Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #7026

2011-12-24 09:41

Having familiarised with activity of sectarians, Lenin has offered тов. Bonch-Bruevichu to write on behalf of Narkomzema the appeal to sectarians about their attraction to cooperation for the device of exemplary collective farms. It has been published in 1921. We result endurances from this almost forgotten, and for many - absolutely unknown document.

"In Russia there are many sects, which adherents, according to their doctrine, long since aspire to communal, communistic life. In a basis of this aspiration they put ordinary the words taken from" Acts of apostles ":" Anybody of anything from the manor did not name the, but all at them was the general ". Many sectarians strictly put these precepts into practice and lived communities, communes. All governments, all authorities, all laws all over the world, went at all times against such life, and sectarians for it in all countries including in Russia, burnt down on fires, killed, tormented, suppurated in prisons, broke off their communities and dispatched in references on different corners of the earth and in every possible way pursued, but they remained firm in the belief and, dying, bequeathed to the brothers to continue the same struggle, the same communal life. Наркомзем, sharp-sightedly looking narrowly at these national groupings and attentively listening to voices of conscience of these broad masses, has found the present the most suitable to call for creative agricultural work these national, so-called sectarian and old believe weights already organised in the communities, perfectly each other knowing, conjoint and incorporated everyone in the current the uniform aspiration, proved with work capacity, honesty, sense of duty, frankness and sincerity "..." For the first time for all time of existence of Russia and recently still per-secuted old believe согласиям, left far enough from just dominating and their oppressing Orthodox Church, full possibility of wide association is given sectarians of all directions. Workers' and Peasants' revolution has made the business. It a mighty hand and iron will has loosened foundations of an old society, the old world, having subverted it that at its  destruction to erect new blossoming, free life. All those who struggled with the old world who has suffered from its burdens, - sectarians and Old Believers among them, - all should be participants in creativity of new forms of life. And we speak to sectarians and Old Believers where they lived on all earth: welcome!"

In the end of this appeal it is offered to form at Narkomzeme the special commission for the device of exemplary collective farms from among sectarians. This commission has been named "by the Commission on settling of state farms, the free earths and the former manors sectarians and Old Believers", in abbreviated form ОРГКОМСЕКТ.

Thus it would be desirable to remember that Lenin, saying goodbye to sectarian-baptist Petrov coming to it from the Novgorod province in 1918 behind council and assistance on the device of an agricultural commune though itself and did not believe in God, has told to it: "Yes your God in whom you so firmly trust will help you, on creation of that commune to which your Christian soul is torn, and the Soviet power in these undertakings will always assist you in all your undertakings".
