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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition NATCON PETITION.



2014-02-06 14:36

Very STUPID!!!



2014-02-06 14:46

Exotic Pets are the coolest! Everyone should keep them, even the government officials of every country should. Keeping them also contributes in conservation and diversity, as new morphs are bred. WE WON'T ALLOW ANY ONE TO BAND EXOTIC ANIMALS...


2014-02-06 19:32

We are doing our part to help spread the word of this... by sharing the petition on the TARANTULA KEEPERS Facebook Group. We are one of the largest tarantula groups on the planet, please join us today:



2014-02-06 19:42

This is the supposedly Democracy once again showing that it is a one party state who do as they please.
love my exotic pets

#105 our pets

2014-02-06 20:46

Don't you have any pets you love? If you do and we take it away from you how would you feel? Its not fair to take away our pride and joy. We have our pets for long and now you want to step in and just take away our joy in caring for our pets.



2014-02-06 21:54

this will destroy the hole pet trade. lots of people will loose there jobs. i breed with crickets on a large scale for the pet industry and supply lots of pet products.spider cages,reptile hides,water dishes and lots more all my products are made local in south africa by south african company is L&A Pet Products we have been in the pet trade for a long time and have many poeple working for me.It will be a shame to tell them all thay will be with out work soon.Yes control the pet trade but dont break it down.Thats all this country needs now is more unemployment!!!!!



2014-02-06 22:34

I have a very looked after and beautiful collection of tarantulas.its my hobby and in the progress I learn my son and people in town all about it.there was 1 child who took 1 to her school and the just love the same time it also teaches them something.all my tarantulas are not 1 a south African species.why take something away from someone that uses it to learn others and loves what he is doing.why don't the government take more interest in murderers and rapists.we are people that love our animals.



2014-02-06 22:35

Hi i have my own shop and love the animals.
All you goning to do is destroye the pet trade.
Do you even think about the animals at all.
Why dont you do something about drugs and crime in this country but instead
you want to destroye poeples hobbies and jobs.


#109 Re:

2014-02-06 22:37

#106: -

i agree



2014-02-07 05:06

im a 15 year old boy and its my DREAM to become a herpetologist. and have my own breeding facility.Now there is one question that i would like to ask nat con. Why would u like to destroy millions of peoples dreams?
in a few more years are you going to make it iilegal to walk our dogs with out permits?



2014-02-07 05:22

This is pointless since basically all exotic pets pose no threat to indigenous fauna, flora and ecosystems. THAT is the reason for being exotic - they wont survive our climatic conditions in the wild.
Anneri Kelderman


2014-02-07 06:36

Legislation need to be put in place by individuals who can show proof of the impact studies for each animal on the list. Each animal, not just a generalization or group of animals.

By trying to solve a problem Dept Nature Conservation is creating an even larger problem.



2014-02-07 09:39

I will not comply to this if it is passed. The very same people are doing nothing about the Rhinos!!!!



2014-02-07 11:49

The reason we have this hobby is that we love these animals as some People have sports as hobbies. So why don't we take away soccer and rugby because people get hurt!
Take a look at the ball pythons for example in the late 80's they where nearly extinct now in 2014 they are the super power of reptiles with all the different morphs that are being bred. They are now far away from being extinct because of a hobby and a passion for these snakes!
So why take our hobby away from us?
Reconsider this please, because it seems like you have forgotten about your hobby and passion.
Kris mason.



2014-02-07 12:06

Its sick what people are always trying to do to get money out of things we humans look after our pets ok some don't but the ones that do get in to shit for those people its not fair any more !!! Let us pick our pets or send them any where to people who will love them to



2014-02-07 16:06

Lost of kak some can go other not.



2014-02-07 17:58

I think it will be very rude to confescate all alien animals in the country,the volume will be too large for any authority to handle and they will be led to die. Were in a 3rd world country and promises are never kept.

#118 Re: I agree,they can all fuck off and die!

2014-02-07 18:03



2014-02-07 19:05

Just plain ridiculous!!! Why don't they rather concentrate on URGENT matters!



2014-02-07 19:06

Give us a break there are other more important issues in our country



2014-02-07 20:45

My monkeys are my children and my life .... take them away from me and you might as well bury me!! They have no habitat left!! We care for them and provide them with love, food, safety, warmth and all their needs!! Stop this madness and worry about the millions of dolphins being slaughtered and rhinos being killed!!



2014-02-07 21:13

Lyk my dit is weer n geldmaak storie vir permit gelde ens



2014-02-07 21:19

Animals are being clubbed to death and put in rings to fight to death - concentrate on that bull and not animal lovers!! BUT Animal abuse



2014-02-07 21:32

Plz leave our babys alone



2014-02-08 04:08

Wat van RENOSTERS wat uitgehaal word en dan prt ek ni van dolfyne ni my diere word na gekyk hulle kry kos waar gaan hulle nou aanpas is die vraag. Ek stem bring n beperking in aan die hoeveelheid met ander woorde met die idee ingedagte aan die teèlers party van hulle oordoen dit daar is teveel tot in van hulle se huise is die hokke so baie dit stem ek ni mee saam ni. Dan kan jy sien hier gaan dit eintlik oor geld