Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #7252

2011-12-25 14:49

Religion “FAITH” Indicated Strong Stir in Russia, 120,000 protested
MIL/GBA/Agencies, Dec 25, 2011

New Delhi, India: December 25, 2011 – IR Summary/GBA - JP Jain, Governing Member of GBA (God Believers Association).
While addressing the committee members Mr. JP Jain said here on Sunday " if countries who disregard the authority of God directly or indirectly even to a marginal level have to pay the price in the long run, whether they believe it or not, admit or reject this philosophy." FAITH, Universal Modern Religion, strongly advocates this philosophy, "Believe in God or not, but don't disrespect any relgion or its holy book or tradition."

Mr. JP Jain Said: “Take the example of Russia, their circumstances are changing after the alleged insult to the Holy Bhagavad Gita, which one of their courts is considering to ban.

Around 120,000 middle class people gathered in Moscow on Saturday for a second large anti-government demonstration; they acted as a wave of new activist struggle against the Govt.

The middle class Russians are angry over parliamentary elections earlier in December wherein many rejected the same as fraudulent and slanted in favor of the ruling party, United Russia.

It is such a wave that can alter the course of presidential elections in March, when Vladimir V.Putin plans to extend his status as the country’s dominant figure to 18 years as per Ellen Barry.

The crowd began forming more than an hour before the beginning of the protest, for which city authorities granted a permit up to 50,000 people but the gathering exceeded 120,000.

It may be God's indirect signal to the leadership of that country who don’t hesitate to malign the dignity of “Bhagavad Gita”, which contained the commandments directly from God according to Hindu Belief.

So far the Holy Book of FAITH, Universal Modern Religion, which was released on 16 October 2011 for private circulation to the members of the GBA and also selected members who hold complete trust in Universal Modern Religion “FAITH” is concerned, it has already indirectly hinted in their texts from 1884-1886 in advance how the things could develop in Russia in wake of possible ban of "Bhagavad Gita",

The main purpose of that hint in advance by the FAITH Religion through its Holy Book was that the respect of God in all forms should be maintained whether related to Temples, Churches, Mosques or in the form of holy texts of any world religion.

According to the Founder of "FAITH" Swamy (Dr.) Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, "Believing is one thing which is one’s own opinion but disrespecting is another, it amounts to a direct insult to God and an act of unfaithfulness, since each and every human is using God’s gifted soul, body, earth, nature and the Universe".

The following texts are reproduced for information of those people who wish to know how Godly powers send their indirect signal to the people for future happenings:

1884 " After 16 October 2011, time may swing with major changes, both good and bad. The Destiny of the Earth is not very favorable to the Communist countries whether it is Russia, North Korea or China. New trend shall start developing from the beginning of December 2011.

1885 “So far Russia is concerned, the era of Putin may move against him, it may bring protestors to stand against some of his policies and particularly in the coming elections where he may be alleged to commit some rigging.

1886 “The people as such shall get angry and demonstrate in a great number which did not happen for the last 20 years. They may demand or the country may press for certain democratic changes and favor for certain and necessary reforms to develop.

These texts are believed to have come from God’s mouth and are transcribed by His Divine Grace Lord Vishnu Bhakt Swamy (Dr.) Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, who is the founder of “FAITH” Universal Modern Religion and is also the chief of the God Believers Association (GBA).
