ISD #728 Administration
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition ISD #728 Administration.
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#262014-01-08 19:36When we were looking to relocate from California to Minnesota. One requirement we had after looking into the schools is NOT to be in the ELK River school district I am so glad now that we made that choice. Phys Ed is where life long exercise habits begin. |
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#272014-01-08 20:07I don't agree with this proposal. If the decision is made to do what you want to do I will open enroll my son in future to another school district. I have not paid over paid taxes in this county to get slighted by an over educated know-it all for my son's future and in my opinion the "specials" classes like art, music and phy ed are where some students excel while it is common knowledge that every student needs the physical activity to keep the blood pumping but to teach them to use physical activity to stay healthy and learn teamwork, etc. please think twice before take away something so basic and vital to a child's education. |
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#282014-01-08 20:13Strongly, strongly against these changes. I believe it would deprive our children of valuable education and introduction to experiences through health and PE. If these changes are made, I will also undoubtedly open enroll my kids into another school district when the time comes to enroll them. |
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#292014-01-08 20:16Bezek spends too much time in the bar and not enough time educating himself on the importance of the things he is proposing to take away. Great role model. |
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#302014-01-08 21:33My high school age student wishes that there was still recess. I do not object to doing away with Health in High School but Health and Phy Ed should stay in Middle School. Too many Administrators at the High School and we have got to figure out how to partner with a neighboring school district to offer a Vocational Option for the students, we are NOT meeting this need! |
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#312014-01-08 21:36As a former graduate of elk river, being able to teach in the district in which I grew up in, and have my children attend elk river schools was a honor for me. I feel like what is happening is an embarrassment to this district and to all of the teachers that go to work each day to provide our children the tool, skills and education necessary to be functioning people in this society. As parents we want our children to be well rounded and to find out where their passions in life lie. Taking away the all ready limited time in the arts is truly heartbreaking. We need to offer our children a variety of experiences so that they all have an opportunity to excel. As much as I understand that we pay people to make these tough decisions for the betterment of our schools, I think it is insane that this is being done so quickly, and without the support of parents and teachers. I know many teachers who feel that technology could be easily embedded in the curriculum. I fear that Mr Bezek's desire to make this district look 'attractive' is actually going to drive people away. I am very hesitant to begin my children's school career in this district under this leadership. Our schools would look very attractive if we didn't have overcrowded classes...that might be the first place to begin the changes. Not eliminating subjects that enhance our children's lives... |
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#322014-01-08 21:43As a student, I felt that gym class only took away my learning opportunities. I had to drop classes that I was genuinely interested in so that I could fulfill my graduation requirements. I think it would be smart to offer sports as an alternative to gym class. I played two years of high school soccer, but still had to drop German, so I could take gym. One season in a sport accomplishes a lot more than an entire year in a gym class. |
Elk River Mom |
#33 1st and 3rd grade2014-01-08 22:21My daughters attend 1st and 3rd grade in the district. They are excited to go to school each morning. Why??? Because they LOVE art, music, and gym. I am afraid that if you make cuts in any of these areas, my children will no longer look forward to getting on the school bus in the morning. That would be very sad. My daughters are doing awesome in all of their classes because they enjoy the overall experience of school. Take that joy away and I'm afraid it will have negative consequences. |
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#342014-01-08 23:21We live in a world where obesity and inactivity is becoming the norm. If you take away physical education and health education from these kids in their formative years, it will be difficult for them to see the benefits of it later in life. Please reconsider your decision, |
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#35 World Languages (aka Spanish ONLY) in the MS2014-01-08 23:26If world languages are going to be offered at lower levels, there should be a choice of which one to take. This district used to have an exploratory class in the middle school when my daughter was that age. Students got a taste of German, French and Spanish to make better decisions as to which one to concentrate on later. Spanish shouldn't be the only language the students are expected to learn, especially when this district has 4-year programs along with college-level classes in German and French as well. How does requiring Spanish promote diversity, one of the cornerstones of this district?? |
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#362014-01-09 00:16ISD 728 has to educate themselves on what the importance of exercise does to help a person learn. Why do you think some employers have proposed people doing their job while walking on a treadmill or standing vs sitting at a desk. This has shown to improve quality work and a healthier person. |
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#372014-01-09 00:54My understanding is that the School Board is a representation of the people. Once again they are going against the wishes of the people by instituting this change in policy. Looks like we need to elect a new Board. If they continue down this path, there will be 3 less students in the Elk River District. |
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#382014-01-09 01:05I honestly can't believe phys ed, art and music will be limited. These are vital to learning as a "whole" Art and music make kids smarter!! Use both sides of the brain please, not just one. |
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#392014-01-09 04:15Children really need physical education and health. A language course should not take presidence over physcal education and health. |
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#402014-01-09 04:15Do children really need gym these days ??? Just ask any of this years kindergarten teachers. Enough. Said. Do kids need more screen time in school ??? I see many kids who really need help wanting to just play games (although not all are like this). Rushing thru the educational screen time to get to the games. Love how fast this petition has caught on. Can you really ingnore this many people ? Board members, dont forget how you got your "job". I predict many changes for you also, if you dont listen to the people ! |
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#412014-01-09 04:28Children do not need "Computer Coding" in elementary school. They need to run, read, try, fail, exercise their bodies and minds. Doing repetitive keyboarding while sitting on their butts in a classroom is neglecting their physiological needs. |
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#422014-01-09 04:38 Its so disappointing that certain people think they can make changes and expect Americans to just sit by and take it. our district didn't have an orchestra program and the band class/ teacher was so lazy it was a joke. we were forced to seek a better program in other districts. We paid our share in taxes, and watched the community cheer on a football program , nothing my girls were interested in. Put up with 15 years of biased opinion. |
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#442014-01-09 20:44Reducing the amount of time our children have for PE,music and Art is ridiculous! Our kids get enough technnology! |
progressive parent |
#452014-01-10 01:21I totally agree with, like, and support this proposal. They are not eliminating any Phy Ed. They are only moving it to an elective for one of the two years. All students will still be required to take Phy Ed for one year. Students who want to take 2 years of Phy Ed can still do it, but may think carefully about whether it will be beneficial in their post-secondary plans. We don't force students who have no interest or talent in music to take band or choir. Why do we force students who have no interest or talent in sports to take Phy Ed for two years in high school? I agree physical Education is necessary in elementary and middle school, but I don't believe it is necessary in high school. Forty minutes a day for nine months is not going to make a difference whether a teenager is obese or not. The habits that lead to obesity have become established long before high school. I'm glad our district is thinking about and heading toward graduating students who are better prepared to enter college. |
Progressive parent |
#462014-01-10 01:22 Correction: They are proposing replacing 30 minutes of Phy Ed for each six-day period in the elementary grades with 30 minutes of technology. That amounts to 30 days out of 180 without Phy Ed or a total of 15 hours for the 9 months. I would think parents would be more concerned about their children only having 15 hours of technology in a school year as opposed to only losing 15 hours of Phy Ed. |
progressive parent |
#47 Re:2014-01-10 01:25Thank you for a reply from a "real" student. My three children who have attended Elk River schools would agree with you 100%. |
Progressive parent |
#48 Re:2014-01-10 01:29Actually, Phy Ed gave me a life-long disdain for exercise and physical fitness. I've had to overcome all of the emotional scars from "Phy Ed" classes I had in school, to become a health-conscious adult. |
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#492014-01-10 01:30I didn't hear/read anything in the proposal about reducing art or music. And remember, they are not REDUCING Phy Ed in high school. They are only MOVING it to an elective. |
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#50 Re:2014-01-10 01:59While the current proposal might not call out a direct cut in music or art time, it actually does. Students in elementary grades currently have 1 hour of art/4 half hours of music/4 half hours of PE every FIVE days. Under the new system, K-2 would have 1 hour of art/4 half hours of music/4 half hours of PE/1 hour of tech every SIX days and grades 3-5 would have 1 hour of art/3 half hours of music/3 half hours of PE/2 hours of tech every SIX days. |
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