Revisit proposed Harefield Youth Center Plan


/ #38

2016-07-14 23:02

Read some of these comments...... Seen ppl putting the Youth Centre is a safe place! Hello what about the residents children and the residents are able to play football, cricket etc safetly??? seriously look at the BIG picture its a money making scheme! The Academy has everything but due to lack of funding cant host a Youth Centre!!!! It should be the 5 million invest into the school for the Youngsters..... not a shiny new building whereby if you did your research realise certain Councillors are making money out of the building of it!!!! I dont want my children having to get two buses to a better school, I want to ensure we invest our (my) hard earnt money working fulltime wisely, not on 3 people getting a budget a lining there pockets!

Thats why I paced the streets asking for signatories for a petition not for my OWN self GAIN! I have ridden this nightmare and disgusting way residents have been treated........... So if anyone thinks this is such a great idea I challenge you to listen to THE BIGGER PICTURE as to the facts.

I am not pushing a YOUTH CENTRE onto any other green space, I did but this should be at the Harefield Academy to ensure the promise we was ensured would happen does happen! THey built on Green Belt on the provado they gave back to the community? Did this happen, NO!

So ensure you look at facts before passing your comments on here!


Happy to provide anyone with the FULL facts as it is scarey what unjustice has been served.




Lisa WHicker