Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools

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#51 Compromise?

2012-01-12 18:13

Someone said something about starting school later in August and leaving the first week of June- with breaks in October and February. That may be a happy medium. You can have the later summer (Six Flags people can be happy), with the fall and winter breaks for those who believes that it would be beneficial to students to take vacations and rewind.

In other words, a balanced calendar, but with a later start and end date.


#52 Re: Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

2012-01-12 18:20

#44: - Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

LIKE!!! LIKE!!! LIKE!!! My son has ADHD and the balanced calendar is so much better for his learning style.  If it were up to me our children would attend school year round in smaller chunks and then get a break and then back to school again. Look at schools in other countries for gosh sakes....their children have been atttending school year round and their education FAR OUTWIEGHS Georgias'. I want my children to have breaks, vacations, etc...throughout the school year, but HOW they learn is much more important to me than having an entire 3 months off in the summer. Oh, and for those of us who work outside of the home....please quit using that as an excuse not to support the Balanced Calendar, we all know that Day Care Centers, Church Schools, and various other child-care programs work their openings around whatever calendar the District puts into place. Remember that's how these Day Care Centers and Child Care Programs stay in business. THEY WILL BE OPEN WHENEVER SCHOOL IS OUT ON A BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



2012-01-12 19:05

I was happy to sign this petition, however, since the results last time, which overwhelmly showed support for this calendar were basically ignored by certain board members, I've got a sinking feeling this will happen again.


#54 Re: Compromise?

2012-01-12 19:08

#51: - Compromise?

I agree with you, but why do we have to consider Six Flags?  They should not be part of the equation.


#55 Re: Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

2012-01-12 20:27

#27: - Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb 


I could not agree with you more!!!!  Well said.  I think this has more to do with teachers liking a vacation every six weeks.  Some children need consistency.  And for what it's worth, I would like my children prepared for the real know....where you actually have to work more than 6 weeks at a time.  And what about college?  Do you think they are going to be so concerned about how well rested you are?  Grow up people!!!

Let's work on our budget....far more important than a calendar!!


#56 Re: Re: Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

2012-01-12 21:04

#55: Frustrated - Re: Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

So - you're saying that in the "real world" you get a 3 month break every year? Can I please have a job where you work? Let's be real, no matter where the breaks fall, kids go to school the same amount of days every year, by law. So whether they have a 3 month break over the summer and then less frequent/shorter breaks in the school year ("traditional calendar") or a slightly shorter summer that consequently entitles them to a few more breaks in the school year ("balanced" calendar) this doesn't change how many days they are *in* school. Any teacher will tell you that they spend the first 6-9 weeks of a school year reviewing things that were taught in the previous grade b/c over the longer summer break kids do not retain all that they learned. And I am tired of the teacher bashing/hating. I am not a teacher but have many friends & some family who are teachers, and they work harder at their job than most anyone else I can think of. Unlike a typical job, they can't make phone calls when they need to, have free time for lunch, take a break, or even go to the bathroom when they want to. They are at school before businesses/doctor's offices are open and there till those other places are closed. The more frequent breaks in the school year allows them to do things we normally do without thinking - schedule personal appts, medical/dental appts for themselves & their kids. Otherwise they have to take time off (many times w/o pay) and the school must have someone to take their place in their absense. Does your job require a substitute when you have to go to the dentist or to the bathroom? Let's stop bashing the teachers!! Also lets stop treating the kids like they are grown adults who can survive & thrive on long periods of "work" with no breaks. They are not in the "real world" yet - is it really the best thing to burn them out when they are just kids to "prepare them for the real world"?? Which of course then will include a 3 *month* long break every summer?


#57 Re: Re: Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

2012-01-12 21:07

#55: Frustrated - Re: Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

The teachers are a small, but important part of this equation. The reason why you see the petition being signed overwhelmingly by the parents is because the parents are looking at what's best for their kids, period. The parents believes in the frequent break periods in between. There are obvious advantages to having the breaks, and it is very similar to those school systems worldwide.

As far as the "Real World", I have between 10-15 PTO days in a calendar year. That means 3-weeks of vacation. I have no large, 2-month summer break. Globally, many countries competing against the US doesn't have such a large, summer break. And in the workplace, you can't take the summer off. A balanced calendar is more realistic to the real world than the traditional calendar.


#58 Re: Reality Check

2012-01-13 00:23

#42: - Reality Check

The reality is that I work and don't get 3 months off in the summer.  I don't take my vacation all in one lump sum.  I have to stagger my vacation time just like the Balance Calendar does.   And in college, there are breaks between quarters.  So I don't see how the traditional calendar helps give our kids a reality check.  If anything, the balanced calendar is more reality than the traditional calendar.



2012-01-13 01:34

The people of parents and teachers of Cobb County want a balanced calendar. It was absolutely inappropriate of the Board to change the calendar when it had already been voted on. Back to balance!
replace the 4

#60 Re: Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

2012-01-13 01:54

#27: - Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

Totally disagree. My child has ADD. Did much better last year  in middle school last year with the breaks. And for the record - we did not travel on either break. He caught up with his reading journal, he relaxed, played with family and friends and even commented how nice the February break was. He went into testing ready.


#61 Re: Re: Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

2012-01-13 04:46

#55: Frustrated - Re: Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

Yikes, you wanted them prepared for the real business world....and you think the traditional calendar does that?  What industry, besides education, gives you 8+ weeks off in the summer?  Your children are much more likely to schedule a few days of vacation every few weeks.




2012-01-13 06:20

Working parents need a break also. We used the breaks to take educational field trip to D.C in September (no crowds) and incorporated what my child was learning in school. Bring balanced calendar back please, as we do take educational field trips during the school year.

#63 Balanced Calendar

2012-01-13 18:16

Please, please Cobb County School Board, bring back the Balanced Calendar to Cobb County! Life is so much better with it than without it.



2012-01-13 21:01

The balanced calendar worked for the 1 year that we had it before the board members decided it was more important for Six Flags and other Cobb venues to have summer then what is best for the students in Cobb County.
Get Real

#65 Re: Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

2012-01-13 21:02

#40: MT - Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

We need an unbiased look at the benefits and downfalls for kids regarding both choices, then compare and contrast according to what is felt to best for the kids - not the teachers, not the parents, and not the businesses. However, with that being said, we also need to see what parents have available for their kids during multiple breaks vs a longer summer break - this is still looking at what is best for the kids, given family resources.

When I see my kids attending the public schools, they all but shut off any new learning days before the break and then spend time ramping back up after each break. That, to me, is counter productive.  It seems to have happened with my two kids during the year we had the balanced calendar - and, I feel less was taught.



#66 Re: Re: Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

2012-01-13 21:48

#65: Get Real - Re: Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

I concur about the counter productiveness - the ramp down/ramp up in routine seemed to be more distracting than anything.  This issue was compounded by unscheduled snow days (which will probably happen perhaps in 1 out of 3 years) and other short weeks due to teacher "work" days.  The more focused schedule and starting later in August works better for us.


#67 Re:

2012-01-13 21:52

#64: -

The significantly increased absenteeism in a number of schools doesn't resonate as "working" to me.


#68 Re:

2012-01-13 21:54

#59: -

When 3 candidates supporting a more traditional calendar are elected to replace 3 disgraced board members who supported the balanced calendar - it is absolutely appropriate for them to change the calendar.


#69 Re: Re: Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

2012-01-13 21:57


#70 Re: Re: consider this

2012-01-13 21:59

#29: - Re: consider this

Interesting, since you seem to be in the know, just how much in campaign donation did Six Flags/other summer venues give to the "4"?


#71 Re: Re:

2012-01-13 22:02

#16: - Re:

Not to mention significantly worse absenteeism in many schools.


#72 Re:

2012-01-13 22:08

#38: -

First week of August is way to early.

Too hot - causing needless distraction and discomfort for children that can easily be avoided.

Also, first week of August would put Cobb out of synch with the overwhelming majority of regional/national Summer programs (camps, sports, employment, honors programs, etc.), and reduce the number of opportunities available for Cobb students to learn/earn/enjoy.


#73 Not in favor of balanced school year!

2012-01-13 22:34

As a single working mom, I am NOT in favor of a balanced school year. It is difficult enough to manage the summer break without having to figure out the extra weeks in the fall and spring.



2012-01-13 22:37

I am for the Balanced Calendar! Hopefully, the almighty Cobb County School Board will listen to the people who elected them to this office!

#75 Balanced Calendar

2012-01-13 22:39

We need the Balanced Calendar for Cobb County. Students and parents need these extra 2 weeks to have a life!!!!! Cobb County School Board, listen to us!!!!!!