A Petition To Permanently Shutdown Washington
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition A Petition To Permanently Shutdown Washington.
Laurence |
#22013-10-01 18:55Yes I vote we shutdown the federal government and flush the Washington cesspool down the Potomac River. r |
Guest |
#42013-10-01 20:25Time to bring our men & women of the armed services and start rebuilding america. First take out the TRASH, anyone who supports another country other than ours should go to that country! No more wars, NSA TSA, FEDERAL RESERVE. HOW ABOUT 1 WORLD PEOPLE, not government. |
Shelia |
#5 Best Petition Ever2013-10-01 21:26When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. |
Guest |
#6 The rise & fall of the 4th Reich2013-10-01 22:10Because the government no longer represents America's citizens. https://www.facebook.com/notes/kirk-hemelberg/the-rise-of-the-4th-reich/117902598294431 |
Guest |
#102013-10-01 22:59The United Snakes of Amerika were never the "good guys" Those filthy kikes who hijacked MY country are TRAITORS, pedophiles, war mongers, thieves, whores, products of incest and bestiality. May the genocide you practice on others; return to you and your kind. If you really want to rid the world of filth and evil: BOMB NAZI ISRAHELL INTO A SHEET OF GREEN GLASS |
Guest |
#122013-10-01 23:21just shutdown the bastards who sent my job to China , why now spy on me and try to grab my gun permanently..now! thank you |
Guest |
#142013-10-02 00:40The US government is clearly doing a lot more harm to the American people than good. I fear the Federal Government, their NSA, Homeland Gestapo and other police agencies working to overthrow our Constitutional Government and install PURE TYRANNY. Shut the bitch down. |
Stendec |
#162013-10-02 02:17No REVOLUTION all Talk! Americans have been De-Briefed to accept that Red,White & Blue Dildo up the rear end with a STAR of David on one end! |
Guest |
Guest |
#192013-10-02 13:37honestly, im sick and tired of these idiots running the government, permanent shutdown and renewal of a new and organized government is what i think the best is to do, we the people have the right to do such a thing and i dont give a damn on what trouble is heading my way, i am an american citizen and by god im doing my part and what i think is to do! |
Guest |
#202013-10-02 13:40every vote counts trying to do all my email accounts to sign the petition |
Anonymous |
#21 Re:2013-10-02 15:48>>>/pol/ |
Julian |
#22 Re: Re:2013-10-02 17:05I just want to get away from Washington & out of America now |
little leafeon |
#23 Re:2013-10-02 20:13take out every single piece of trash, then we can get everyone back here, rebuild, then we can celebrate without them watching us, but be warned...
they might have more dangerous people then them selves...where ever they are...
but yes, america will be a better place after everyone cleans house |
Guest |
#252013-10-02 23:43We dont need them |
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