Right to use sign language in educational programmes

Lisa Euler

/ #77 Individuals Rights!

2010-09-22 05:27

How long is this going to continue?  We as Deaf individuals have every rights as any hearing person for the right to communicate in the outside world (hearing world).  Lack of awareness and understanding of our history, culture and language is beyond me, this has been going on for centuries!

Who has the right to assume our rights?  Do they know what deaf is, do they live in it?  No!  Bascially they have no right to claim what is right or what is best for us, assuming they know what is best, but this personally is taking away the Deaf people's independants.  I've been signing since childhood without my hearing parents knowledge (both are hearing) assuming what's best for me, WRONG!  They have realise now that is not the case.  I'm proud to say am DEAF and am Auslan user plus a teacher, and if I didn't have Deaf people's support while growing up, I wouldn't be where I am today.  Being surrounded by Deaf people during my growing up years, brought my education and knowledge in my life, has been the best journey to find who I am, I have found my Deaf Identity and proud of the fact this is who I am.

I have been hell and back and I'm not surrendering my hard earn journey, am Teacher of Auslan, and I make sure my students respect my language as much as I respect them as a individuals.  We need to stand up for our Deaf Education and more!