Hands Off Hartlebury Common

4Xdaily dog walker!

/ #1390 Removal of posts

2011-09-06 21:33

Would I be right in thinking you are not open to diverse discussions regarding The Common, and hence the reason you are removing posts? Do you remove posts like you remove the fencing, because it's something you don't agree with, Hide it? Does this also account for your aggresive behaviour towards regular walkers on the common, when they refuse to sign your petition. Yon u droan on and on about the cost of "the management" of Hartlebury Common to the tax payer, but you continue with vandalism to try and make a point! I wonder who pays for thr repair costs of this mindless vandalism, mmmmm let me think, would it be me and every other working person paying their taxes? Give it a rest now, your becoming a nuisance and not doing the common any favours! I have spoken to several people who are terrified about walking their dogs just in case they bump into you Steve, I see this as threatining behaviour and it should not be tolerated by anyone. I for one am glad of the fence, it's a little protection for our dogs and since it has been there I have not seen the regular quad bikers that I used to see every evening, bombing up and down the sand dunes. Surely a. Quad bike will do more damage than a cow, don't you think?