Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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#63012011-12-21 19:40Isaiah Berlin (1909–97) was a British philosopher, historian of ideas, political theorist, educator and essayist. For much of his life he was renowned for his conversational brilliance, his defence of liberalism, his attacks on political extremism and intellectual fanaticism, http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/berlin/ |
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#6302 Re:2011-12-21 19:40I agree with everything ur saying. We hindus accept everyone .We allow people too kill us and take away our land. even destroy our temples .Just for peace . This was a problem ever since , The people who started invaded india cause all problem an it's still happening Everyone wants their faith too be the true one. And will do whatever they can too wipe out the other person faith. You don't see whats happening in our world .Everyone is fighting for religion . Religious wars .fighting for land too promote religion. We are all God creation regardless our religion. I know for sure they will not like if we hindus ban their bible . Maybe God is testing us all too see his true devotee. Peace .love.unity .May God help everyone . Even the ones who have no God in them. |
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#63032011-12-21 19:42it is holly book like bible and it is spoken by lord himself so respect it.it is for every human.if court want to ban then ban bad publication web site and other things.not holly book it teaches humality,respect,and nonvoilence,love within each other.why government banning it,for what,what they will get from it,god will curse them,they will become dog,pig and animal and will sufer more. |
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#63042011-12-21 19:43http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%91%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BD,_%D0%98%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%8F Относя размышления Канта, Руссо, Гегеля к «позитивной» школе свободы, Берлин отмечает, что развитие идей такого рода привело к отождествлению свободы с разного рода политическими ограничениями, особенно в XIX—XX веках, когда они широко использовались как база для национального самоопределения, демократического самоуправления и коммунистического толкования гуманности. В высшей точке выражения, эти идеи, парадоксальным образом, трактуют свободу индивидуума как форму коллективного контроля, необходимую для самоопределения наций, социальных групп и, возможно, всего человечества. Таким образом, Берлин устанавливает связь между «позитивной» интерпретацией свободы и тоталитаризмом. |
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#63052011-12-21 19:45Does the philosophy itself contribute to extremism? http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=13214874530A14260100&page=0 |
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#63092011-12-21 19:58http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t21C09JiRc4&feature=list_related&playnext=1&list=AVAYMcY2vx8GQVYdupEb1aeJ9msTdoFGh9 Ляпис Трубецкой - Капитал / Lyapis Trubetskoy - Capital «Ляпис Трубецкой - Капитал» Я ем на обед золотые слитки Бриллиантовый десерт, нефтяные сливки Мне имя Вельзевул - хозяин стратосферы Я нереальный кул - мой респект без меры Припев: В левой руке - “Сникерс”, в правой руке - “Марс” Мой пиар-менеджер - Карл Маркс В левой руке - “Сникерс”, в правой руке - “Марс” Мой пиар-менеджер - Карл Маркс Капитал! Капитал! Капитал! Капитал! Я ем города, морями запиваю Моя борода небо заслоняет Гром и молнии, туманы и дожди Мои ботинки лижут министры и вожди Припев В левой руке - “Сникерс”, в правой руке - “Марс” Мой пиар-менеджер - Карл Маркс Мое лицо - Мадонна, внутри из тухлых груш Все на колени! Оркестр, туш! Капитал! Капитал! Капитал! Капитал! |
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#63102011-12-21 19:59http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTkdXoHvizk&feature=related Ляпис Трубецкой "Я Верю" [HQ] Адам и Ева проснулись с утра, Их друг Гелиос гордился работой, Всю неделю будет жара, Дельфийский оракул следил за погодой. Карлик небесный — крылатый колибри — Любил на заре напиться росою, Зебры, кентавры, волки и тигры, Мифы бурлят горной рекою. Я верю в Иисуса Христа, я верю в Гаутаму Будду, Я верю в пророка Мухаммеда, я верю в Кришну, я верю в Гаруду. Я верю в Иисуса Христа, верю в Гаутаму Будду, Я верю Джа, я верю Джа, я верю Джа и верить буду! Хромой Вулкан разводит огонь — Тору нужен кованый молот, Единый Творец держит ладонь Над картой жизни, где будет город. Легенды делают нас мудрей, Мы чувствуем пульс единой Вселенной! Апостол Пётр — хранитель ключей — В волшебном танце с Прекрасной Еленой. Я верю в Иисуса Христа, я верю в Гаутаму Будду, Я верю в пророка Мухаммеда, я верю в Кришну, я верю в Гаруду. Я верю в Иисуса Христа, верю в Гаутаму Будду, Я верю Джа, я верю Джа, я верю Джа и верить буду! Я верю в Иисуса Христа, я верю в Гаутаму Будду, Я верю в пророка Мухаммеда, я верю в Кришну, я верю в Гаруду. Я верю в Иисуса Христа, я верю в Гаутаму Будду, Я верю Джа, я верю в Любовь, я верю в Добро и верить буду! И верить буду! И верить буду! И верить буду! |
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#63112011-12-21 20:01Distribute books. Distribute books. Distribute books. But who is reading the books? Read books. Read books. Read books – but not to be book-wormish. Book-worms go through page after page of a book (or perhaps many books), but to what avail? They superficially ingest mouthfuls only to witlessly defecate upon the very pages so ingested, remaining totally oblivious to the essential rasa-maya import of the sastras. Without practically implementing by sensibly dedicating a substantial portion of life’s time and energy to the direct performance of yuga-dharma hari-nama-sankirtana with a view to achieving the pinnacle of rupanuga-bhajana, what individual or group of individuals can claim to have rightly comprehended and applied the devotional science enunciated in the scriptures proliferated by the Gaudiya Vaisnava acaryas through disciplic succession? ------- Dear prabhus, I seldom if ever feel compelled to enter into the arena of preaching politics, as I more often than not prefer to simply go on with my humble attempt to cry out the Holy Name with a deepening sense of the need for much self improvement, hoping against hope that someone up there will condescend to show unprecedented mercy upon my withering and feeble insignificance. One of our 24 hour kirtana party members, however, brought your worthy dialogue to my attention, which has somehow prompted me to offer my two cents worth into the discussion. I hope you don’t mind. Here, as a matter of food for thought, are a few excerpted lines from something I had previously written along with a few end-notes. As it exceeds the per post character limit, I am posting it as two consecutive posts. Much more could and perhaps should be said from different angles of vision, but I am a very slow writer and so would hence much prefer to discuss at length when you will next trouble yourselves to come to Sri Dhama Vrndavana and personally sit with me. It is an incontestable matter of fact that the mass distribution of transcendental literatures unfolding the principles of bhagavata-dharma for the propagation of raga-bhakti throughout the world is the number one missionary “business” of the Krsna consciousness movement. Only a dull-headed ecclesial anthropoid would speciously conclude otherwise. Still, it should be borne in mind that there is really no mundane dichotomy between the essential message of the scriptures so proliferated and the application of the primary methodology promoted by the scriptures themselves, the congregational chanting of the Holy Name. In fact, the main function of any scripture propagated by the Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya is to convincingly induce the fallen souls to take up the practice of the yuga-dharma, hari-nama-sankirtana, without doing which, one could hardly expect to make much tangible spiritual progress in this present age. We should always remember that Veda Vyasa compiled and wrote down the scriptures with a view to facilitate the less intelligent, fallen people of this Age of Kali, who have relatively short memories and therefore require books as reference material. In previous yugas, there was no pressing need for the written word. The sruti-dharas upon hearing only once could immediately memorize for life the knowledge disseminated through guru-parampara, which specifically emphasized the appropriate process of self-realization appurtenant to the respective yuga circumstantially in progress. Given that scriptural texts were presented specifically for this present Age of Kali, it would be ludicrous to surmise that Vyasadeva’s ultimate conclusion would be in any way divergent from the interest of the kali-yuga-avatara, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, in the matter of widespread propagation of the currently appropriate yuga-dharma, the congregational singing of the Holy Name. One who with great effort obsequiously goes out to bear the task of transcendental book distribution without recognizing this essential intention of the scriptures is like an ass that, lacking much good sense, simply carries the burden of heavy loads of paper and ink. Distribute books. Distribute books. Distribute books. But who is reading the books? Read books. Read books. Read books – but not to be book-wormish. Book-worms go through page after page of a book (or perhaps many books), but to what avail? They superficially ingest mouthfuls only to witlessly defecate upon the very pages so ingested, remaining totally oblivious to the essential rasa-maya import of the sastras. Without practically implementing by sensibly dedicating a substantial portion of life’s time and energy to the direct performance of yuga-dharma hari-nama-sankirtana with a view to achieving the pinnacle of rupanuga-bhajana, what individual or group of individuals can claim to have rightly comprehended and applied the devotional science enunciated in the scriptures proliferated by the Gaudiya Vaisnava acaryas through disciplic succession? The proliferation of transcendental literature is certainly the best advertising front of the Krsna consciousness movement. The idea is to canvass in such a way as to persuade human society’s literate intelligentsia to join the fold of Lord Caitanya’s sankirtana movement on the basis of convincingly sound reason and philosophy. If there is an Absolute Truth and that Absolute Truth is an eternal, all-sentient, all-blissful, all-attractive Person possessed of infinite transcendental forms, qualities, and pastimes exhibiting His unlimited beauty, knowledge, wealth, power, fame, and supreme independence, as can be glimpsed through the scriptures – then certainly His absolute, self-same Holy Names should be deemed most sublime, venerable, and worthy of our individual and congregational total deference and loving surrender. Transcendental book distribution can be compared to a sakhi’s campaign to enlist new girls to become dedicated followers of Maha-bhava-svarupini, Sri Radhika. Certainly, no book distributor in the line of Rupa Gosvami would be caught dead canvassing on behalf of Candravali! Raga Manjari is perhaps the Lord’s best and most reliable messenger, having opted to become His vamsi flute. Knowing the purposes of her svamini’s inner heart, Raga Manjari serves, in the form of the flute, to mercifully break the resolve of Radha’s mana, or jealous pouting, forcefully facilitating the fruition of her mistress’s deepest desires to intimately satisfy Her beloved Syama. She similarly serves to satisfy Radha’s cupidity for expanding the sweet empire of Syama’s amorous diversions, by artfully calling all the new sadhana-siddha-gopis for maha-rasa at Vamsivata, near the Yamuna’s shore. The sadhana-siddha-gopis, possessed of their fully actuated sac-cid-ananda-siddha-deha and the adhikara for directly participating in Radha-Krsna’s prakata-lilas, having risen from the status of ordinary human beings, for the first time enter the sacrificial arena of confidential love dalliances with their beloved Lord through the Vamsivata “gateway” at the time of maha-rasa. It is said that Krsna’s flute, feeling acute pangs of separation from the Lord, manifested in Kali-yuga as Sri Mrdanga to participate in the Lord’s audarya-lilas. The mrdanga principle has expanded its influence by way of appearing as the brhat-mrdanga printing press, which facilitates mass production and proliferation of Vaisnava scriptures. Broadcasted bhagavata-katha by means of transcendental book distribution could, therefore, be suitably likened to the call of Krsna’s flute, which purposely serves to arouse intensified purva-raga, or preliminary attraction in the hearts of the damsels of Vraja. The mercifully extended flute-call (book distribution) magnetically allures the vraja-sundaris (fortunate souls) away from their so-called husbands (all superficially binding mundane considerations) to excitedly dash off to join the rasa dance festivities (hari-nama-sankirtana). Hence, they become progressively more and more qualified and inspired to enter deeply into the intimate nikunja-sevas of the Divine Couple (nama-japa). Again and again they anxiously hearken to the overtures of the flute (bhagavata-kathamrta) and become ever-more-irresistibly enchanted. Again and again they skillfully shake the shackles of household encumbrances to exuberantly sing and dance in rasa-lila delight (hari-nama-sankirtana) in order to transcendentally enrapture the Lord of all supra-mundane conjugal beatitude. Again and again they blissfully receive and personally serve the Divine Couple at their private pleasure groves within the all-enchanting forest of Vraja (hari-nama-japa). What a disappointment! What a let-down! What a treachery! What a sham! If after so much canvassing, if after answering to so much flute-calling (transcendental book distribution), the excited vraja-sundaris (bhakta-gana) find, to their disillusionment, upon arriving at the rasa-mandala (the Hare Krsna movement), no rasa-lila festival (invigorating, publicly demonstrated hari-nama-sankirtana)! If, upon reading the advertisements (Vaisnava sastras) and expectantly joining Lord Caitanya’s hari-nama-sankirtana movement, having been philosophically persuaded [by reading the books] to faithfully surrender to the idea of prosecuting the yuga-dharma, hari-nama-sankirtana, one chances to notice a pitiful dearth of hari-nama-sankirtana painfully persisting among the vast majority of the movement’s members in most corners of the world, would one not wonder as to whether one had in fact actually found Lord Caitanya’s sankirtana movement of the Holy Name? Was it false advertising, or what? The vraja-gopis were not satiated by rasa dancing for the duration of an entire night of Brahma. Similarly, anyone who has gained a grain of regard for kali-yuga-dharma hari-nama-sankirtana would not very much appreciate the extent to which hari-nama-sankirtana has been side-lined and so irresponsibly de-emphasized over the years in Lord Caitanya’s hari-nama-sankirtana movement. Advertising and advertising . . . but what in the name of God are we advertising? Do we have any idea? Have we actually understood? Chanting, dancing, feasting, and philosophy. The philosophy in the books is basically to convince us to chant and dance. Feasting is to energize our chanting and dancing. Chanting and dancing is required for getting a taste for chanting and dancing. Chanting and dancing with a taste for chanting and dancing is actually required to progress to the position of ecstatically chanting and dancing on the stage of preliminary love of Godhead, bhava-siddhi. And chanting and dancing in spontaneous devotional ecstasy on the stage of bhava-siddhi is an absolute prerequisite for chanting and dancing in Lord Caitanya’s eternal prema-sankirtana-lilas in the spiritual sky. http://www.24hourkirtan.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=549;sa=showPosts |
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#63122011-12-21 20:04Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare hare |
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#63132011-12-21 20:05Суд в Томске оскорбляет миллиард индийцев 21 декабря 2011, 16:14 [ «Аргументы Недели» ] Суд в Томске оскорбляет миллиард индийцев web2edu.ru В понедельник 19 декабря нижняя палата индийского парламента неожиданно прервала свою работу. Произошло это после того, как разъярённые депутаты начали кричать с мест, что в России попираются права индуистов: «Мы не дадим оскорблять бога Кришну!» Причиной для такой резкой реакции парламентариев послужил продолжающийся в Томске суд о признании текста книги «Бхагавад-гита как она есть» экстремистским материалом. Процесс был инициирован прокуратурой ещё в июне 2011 года. Если иск будет удовлетворён, то этот перевод индуистского священного писания «Бхагавад-гита» с комментариями внесут в Федеральный список экстремистских материалов. Сейчас в него входит, к примеру, книга А. Гитлера «Майн Кампф». http://www.argumenti.ru/world/n320/145520 |
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#63142011-12-21 20:06"Бхагавад-гита" стала бестселлером в Индии благодаря судебному процессу в Томске http://www.newsru.com/religy/21dec2011/best_gita.html |
Kamal |
#6315 Save Bhagavad-Gita2011-12-21 20:08Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare hare |
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#63162011-12-21 20:08http://prabhupada.org.uk/cult_iskcon.htm SINISTER I.S.K.CON Sinister cult masquerading as I.S.K.CON whose leaders tortured and poisoned Srila Prabhupada "to death" usurped his movement then rubber stamped themselves as his successor gurus. Neglecting all the spiritual guidance Srila Prabhupada gave in his books they are constantly changing his transcendental writings to support their bogus philosophies and corrupt activities. The number one copyrighters try to shut down authorised Prabhupada site for copyright! Recently there has been an attempt to shut down the site PRABHUPADA YOUR EVER WELL WISHER by the number one copyrighters the bbti. Of course this simply reveals that they are feeling the heat of my exposing their rascal book changing etc. How to spot a jealous man in the dress of a Vaisnava We should understand jealousy, what is jealousy. Jealousy means that you are rightful owner of something; I won't allow you to take it. This is jealousy. This is jealousy. Jealousy, try to understand. Suppose you are rightful owner of something, and I am trying that "You don't own it. I shall own it. Or somebody own it. I shall not allow it." This is jealousy. "STICK TO THE SOCIETY" ANOTHER OFFENSIVE MAD ELEPHANT BOOK CHANGE. This is how they brainwash you!!!! This is how your IRM are the slave dogs of the most dangerous elements in human society. While thinking they are reforming they freely drink and distribute the blasphemers poison so faithfully. ARE YOU A SUPPORTER OF SISUPALA ISKCON? If we draw the parallel of the Rajasuya arena and ISKCON then we can see that as Sisupala could not tolerate Krishna been glorified and thus blasphemed him, in the same way these envious souls dressed as devotees cannot tolerate Prabhupada been exclusively glorified as the Guru of Iskcon. Tamal insults Prabhupada on film. When you want to give somebody something, you must give it with the right hand. If you give it by the left hand, it is insult. SRILA PRABHUPADA IS I.S.K.CON.'S DIKSA GURU FOR 10,000 YEARS A DEEPER LOOK INTO SRILA PRABHUPADA'S POISONING, POISONERS AND CONTINUED GURU KILLING BUSINESS. YOU CAN SAY IN A GENTLEMANLY WAY When there are greatest number of similarities of two things, then there can be analogy DON'T TORTURE ME AND PUT TO DEATH "Prabhupada's not following your principles!!" THESE THINGS WILL CAUSE DEATH AT ANY TIME "If we remain silent, then whatever he says, that means we are accepting." SO THERE MAY BE SUCH THINGS "Krsna not only tests but punishes those who are criminals." A humble request to Tamal Krishna dasa HE WAS ALSO SERVED WITH POISON TAMALS CUNNING USURPERS PARTY Tamal is Tamal Krishna Goswami, a.k.a. Thomas Hertzhog, Prime Suspect in the Plot to Murder Krishna Saint, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder- Acarya of the Hare Krishna Movement. The Saintly Founder-Acarya of The Hare Krishna Movement, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, The Spiritual Master of the Universe [Jagat Guru] was poisoned and tortured unto death by a group of [pseudo] disciples in 1977. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE ? THERE IS NO QUESTION OF DIRECT OR INDIRECT IRM, ARE THEY HEARTLESS DEMONS ? IRM'S POISON PAPER: FUTHER CONTRADICTIONS SOME CONTRADICTIONS IN IRM'S POISON PAPER "WHEN A MAN IS POISONED IT IS SAID LIKE THAT" SO THEY MAY KILL ME ALSO Dear Praghosa prabhu THERE IS NOTHING ASTONISHING ABOUT THIS, THE DEMONIAC CAN KILL ANYONE FOR THEIR NEFARIOUS AMBITIONS POISONERS ESCAPE PUNISHMENT BY THE LAW OF THE STATE THEY CANNOT HOWEVER ESCAPE THE LAW OF THE SUPREME Hoy to tai. By Mahesh Prabhu SRILA PRABHUPADA CONFIRMS POISON WHISPERS ! RASCAL GIVING POISON "ALRIGHT LET ME DRINK" "SOMEONE HAS POISONED ME" KAMSA'S POLICY AS SOON AS YOU CHANGE IT THE POTENCY OF THE MOVEMENT IS LOST BECAUSE MATERIAL VIEWPOINT. THE VIEWPOINT IS WRONG; THEREFORE YOU FIND DISCREPANCIES IF THERE ARE NO MORE TEMPLES, THEN THE BOOKS SHALL REMAIN IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS THEN IT IS LOST SRILA PRABHUPADA'S ORIGINAL BOOKS NOW AVAILABLE ! Whatever progress we have made, it is simply to distributing these books Dear Vaiyasaki prabhu THE RASCALS ARE READY TO CHECK THIS MOVEMENT THERE IS NOTHING ASTONISHING ABOUT THIS, THE DEMONIAC CAN KILL ANYONE FOR THEIR NEFARIOUS AMBITIONS Pirating & copyright breaking WE HAVE TO STOP THE SECOND POISONING KEEP THIS SUN ALWAYS SHINING. THEN THESE GLOWWORMS WILL BE FINISHED. Web Statistics and Counters |
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#63172011-12-21 20:09http://prabhupada.org.uk/bogus_gaudi.htm NARAYANA MAHARAJA AND THE GAUDIYA MATHA The Gaudiya Matha was founded by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami [Srila Prabhupada's spiritual master] who was also poisoned by his Judas disciples who then went on to rubber stamped themselves as his successor gurus and thus destroy his society. Narayana Maharaja is a rubber stamped guru from this Gaudiya Matha who tells his followers [the burnt out remnants from sinister I.S.K.CON.] he is the representative of Srila Prabhupada and saviour of I.S.K.CON. Fact is he offends Srila Prabhupada and contradicts his teachings with his Mayavada philosophy. NARAYANA MAHARAJA DEFEATED BY LESS THAN NEOPHYTE DEVOTEE! Narayana Maharaja's statements [personal opinion] that Lord Kalki is not coming is complete speculation and against the authority of Srimad Bhagavatam and Srila Prabhupada!!! The scripture means the statement of liberated holy man. What is Bible? Scripture. Why the scripture? It is fully contains the instruction of sadhu, holy man, or spiritual master, Lord Jesus Christ, therefore is scripture. The scripture means the statement of liberated holy man. NNV EXPOSES NARAYANA MAHARAJA AND HIS FOLLOWERS THERE IS NOTHING INCOMPLETE IN THE INSTRUCTIONS OF SRILA PRABHUPADA THAT CALL FOR GOING ELSEWHERE, PARTICULARLY TO PERSONS OUTSIDE OF SRILA PRABHUPADA'S MOVEMENT. SIMPLY PUT, NARAYAN MAHARAJA DOES NOT PREACH FAVORABLY CONCERNING SRILA PRABHUPADA, BUT INSTEAD BEGINS WITH PRAISE AND ENDS WITH SCORN. THIS IS IN EVERY LECTURE. AND CAN BE DOCUMENTED HUNDREDS OF TIMES! AS SOON AS THERE IS MAYAVADI ATTACK NARAYANA MAHARAJA - THAT IS DEVIATION THAT IS THE WAY OF ALL DIPLOMATIC TRANSACTIONS "somebody has written something and he is also writing the same thing no." THE BLACK GORILLA THE JUMPING OVER MONKEY Baby Black Gorilla The spiritual master is the transparent medium, although it is true that the experience is direct. (THE JUMPING OVER MONKEY Part 2) ONE SHOULD NOT REPEAT JUST LIKE MY GODBROTHERS. THEY ARE DEAD MEN MARYADA-VYATIKRAMA IF YOU WORSHIP A RASCAL, THEN YOUR LIFE IS SPOILED. THEY ARE NOT EVEN ORDINARY HUMAN BEING THEY ARE DRESSING LIKE VAISNAVA, AND THEY ARE SO ENVIOUS KALKI IS COMING CUTTING THROATS AVOIDING REPEATING THE GAUDIYA MATHA BREAKDOWN Web Statistics and Counters Site Meter |
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#63182011-12-21 20:09This is gross violation of human rights for Hindus all over the world. Hindus have always believed and worked for peace in world. We will not accept it at any cost and willing to fight for it. |
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#63192011-12-21 20:10http://prabhupada.org.uk/bogus_pada.htm P.A.D.A. A small group of burnt remnants of sinister I.S.K.CON. led by Puranjana dasa who's supposed aim is to defend Prabhupada from defamation (Prabhupada Anti Defamation Association) but who actually work with various blasphemers who blame Srila Prabhupada for the crimes of sinister I.S.K.CON. Why do say that Turleyґs accusations against SP--that he knew about and covered up the molesting, etc.--are "nominal"? This is beyond my comprehension, because you are very intelligent, and must realize the severity of such statements. SRILA PRABHUPADA IS I.S.K.CON.'S DIKSA GURU FOR 10,000 YEARS P.A.D.A. - THAT IS DEVIATION "Prabhupada's not following your principles!!" IT IS ALREADY TACTFUL So why don't you do that?..You just kick on his face. In this way, make some counter-propaganda THE MOST VIRULENT TYPE OF VIOLENCE A gentleman, if he commits some mistake, he admits AND The persistent rascal PADA guru-tyagi's The Betrayal of Sri PADA Acarya A DEVOTEE SHOULD NEVER MAKE COMPROMISES WITH NONDEVOTEES "Why do I have to compromise with Turley or Nityananda to get things done?" PURANJANA'S BETRAYAL OF SULOCANA PRABHU GURU BUISNESS CHAPTER FIVE JUST TO CHASTISE THE EVIL-DOERS ...BUT IF THERE IS NO SOLUTION, WE MUST ACT. VERY NOMINAL or EXTREMELY SEVERE ? WHEN KRSNA OR HIS PURE DEVOTEE IS BLASPHEMED, A GENUINE DEVOTEE BECOMES ANGRY AND ACTS LIKE FIRE AGAINST THE OFFENDERS. Dear Damaghosa prabhu Foolish rascals or what ? Web Statistics and Counters Site Meter |
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#63202011-12-21 20:10http://prabhupada.org.uk/bogus_irm.htm I.R.M. Another small group of burnt remnants of sinister I.S.K.CON. who claim they can reform this cult of killers. To make this theory sound plausible they write articles of word jugglery and speculation that try to cover Srila Prabhupada's various statements like "Someone has poisoned me". In this way they make the offence of interpreting Srila Prabhupada's transcendental words and defend the demons who tortured and poisoned him "to death". It is a fact however that the great sinister movement [Illuminati] is within our Society Srila Prabhupada is very precise with his usage of words and he says the word "movement" which is not just one or two individuals. In fact not just a movement but THE GREAT SINISTER MOVEMENT What is the great sinister movement in this world? It is the Illuminati Srila Prabhupada confirms the poison whispers! Whether or not there is an margin of error on forensic tests, Srila Prabhupada's senses are perfect and beyond the errors of a conditioned soul. He says "I do not know, but it is said." "STICK TO THE SOCIETY" ANOTHER OFFENSIVE MAD ELEPHANT BOOK CHANGE. This is how they brainwash you!!!! This is how your IRM are the slave dogs of the most dangerous elements in human society. While thinking they are reforming they freely drink and distribute the blasphemers poison so faithfully. ARE YOU A SUPPORTER OF SISUPALA ISKCON? If we draw the parallel of the Rajasuya arena and ISKCON then we can see that as Sisupala could not tolerate Krishna been glorified and thus blasphemed him, in the same way these envious souls dressed as devotees cannot tolerate Prabhupada been exclusively glorified as the Guru of Iskcon. Srila Prabhupada's Silence Confirms His Poisoning and the IRM Deviation. The IRM have written various papers in which they infiltrate materially concocted ideas into Srila Prabhupada's clear statements about someone poisoning him. The goal of this paper is defend the transcendental words of His Divine Grace from such offensive interpretations, expose this deviant IRM cult and thus help any unfortunate souls who are a member of it. IRM is not a separate movement or entity to, nor outside of, ISKCON, in any way, but a 'DEVIATION within a DEVIATION' "The IRM is a temporary vehicle that exists only to promote positive change throughout today's ISKCON. It will cease to exist once Srila Prabhupada is restored as ISKCON'S sole Diksa Guru. It is not a separate movement or entity to, nor outside of, ISKCON, in any way, but a 'movement within a movement', that will work for the renewal, rectification, and revival of the larger Society." IRM, THE DOMAIN OF RASCALS. Anything change means it is the domain of rascals, pandemonium. Just like in Manu-samhita it is said that, nasyam svatantratam arhati, women should not be given independence. Once said, that is fact. If you want to change, you suffer. That's all. Prabhupada Killers taking steps to reunite the family of Srila Prabhupada's followers??? On July 20th, at the Toronto Rathayatra, a group of senior devotees met with His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami [Prabhupada killer] to discuss the steps that need to be taken by the leaders of ISKCON [killers of Prabhupada's physical form and spiritual instructions (books)] to reunite the family of Srila Prabhupada’s followers" writes one IRM leader, Locanananda dasa YOU CAN SAY IN A GENTLEMANLY WAY When there are greatest number of similarities of two things, then there can be analogy I.R.M. - THAT IS DEVIATION DON'T TORTURE ME AND PUT TO DEATH "If we remain silent, then whatever he says, that means we are accepting." So why don't you do that?..You just kick on his face. In this way, make some counter-propaganda SOME CONTRADICTIONS IN IRM'S POISON PAPER IRM'S POISON PAPER: FUTHER CONTRADICTIONS WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE ? THERE IS NO NEED FOR ANY COURT JUDGEMENT THERE IS NO QUESTION OF DIRECT OR INDIRECT IRM, ARE THEY HEARTLESS DEMONS ? AS IN THE PADDY FIELD THE UNNECESSARY PLANTS ARE TAKEN OUT. REFORM BY PUNISHMENT IRM'S POISON PAPER "Smells of political diplomacy" SRILA PRABHUPADA SAYS ABOUT HIS LECTURE TAPES "THIS IS THE PURPORT OF THIS VERSE" ALL OF US SHOULD HEAR HIM PATIENTLY IF WE LISTEN TO THE TRANSCENDENTAL SOUND WITHOUT UNNECESSARY OPPOSITION HE WILL SURELY HAVE MERCY ON US ALL OF US SHOULD HEAR PRABHUPADA BANNED AT I.R.G. MEETING Web Statistics and Counters Site Meter |
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#63212011-12-21 20:11http://prabhupada.org.uk/bogus_kapi.htm THE HARE KRISHNA SOCIETY This little cult with leaders like Kapindra Swami make a good show of pushing on Srila Prabhupada's mission but have actually attacked those who have tried to defend Srila Prabhupada from the blasphemous propaganda of P.A.D.A and his associates. They have even cut pages from Srila Prabhupada's authorised autobiography to keep good relations with P.A.D.A. In essence this cult is P.A.D.A. with a nice public relations front. [Note: Kapindra Swami sincerely regrets his mistakes and has changed his view. He is now in Oregon with his own land and aims to get some cows soon] The official reply by the Hare Krishna Society to my article: THE FALSE REFORMERS OF "THE HARE KRISHNA SOCIETY" THE FALSE REFORMERS OF "THE HARE KRISHNA SOCIETY" IT IS ALREADY TACTFUL A gentleman, if he commits some mistake, he admits AND The persistent rascal PADA guru-tyagi's HAS THE "SWAMI" TITLE GONE TO KAPINDRA'S HEAD "QUARTERS" ? Web Statistics and Counters Site Meter |
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#63222011-12-21 20:11http://prabhupada.org.uk/bogus_korg.htm KRISHNA ORG. Another small cult led by Madhudvisa dasa who are close associates of P.A.D.A and The Hare Krishna Society. Their particular deviation is to strongly preach that one of them can become Prabhupada's successor. In this way they minimise Srila Prabhupada's exalted status and reject the clear evidence that His Divine Grace will be the Initiating Spiritual Master for the current Golden age of 10,000 years. SRILA PRABHUPADA IS I.S.K.CON.'S DIKSA GURU FOR 10,000 YEARS MUDHADVISA [ENVIOUS ASS] Web Statistics and Counters |
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#63242011-12-21 20:15दिवि सूर्य सहस्रस्य भवेद्युगपदुत्थिता । यदि भाः सदृशी सा स्याद्भासस्तस्य महात्मनः ॥ ११-१२॥ गीता आकाशात ज्याप्रमाणे सहस्रो सूर्यांचे तेज एकदम प्रकटल्यावर ज्याप्रमाणे देदीप्यमान तेज आविर्भूत होते, त्याप्रमाणेच हे राजन, त्या परब्रह्म स्वरूप माहात्म्याचे श्रीकृष्णाचे तेज होते. |
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