Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #6667

2011-12-22 19:16

Bhagvad Gita tells about consituitional position of all of us (including 8.4 Million species), that from time immemorial we are part and parcel of the God (BG 15.7)and that our duty as the part & parcel is to serve the Whole Being and engage our mind in Him and worship Him (9.34). Only then we can drive the peace and achieve the purpose of human life, otherwise we will keep wandering in from one life (specie) to another. To prove that Lord Krishna is the only Supreme Personality of Godhead, He had revealed His Universal Form as well to Arjuna (Chapter 11). Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had predicted that message of Lord Krishan will be spread in every village and city and when this is becoming true, some of our own brothers, owing to ignorance, are not liking it. Let wisdom be awarded to them as well and the super-soul residing in them, guide them in the right direction; though who knows the intent of the God. This may be giving more popularity than existing popularity, as when River Ganges hit a stumbling block, the current becomes more vigorous. This petition shall be supported by all God Conscious people, in the welfare of all. Hare Krishna.
Dayaveer Das @ CA Deepak Sehgal