
/ #335 Draw A Line

2014-03-28 14:04

I respectfully suggest that it would be better on the subject of Teachers to draw a line under this, as which ever way people think, I really don't think that the profession deserves some of these comments

The point of admission criteria is a general one, highlighting the issue of 'church' or 'non church' attendance rather than any particular group.

Tunstall School was originally for the education of local children, yet by the nature of being under the umbrella of Canterbury Diocese, it's catchment area is considerably wider than it was ever designed to be. No one wants the school to close, I'm sure.

The issue I think is the expansion & relocation, particularly to the proposed site. The suggestion that KCC had always intended to move the school to this site, is not correct. If you take the opportunity of looking through the planning documents, for the Design Panel Report, clearly shows that KCC purchased this site for an Agricultural College, NOT a Church of England School,