Help Stop The End Of A Big Part Of My Family Our Dog Boof.


/ #10

2024-08-06 12:04

Oh I'm so very sorry Sharon for yours and the family's loss of your Boof this whole situation is unbelievably outrageous and heartbreaking that this was allowed to happen you'd think someone in authority would of stopped this and common sense would have prevailed. I really pray that you get this council to be held accountable for their cruel actions and for their unimaginable extra heartless discision in not returning your beloved Boofs remains I can only imagine the heartache you and your family are trying to deal with let alone be able to find closure for your loss or make any sense of this madness at the hands of this heartless council, should never have come to this and they should never be allowed to get away with this again
R.I.P Boof
fly high Angel 🌈🐕