Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools


/ #34 Your understanding....

2012-01-11 16:21

... is just wrong.  The amount of taxes collected at sumer venues in 2 weeks would be a small amount.  Additionally, those taxes would not go towards schools as we fund schools with property taxes.  Only a small portion of the taxes collected in those two weeks would go to the county anyway.  Most winds up in the states coffers.

Now, I wouldn't put it past those venues to pressure the board to alter the calendar so that they have those 2 additional weeks of revenue coming in.  Some of these places only open 3-4 months so those 2 weeks make a big dent in their revenues.  But no one has shown me any evidence this occurred.

The fact of the matter is that WE elected 3 new board members who pledged to implement the traditioanal calendar.  Regardless of their motives, it is WE who selected them to serve and they've done exactly what they pledged.  A pitifully low turnout lets these kinds of shenanigans happen:


So all 3 of these board members came in with less than 20,000 citizens of Cobb voting on the matter.

Signing petitions is great and all..... but how about some of you show up at the polls next time!  Educate yourself on when these elections are and exercise your civic duty EVERY TIME.