected, and nipped in the bud. The longer the gov people have this idea in their minds, i.e., that it's OK to do this, the more difficult it will be to defeat.



2014-03-22 15:42

part of :b.c exploration and mining strategy 2012: is to assess cost recovery options to improve permitting processes.one might think tax revenues from people employed in exploration and mining as well as revenues from working mines would be more than enough to recover permitting costs.leaving more money in peoples pockets will create more revenues than sucking everyone dry.it is time for government to stop wasting money and only spend where it counts.people all over the world are fed up with governments and our politicians think it is not happening here.



2014-03-26 14:28

hard to believe there are only 184 signatures and 80 comments.need someone with computer skills to get this out to social media and make government take notice before this rediculous policy is put in place.



2014-03-28 23:56

These fees just make it easier for big company's to take over where small operations use to be. In fact, for a lot of people it won't even be possible to get and work a claim with these fee's. Prospecting is hard enough as it is!
Donna Chaytor

#83 Re: Re: what's the source of your info re this plan

2014-03-31 17:37

#78: Dr. Bruce Perry, Ph.D., Geologist - Re: what's the source of your info re this plan

It is the British Columbia Government - Department of Mines, as stated on the front of the Petition.

Donna Chaytor

#84 Re:

2014-03-31 17:43

#81: -

It is always an individual who will not identify themselves that will be a critic, and will have done nothing themselves.  With 100 members in our association this has been a great representation.


#85 #81

2014-04-01 14:04

#84 i am not sure what you read into this .my hat is off to you for bringing this petition forward. i have been telling everyone that will listen to go to this site and sign this petition.ijust wish i had the computer skills to get this petition noticed by the miners and prospectors to stop this government from introducing these fees.