Revisit proposed Harefield Youth Center Plan


/ #49 Incorrect site

2016-08-31 20:58

As a former London Borough of Hillingdon Youth Worker, I saw the positive impact their services have. HOWEVER, I am signing this position because I don't not believe the supposed demand for services actually exists in the local area. The youth club bus and the village youth club struggle to fill their clubs so why an entire Youth Centre is needed has not been explained. The council has not demonstrated a need for services in the local area.


Secondly, the siting of the proposed Centre could not be any more inappropriate or inaccessible and is therefore wholly unsuitable. There are many other potential spaces in Harefield and more widely in Hillingdon that could offer better alternatives. This is a hare-brained farce, a white elephant and a complete waste of resource, green space and effort, causing immense upset to the local residents. Hillingdon Council needs to listen to its local electorate on this issue and abandon or relocate these plans.