Stop the 16 March marches and Latvians revising history!
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Stop the 16 March marches and Latvians revising history!.
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#12012-02-04 14:21I don't want Latvia government will rewrite the history from the nazi's point of view. |
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#22012-02-04 15:56 Человек должен иметь право на достойную жизнь не зависимо от цвета кожи, вероисповедания и не зависеть от самодурства людей , которые управляют страной в данное время.А поддерживать бывших эсэсовцев, это преступление против человечества! |
Guest |
#32012-02-04 16:02NEO NAZIS MUST BE STOPPED!! |
Cheap Russian propaganda |
#4 they are not Nazis, they fought against Stalin's bloody regime2012-02-04 16:37In 1946, the Nuremberg Tribunal declared the Waffen-SS to be a criminal organization, making an exception of people who were forcibly conscripted. Throughout the post-war years, Allies would apply this exception to the soldiers of Latvian Legion and Estonian Legion. The US Displaced Persons Commission in September 1950 declared that: "The Baltic Waffen SS Units (Baltic Legions) are to be considered as separate and distinct in purpose, ideology, activities, and qualifications for membership from the German SS, and therefore the Commission holds them not to be a movement hostile to the Government of the United States." Even before this decision, around 1,000 former Latvian Legion soldiers served as guards at the Nuremberg Tribunal, guarding Nazi war criminals. Afterwards, during Berlin Blockade, they took part in securing Allies facilities involved in the Berlin Airlift and later also were guarding USA Army headquarters |
Guest |
#5 Re: they are not Nazis, they fought against Stalin's bloody regime2012-02-04 16:43#4: Cheap Russian propaganda - they are not Nazis, they fought against Stalin's bloody regime
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2012-02-04 16:47- Date of removal: 2012-02-07
- Reason for removal:
John |
#7 Re: they are not Nazis, they fought against Stalin's bloody regime2012-02-04 16:49#4: Cheap Russian propaganda - they are not Nazis, they fought against Stalin's bloody regime Please visit the exposition in Museum of modern art exposition called stolen childhood And will undersand everything. |
This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)
2012-02-04 18:18- Date of removal: 2012-02-04
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Guest |
#9 Re: they are not Nazis, they fought against Stalin's bloody regime2012-02-04 18:20#4: Cheap Russian propaganda - they are not Nazis, they fought against Stalin's bloody regime
Guest |
#10 one of the reasons why Latvians fought against the Soviet2012-02-05 00:36 |
Guest |
#11 Re: one of the reasons why Latvians fought against the Soviet2012-02-05 00:48#10: - one of the reasons why Latvians fought against the Soviet This petition is not about why Latvians chose to fight the Soviets it is about the march of the legionaries and their affiliation with the SS. It is also about the fact that, ‘although these units were
Guest |
#122012-02-05 01:50Надо не только подписать петицию, надо туда приехать и выразить свой протест. |
Guest |
#15 Светлана2012-02-05 10:45Я всегда буду резко отрицательно относиться к этой дате: у меня дедушка сожжен, а дядя расстрелян в Саласпилсской лагере смерти и это официально подтверждено в книге "В Саласпилсском лагере смерти", сборник воспоминаний под ред.К.Сауснитиса, Латвийское государственное издательство, Рига,1964. |
Guest |
#162012-02-05 11:05Я против героизации военных преступников. Я против политики Латвии основанной на идеалах нацизма. Я хочу прекратить существующий режим апартеида и этнократии, в результате которого население Латвии с 1989 года уменьшилось на 600 000 человек. |
Flinn |
#172012-02-05 13:22Считаю недопустимым такое действие. Это плевок всем ветеранам войны и труда не только бывшего Советского Союза, победивших оккупантов, но и всем тем, кто сражался против гитлеровцев, сс, фашизма. |
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2012-02-05 15:41- Date of removal: 2012-02-06
- Reason for removal: senseless swearing
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2012-02-05 16:03- Date of removal: 2012-02-07
- Reason for removal:
Guest |
#20 NO PASARAN!2012-02-05 16:05 Kein Naziaufmarsch 16.03.12. Riga, Lettland Blockade! |
Guest |
#21 Robert Bastien - Enough with the corruption of history!2012-02-05 17:24The SS were the most destructive force of WWII! How can the be considered heroes? They were the butchers responsible for so many civilian deaths. It's time that they be put in there rightful place in history! Not as heroes but as evil men! |
Guest |
#222012-02-05 17:35They were men, they were for the most part ordinary men that is the frightening thing about the SS. They were as Hannah Arendt pointed out after the Eichmann trial and in her book 'the banality of evil' not demons, not evil, they were ordinary, they were average, they were men who committed evil acts bcause they were allowed to. |
Guest |
#232012-02-05 17:49The Nazis have no place in modern Europe! Нацистам не место в современной европе ! |
Guest |
#242012-02-05 18:14latvian governement and legislation took my name off from me... what can i say, i spend A LOT of my time to explain every day to people that the 's' at the end of my name and surename is not readable. my name is Anton Bargel, not Antons Bargels (if you see 'antons bargels' anywhere please pronounce it as ANTON BARGEL no 's' at the end! whatewer they are trying to do with my name they are trying to do with our history! don't let them do this! and i'll keep fighting for my name! and for the history! don let them make teir fake bacoming truth for the young people! |
Guest |
#252012-02-06 04:56Governments that permit the honoring of murderers, perpetrators and collaborators to evil need lessons in reality. They must know that the world is watching them and that all decent citizens of the world do not condone activities that defile their nation. That's why a petition like this is vital. It raises the level of consciousness. |
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