

/ #18

2016-05-15 09:03

It is our right as citizens to act against those that abuse animals that cannot fend for themselves. It further creates a sense of vigorous intervention when this happens in our own back yard... our home town. Blatant animal cruelty is taking place within the same entity that is supposed to ensure to the caretaking and nurturing of our animals. Where is management and what steps are adhered to, to PREVENT the inadequate care and nurturing of the animal home, our Bunny park! For heaven sake, why are these people employed in the first place that are abusing our animals. These incidences are taking place on a too regular basis, and by the time prosecution has taken place on those specific individuals.... it as already too late! And they walk away maybe with an insignificant fine. When this is a trend, what is being put into place, and action to prevent these animal narcissists to enter our Bunny park? Or even as far as having the right to have a job for that matter!....
I, a concerned citizen, is disgusted and furthermore ashamed to be assosiated with the Bunny park management.