Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu)

Contact the author of the petition

This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu).



2014-04-09 09:21

Please end all of my children and family are suffering and losing hope please please please!!!!!!!!



2014-04-09 09:21

I'm fully behind everybody asking for the strike to stop.



2014-04-09 09:29

Is moeg vir die strikes!! Dit moet stop



2014-04-09 09:31

Is there an English cover letter to go with the petition?



2014-04-09 09:36

This must stop...


2014-04-09 09:36

Mooi mense, dit lyk beter. Die petisie lys getalle is nou besig om bietjie beter te styg, as ons dit so kan vol hou of nog beter kan doen sal ons by die vereiste getal uit kom. Daarna is dit gebede en nog gebede wat ons sal help. Die petiesie lys is net om die aandag op regerings vlak te kry.
Walk by actions, not faith.

#257 Re:

2014-04-09 09:46

#13: Non striker -

Sorry, but I think a mere preference of religion is not going to end what is happening, I would rather see, and feel, and take action than to trust some god to sort it out form me. The distant silence of faith has long has over proved it's absence. That is what is wrong with this world, we except that we will have redemption from a god that approve justification at a time of anyone's choice.



2014-04-09 09:47

Sê maar net!

#259 English please!

2014-04-09 09:47

Don't you think your target audience will be bigger if the petition was in English?



2014-04-09 09:58

We can only pray that our Almighty God will break this curse!!



2014-04-09 09:59

Can we not replace those that don't want to work with people that need work? Or make unions eligal?



2014-04-09 10:00

Can't the strikers see what they are doing to other people and their families? They are the most selfish people in the world. All this chaos for money!!!



2014-04-09 10:06

My husband working for Anglo and if this madness striking is not stopped, SA as we know it will fall!



2014-04-09 10:08

we need to go back to work. Someone must do something



2014-04-09 10:08

too many people are suffering and this town is going downhill



2014-04-09 10:09

break ins are getting worse

#267 Re:

2014-04-09 10:10

#14: -

The government won' t stop the strike because they need the votes! To critisise the strike now would cost them votes later. Selfish, but true...



2014-04-09 10:16

Every person must realised that we are fortunate to have a job, who in their right mind think that an employee can dictate to an employer??



2014-04-09 10:17

The whole situation is ridiculous!! How can a union have so much power over communities ?? amcu is nothing but a terrorist organisation and should be treated as such !!!



2014-04-09 10:33

Please stop killing the mines

#271 Re:

2014-04-09 10:41


#272 Re: English please!

2014-04-09 10:45



2014-04-09 10:46

Moenie toelaat dat mense wat nie wil werk nie langer die kos van mense se tafel af hou nie. Dank die mense summier af.



2014-04-09 10:47

Amcu boss eats every night,but your people don't.
Let them get back to WORK.



2014-04-09 10:48

Please help to stop chrime in rustenburg due to mineworkers from foreign countries working at the mines, they do not have money, now they target the city of rustenburg to forefill their needs.And therefore the residents suffers now for this stupidity of not except the offers they were given!! something is always better than nothing!!!