NMMU PETITION: Unlawful Protests violating our Right to Education


/ #251

2016-09-27 19:37

I wish this could end already, we all would like for the fees to fall but lets face reality tertiary education will never b completely free... demands mus b more realistic and attainable... in the meanwhile majority students are losing out on lecture times and pending semester tests to qualify for exams, putting so much strain on us when varsity does open, we will be bombarded with tests and many will most probably burn out and not even make it thus losing a year of study, a year set back from graduating... this protest can be done peacefully without disrupting the educational system from nmmu to allow us access to a brighter future, demands like these does not succeed over a few weeks, their voices were heard and we all are in favour of the protest and the reasoning behind it but not the manner in which they doing it.  Let us all act mature about this and handle this situation as educated individuals, no one paid much attention to noise but valid reasoning.

Thats jus my opinion.