Save the 29 trees lining Ladies Mile Highway, Queenstown, NZ


/ #246

2016-02-09 05:30

1/. We live 1/3 of the year here and 2/3rds in Hastings
2/. We could not believe that such significant natural landscape is ( pronounced/ decided) just like this issue
3/. We belong to a Community/ Council entity in Hawke's Bay (Landmarks Trust) that has gained significant consultation and opinion gathering rights " around the table with Hastings District Council Officers" - this group meets x 4 a year formally and many times informally as issues arise. This issue would have been given high vis on our agendas.
4/. Our Trust holds the rights to opinion on Landscape/ Architecture/ History and Public Art
5/. On trees - we lobbied and gained a Register of Significant Trees ( public and private) - with a sensible protocol in cases of trimming/ cutting e.g.
6/. Boy oh boy, does Queenstown need such a public consultation group - effecting just about everything.
7/. The powers that be simply have to stop ruining the very things that make this place special.

Regards Joyce & Dave Barry