Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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/ #8842011-12-17 17:28Radheya, son of Chakradhari (murdered victim) and Rohini (son of murder accomplice Daruka) – Just month's after Tirtha killed Chakradhari, Chakradhari's son is found suffocated in an abandoned refrigerator. Guess who else is found dead in the same refrigerator? Rohini, the son of Daruka, who was Tirtha's murder accomplice in the killing of Chakradhari. Tirtha had decided to kill the only eye witness, his murder partner Daruka (because he knew where the body was – no body, no case). But in this instance, the chance to kill Daruka's son along with Chakradhari's son came conveniently along before he acted to kill Daruka. After killing the kids, Tirtha was stopped from taking out Daruka because Bhaktipada didn't approve. This later proved to be a big mistake for Tirtha, as Daruka was the main witness against him in the Chakradhari murder trial. Daruka was the one who called Chakradhari for the meeting when he was murdered, and he was also the one who ran inside the house to bring Tirtha a kitchen knife and screw driver after Tirtha ran out of bullets. The rumor New Vrindavan leaders spread throughout ISKCON was that the children were playing hide and seek. But why wasn't there another kid looking for them? How do you play hide and seek with only two people, when both of you are hiding in the same abandoned refrigerator? Randall Gorby – (murdered victim) Randall had worked for and with the Krishna's on a number of occasions concerning the land scam. Randall Gorby was the person Kirtanananda used to buy up all the land surrounding New Vrindavan. Since the locals didn't want to sell their land to devotees, Kirtanananda paid Randall to secretly buy the land on the devotee's behalf. As a result New vrindavan grew to over 3,000 acres. But in the end he was rewarded for this work with a bullet to his head. After his daughter had been getting sexual with one of the Krishna's, (PB - Param brahma das, Paul Ferry) Randall Gorby became angry and started to work against them. Randall Gorby was a typical west viginia hillbilly and if someone was having sex with his daughter, that person was going to get a shotgun put against their back. After Randall had found out about the abuse of his daughter, he was livid and wanted revenge. He started to work together with the FBI investigation and thought of this as a way to get even. Randall finally became an FBI informant who was the chief witness against Tirtha in several of the trials. Tirtha had loose lips, and would often brag about his crimes to friends. As soon as Randall heard about the murders, he contacted the FBI and agreed to have his phone tapped (thereby becoming an FBI informant). Gorby was found killed in his pickup truck in July of 1990 with a gunshot wound to his head. Looks like he wouldn't make it to testify against Kirtanananda in the big trial, would he? Randall Gorby had already survived a murder attempt by New Vrindavan hitmen in 1986. The day after Tirtha had been arrested Randall Gorby's house blew up, leaving him in critical condition. The official statement was that someone opened up his gas line and filled his house with gas. When he lit a cigarette, the entire house exploded and became a pile of fiery rubble, with him in it. Kirtanananda's public answer: he must have been trying to get free gas by bypassing the gas meter. Some people say he was also connected with the Philadelphia temple. I'm sure Ravindra Svarupa remembers him, at least the "him" before there was a bullet in his head. There was one other murder attempt on Randall Gorby which occurred on May 28, 1986 . Ravindra Svarupa knows more details about that one. Raghunath das - RALPH SEWARD - "ragu" president and director of JAGA, inc a real estate holding company New Vrndaban's paid bookkeeper, accused of abuse in Dallas and at New Vrindaban schools, with a one tear hiatus between schools in an opium den in LA with his black gay roommate, invited to NV by headmaster Sri Galima, do the revenues still come from the restaurant and the gurukula tuitions?, named but not protected in "the lawsuit", can still be sued, as they all can, on "an individual basis". Ramananda das / ramananda / Ramananda, a malaysian thug and his prostitute consort, had been recruited by Chandra das to Kirtanananda Swami's cause. Kirtanananda Swami gave them the initiated names Ramananda das and Chitra dasi. Ramananda immediately started a land takeover attempt. Triad gang member, pimp, drug smuggler, ran gurukuli escape victims in a life of white slavery, begging throughout asia to maintain the push to build "a tower to touch God from", back at New Vrndaban. Ravindra Svarupa Swami [William Deadwyler] Ravindra, you have never tried to prosecute any of the criminals in New Vrindavan, neither the murderers nor the pedophiles. You are the one rascal who has seriously betrayed the devotees twice: 1) once with your fake guru reform, just to become a guru yourself. 2) twice, when you pretended to investigate New Vrindavan crimes, but ended up taking a cut of New Vrindavan's drug money and reappointing every single Kirtanananda henchman back to power. As long as the Kirtanananda was pushed aside to give you more zone to guru in, you didn't mind who stayed in power. Kuladri, Tapahpunja, Nityodita, Radhanatha Swami, Malati, Candramauli Swami, Varshana Swami, Umapati Swami – every last one was promoted by you! How does that work? In exchange for pushing Kirtanananda aside, you promoted all of his leading criminal henchmen to power – plus you got a cut of the money. Sweet! We get Bhavananda in Mayapur, Ravindra in Philly, and Radhanatha in New Vrindavan. Now the nectar is flowing. Rupanuga das - RAMESH PATEL - "roops" president of Cathedral of Healing, inc. Trustee of ISKCON NMV (Iskcon of New Mathura Vrindaban), draws an $ 800 month salary for "his service", another accountant, one for the other set of books "what became of that safe full of silver when Kirtanananda Swami went in to lockdown?, "how can an Indian bookkeeper support a family of 6 on no income?, the key word is "bookkeeper"!, evicting women and orphans, "no problem!", Radhanath Swami cheerleader, "without the swami ravanath, who would we have left?" Sacinandana das: see James Prins Sesa das, Seth Spellman the current ISKCON minister of justice, was the temple president and minister of justice for the allens lane temple and yet he remained unaware that his head-pujari, Sarada Vihari das was on cocaine and not the brahmastra juice that he was claiming. Ravindra did not know that his food for life housing scam was busted for prostitution? he did not know the husband and wife team handling the money were stealing enough for two coke habits? why not? if the pot washer in the temple knows these things, shouldn't the person in charge? if they truly didn't know, the issue is their competence. if they did know, then the issue would be their ethics. fact is, it was common knowledge on both sides of the breezeway. Isa knew. Sri Galima das / Gary Gardiner / sri g / of san antonio, texas Rapist, pedophile "headmaster" of old nandagram/ new nandagram school, twice headmaster of gurukulas closed down for abuse. close friend of Ralph J. Seward (Raghunatha) for a number of years. sold off 100 head of cattle from his father's ranch in san antonio to pay his way out of the child molestation charges that dog him to this day. found "life on the run" in india too austere (shame you can't rape children from the comfort of your own living room anymore!) this unrepentant, unconvicted, and as yet, uncharged child molester is still very tight in his communications with nvc (New Vrindaban Community, Inc.) management and spiritual heirarchy. his wife occasionally visits and always asks when it will be alright for sri galima to return. Sri-Galima was from a wealthy san antonio cattle baron family and had never held a real job in his entire life. he would later use his family's ill gotten gains to buy himself a pass in the first child abuse trial to involve New Vrindaban inmates, which wound up sending Sri-Galima's first victim to prison for six months. Sri-Galima had befriended a young boy who came to New Vrindaban who spoke no english. since Sri-Galima spoke fluent spanish, the youth was put under his direct care and supervision. after six years of being trained by Sri-Galima, the assistant started to have his own similar kinds of relationships. when the duo was arrested, the youth had just turned eighteen and was charged as an adult offender. the adult pedophile, Gary Gardiner (Sri-Galima) was able to make all the charges against him go away in a sealed plea agreement that cost him $ 60,000. the "fee" was paid to west virginia state supreme court justice Klackley for making the entire thing go away for Sri-Galima without even one days incarceration. his minor aged assistant was tried as an adult and served a six month sentence. Sri-Galima had been protected throughout the period by his exile to india and then to malaysia after word got around india that he was another one of Kirtanananda Swami's foreign legion and not just a spiritual seeker. Sri-Galima had gone back to the states in a very sweet deal that his father and Radhanath had worked out. from his malaysian hideout, he had hired a lawyer to negotiate on his behalf. his "lawyer" was a WVU law professor named Klackley. the lawyer was a black WV statesupreme court justice. he was the chief justice of the west virginia state supreme court. AND he was in private practice. and for the incredibly reasonable legal fee of $60,000 US dollars all of this was reduced to signing a paper and walking out of the courthouse a free man. legally free, maybe, but karma-free, well let's just say, there's more chance of having a snowball fight in hell. Sri-Galima (a homosexual) needed a wife for the same reason michael jackson married lisa marie presley. it conveyed a heterosexual image that would be helpful if this ever came before a jury. (cover up for being gay) The mentality was that women were only toilets that you did your business in (pissing and shitting in it) and then walked away from. Devamrita Swami was very fond of saying so. (Devamrita said: women are toilets). Yogini, or "mrs Sri-Galima" as she was called, had gotten herself deep in the middle of something she didn't understand. she had come to New Vrindaban from her native south-america and almost on her arrival, she was told to marry so that she would get her green card. SUDHANU DASA, SU, George Weisner a long time New Vrindaban resident and board member, he was a winner in the New Vrindaban" steal a bride" raids that were conducted against new york. skamkirtan riches only increased when "mrs. su" (lajjavati, lajj) became the leader of the womens skamkirtan teams, following the ouster of dharmatma and his harem. Former 'mayor of New Vrndaban', former chairman of the planning department, former chairman of the New Vrndaban board, retired. "don't call me sudhanu, my name is george, george weisner!", anybody want to buy any paintings from the Palace? what did happen to the budgets of the planning, heavy equipment, and the construction departments? how did he pay for that yacht he owns? or the $ 5,000 kiln that risi bought his bimbo? Sukavaha dasi / Susan Bauer / whole lotta lovin' swami / mother of three, all abused in the gurukula, like the other mothers of abused kids, still dependent for communal living but not having significant alternatives. |
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