Rule 14.11 Boccia Rules 2013
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#1 rule 14.112013-02-21 15:37As a comment, I would still like to add that I find this not only for the individual competition but all the mentioned arguments also apply to the pair competition! Also in the pair competition is the current time limit necessary in order to create a quality game ! |
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2013-02-22 00:45- Date of removal: 2013-02-22
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#32013-02-22 00:50There is no any comment about reduction time limit in Rule Draft. I am so disappointed that.. |
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#42013-02-22 08:58If we reduce this time limit, is there a time limit, as you check on the next move you make? |
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#52013-02-22 19:30time seems to be an issue on boccia tournaments. There are more rules disigned to shorten time ! There is this reducing time, the time limit for playing panalty balls, no more asking to go on the field, etc. Some are ok, but reducing the time for an end is for al classes not good, esspecialy bc 3 players. It leeds to more presure to play all balls, faster play, less secure play...not good for quality of play. |
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#62013-02-23 00:31Have you ever been in a role of BC3 athlete Sport Assistant? If YES, You cannot help opposing the reduction of time limit! |
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#8 Re:2013-02-23 16:40This situation is a really problem for cerebral palsy players, especially those in the lower borderline of their classes, and with lack of verbal comunication. It seems that the new rules are against the cerebral palsy. Is it so? And about the balls? The balls are the real problem of the actual game. But, I don't see anyone worried about it! Do they know the real sport effect of them to achieve the top results? And about the results of the non cerebral-palsy athletes, why they are, most of all, in the top of the classifications in the class BC3? Probable this is not an issue for many people!! And about the difficultty to modernize the game, make the sport more attractive and competitive, why we are so relutant for the changes? Is there no new thoughts about the game? Why there is no discussion of the rules in a lapse of 4 years, only in the last year of the ending of the paralimpic cicle? Why there is no test events for experience and evaluate new rules and ways for the game? Why there is no rules consulting with coaches, assistants and players representatives? Rules for 2017-2020 must be in discussion right now, tested, approved until 2016. |
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#92013-02-23 18:18BC3 spelers komen nu al tijd te kort. Geen goed idee om daar nog eens 1 minuut van af te nemen. 1 minuut uittrekken om de doelbal te werpen is er ook teveel aan. |
coach of club Wapper |
#10 Re: Re:2013-02-24 13:05good idea...make some testcases before changing rules and ask coaches and countries about their idea"s for changes and aproval for changes |
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#112013-02-25 06:06Rule 14.11 Boccia Rules 2013 Dear Chair of the Development Sub-Committee, BISFe 1. We would like to understand the reason(s) for changes to Rule 14.11 of Boccia Rules 2013. Why is there a need to decrease the time limit for all divisions of play by one minute? 우리는 2013 보치아 규정 14.11의 변경 이유를 알고싶습니다. 왜 모든 세부종목의 경기시간이 1분씩 축소할 필요가 있는 건가요? 2. We agree with imposing a time limit for propelling the Jack but why should the time limit be decreased for the rest of the coloured balls? 우리는 표적구 투우에 시간제한을 두는 것은 동의하지만 왜 나머지 색깔 볼에 대한 제한시간이 단축되어야 하는 건가요? 3. As you would know, BC3 athletes have the most severe form of physical disability across all disability sports. Therefore, BC3 athletes require more time to execute the following activities (in no particular order) to prepare a shot and/or propel a single ball: 귀하도 아시다싶이, BC3 선수는 모든 장애인스포츠 중에서도 가장 중증의 장애를 가지고 있습니다. 그리하여 BC3 선수는 투구를 준비하고 볼 하나 투구하는 데에도 다음과 같은 행위들을 수행해야 함으로 더 많은 시간이 필요로 합니다. (a) Adopt a strategy/tactic (b) Communicate their desired shot to their Sports Assistant (c) Position the wheelchair or instruct their Sports Assistant to position the wheelchair (d) Instruct their Sports Assistant to orientate the ramp for desired aim and to adjust the height/angle of the ramp (e) Communicate selected ball and instruct their Sport Assistant to place the ball at a specific point on the ramp (f) Stabilise arm/ head-pointer/ mouth-pointer to touch the ball 1. 전략을 수립하고 2. 보조자와 의도하는 투구에 대해 의사소통하며 3. 휠체어를 위치시키거나 혹은 보조자에게 휠체어 위치를 지시합니다. 4. 보조자에게 홈통 조준과 높이를 지시하고 5. 볼을 선택하고 특정한 위치에 볼을 위치시키기 위해 보조자와 의사소통을 해야 하며, 6. 볼을 접촉하기 위해 팔이나 헤드포인터,마우스포인터를 일정하게 유지시켜야 합니다. 4. Regardless of the order in which the activities in paragraph 3 are executed, it is not easy to propel at a rate of one ball in less than one minute. The reduction in time limit is likely to result in ball(s) rendered as invalid due to insufficient time. 3번 항목의 수행을 위한 주문이 없다 하더라더(전동휠체어 이용자) 1분 이내에 1개의 볼의 비율로 투구하는 것은 쉽지 않습닏. 제한시간의 단축은 충분하지 않은 시간때문에 볼들을 비유효한 볼(사구 처리)로 만드는 결과를 초래할 것입니다. 5. We do not agree and oppose the change in Rule 14.11, particularly for the individual BC3 division of play. The reduction in time limit would be detrimental to the quality of BC3 division of play. We therefore recommend that the time limit not be reduced by 1 minute. 우리는 특히나 BC3 개인전에서 규정 14.11의 개정을 반대합니다. 제한 시간의 단축은 BC3 경기의 질에 좋지 않게 작용할 것입니다. 그러므로 우리는 제한시간이 1분 단축되지 않기를 권고하는 바입니다. |
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#122013-02-25 13:33If one has respect for the sport "Boccia" and his athletes, then one becomes not the times where there is an end must be played, because they know very well that Sportak than those that arise for people with the most severe physical limitation unworthy and become very difficult to get dez still in a correct way to practice, let alone, tebeoordelen. |
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#13 Re: rule 14.112013-02-25 20:53Even I agree with this petition, I have a different opinion about BC3 Pairs game because there will be 7 minutes to throw the 6 balls! Remember that both athletes from the same pair/side can prepare the shot at same time! |
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#14 Re: Re: rule 14.112013-02-25 21:37Ok, it is indeed correct that both athletes can prepare at the same time a shot but each shot changes the game situation so you usually have to start again. |
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#152013-02-26 17:18It is understandable that every competitor, coach or assistant training for hundreds... thousands of hours with a certain time, make a strong resistance to its reduction. We have to be careful when referring to CP and non CP athletes. If we look to the last CPISRA BC3 ranking dated December 2011, the non CP are on the 3rd, 6th and 8th of the top 10 and if you look to the final classification at London 2012 the non CP are on the 5th and 7th of the top 10. The equation is simple, if we want a dynamic sport growing within the paralympic movement, then we have to make it more spectacular and that means faster. On the opposite if you want boccia a sport made for the needs of the athletes, "protecting" those who feel more difficulties, than you keep the time forever, but we need to realize that the paralympic pathway is going to be lost, if not in the next few years, perhaps in 8 or 12 years. |
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#16 Re:2013-02-27 01:22
Thanks for your Opinion. I understand what you want to say. Spectators are sometime excited about dynamic movement, but sometime are impressed by the challenge of the severe disabled like BC3 athlete. I am so sorry for the process of this Rule change. I think this is not entirely democratic. Even though the intension of BISFed is right, but BISFed should have taken the time to discuss with others. And I would like to say to you. This petition is not a "resistance" It is just a "democratic expression" because there was no 'democratic means' in the change of Boccia rule. And I wonder why you referre to CP and Non-CP. |
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#182013-02-28 12:55This article mainly hurts BC3 players with greater disability and have trouble throwing the 6 balls in 6 minutes not want to imagine what would happen if they had to do in five minutes. Repeal of this article NOW! |
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#192013-02-28 13:08In my opinion the rule 14.2 approved for 2013 (the same as it was during the discussion period) “Propelling the Jack is counted as part of a side’s time allocation”, is the same as from 1 January 2014, on the side turn of playing the jack? What is the difference of playing 7 balls (jack included) in 6 minutes or playing 6 balls in 5 minutes plus the jack in 1 one minute? This means that the rule approved for 2013 (the same as it was on the draft version of BISFed website) already include the rule approved for 2014 on. The difference is that in 2013 there is a difference between a side playing the jack and a side not playing the jack. The time used is the same to play 7 or 6 balls. From 2014 on the time will be the same for both sides playing the 6 balls and there is 1 minute to play the jack, which more fair and consistent. |
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#202013-02-28 13:19I think the time change is going to further 'disable' athletes who have not got the gift of speech to compete in a sport where the aim was to 'enable' such athletes to compete. As a BC3 assistant for a CP athlete this is my view and is only a view within the BC3 class. Who actually proposed this rule change anyway, is there a way to find out! |
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#21 Re: Re:2013-02-28 14:36I agree with the idea that we should continue to evolve the sport and always try to make it more attractive to the general public.
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#222013-02-28 16:14I agree to all mentioned points about the time limit. I would prognose, that the quality of the BC3 Boccia would severely decrease, because of hectic, unprecise balls, balls that could not be played at all, no understanding for spectators. I am sure, that this cannot be an aim for Boccia, but I fear it would probably be realistic, if the time limit comes. |
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#232013-02-28 17:07Changes must happen. This is so in every sector of our society, but a democratic way would surely lead to the greatest success. Why is it not possible when regulations "drastically" change that this will happen by a general meeting where each country is presented by 1 person (coach or athlete). everyone will be satisfied ... no, but the decisions are not only taken by an "elite group". |
coach of club Wapper |
#24 Re:2013-03-02 00:37'The equation is simple, if we want a dynamic sport growing within the paralympic movement, then we have to make it more spectacular and that means faster.'
It is not playing fast that makes the sport is the quality of play, the beauty of the shots,...It is not the nature of this game being fast ! It's like playing can't play biljard very wel if it has to be fast ! |
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#252013-03-10 09:47I would like to share that disabled sports are not just about the competition, but rather they tell unfolding stories of the journey of each athlete overcoming one's physical limitation. By participating in such competitive sports, in hope, they invite the spectators to be touched by what they are witnessing while enjoying a good game. The proposed change in Rule 14.11 will be discouraging - even offensive - to the athletes which will affect the quality of the sport immensely. It may provide a shorter game for the spectators but it will jeopardize the overall experience by all. It is not about choosing convenience for the spectators, it is to preserve the ingenuity of the BC3 athletes. |
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